i know of 3, 2 now passed away & 1 now borderline jw
plus 1 other I suspect as being one, but no proof
i was just thinking that out of the 200 jws that i actually know, at least 4 of them to my knowledge are pedophiles.
i know for a fact, through personal confidences.
that means, as far as my circle of jovo friends/acquaintances goes, 2% of them are kiddy fiddlers.. without mentioning names or details, how many do you know of for a certainty to be pedos, and what percentage does it work out at, considering all your circle of jovo friends?.
i know of 3, 2 now passed away & 1 now borderline jw
plus 1 other I suspect as being one, but no proof
final witness*.
air date: wednesday, july 11, 2012. time slot: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm est on abc.
wish it was on here in australia
<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } p { margin-bottom: 0.08in } a:link { so-language: zxx } --> hi everyone:.
i am armageddon messenger, the one that jesus said he would send to tell "you" the things coming.-john 16:12-14. .
as it should be expected, the governing body of jw's are not willing and will not accept me as a "prophet" because according to them, jehovah only communicates trough them.... .
another one
ernest borgnine, the beefy screen star known for blustery, often villainous roles, but who won the best-actor oscar for playing against type as a lovesick butcher in marty in 1955, died sunday.
he was 95.. .
another one gone, so many celebs in the last couple of months
folks here all have one thing in common: they are somehow associated with jws, either were one, are married to one, have a relative who is one, has a romantic interest in one, are are currently one.
perhaps you are not one, but something about jws bugs you enough to have found this forum, and read it and contribute to it.
what brought you here?
firefox & google LOL
if i understand it correctly, strollers are not allowed at us conventions.. in sweden, a letter was written to the congregation, introducing this new rule.
however, quite a few families wrote letters to the society,.
asking if they wanted families with children to attend the assemblies or not... it was stated that they would not go unless strollers were allowed.. the society pulled back, allowing strollers in designated areas.. in norway, they didn t even bother to introduce the rule in the first place... .
My last ass-embly was when my eldest was only a baby (now 23) and even then they were limiting the use of strollers, pissed me and my then wife off. those dumbass mentally deseased pricks at the top
thanks skin
interesting to see those pics, i have never been inside the grounds, i was starting my fade by the time construction started around 85/86
she is a very pretty personal trainer and she likes my pics too.
life is to short to worry about such minor things, go for it
remodeling is being done on the kh in my area.. friends have come to me inquiring about the remodeling.. it,s been two months.
first they ask , why no windows.. i told them some kh have windows.
soon after windows.
i used to look out the window and daydream for about 2 hours
i loved it!
but then, it went right along with my own personal beliefs concerning mankind's origins, so i'm a little biased.. wondering what a religious person's thoughts would be?.
yes, in 3d, great movie, agree pretty much what smiddy said