JoinedPosts by finallysomepride
Friday Fun Post 9/14/12
by OnTheWayOut init's friday.
post a video or photo or something funny or whatever.
start your weekend attitude with this post:.
Did you have to try another church or religion on your way to unbelief?
by donny inback in 1992 when i was slowly extricating my way out of the wacthtower, there was no internet, smart phones or any other type of quick data download available.
i had basically 3 choices to obtain viewpoints from ex-jw's.. #1 - go to go to the library and look for books critical of the society.
#2 - go to a christian book store to look for the same.. #3 - order item like these from addresses or phone numbers listed in the back of these publications.. and while doing any of these things, you were always looking over your shoulder to see if any "brothers" were around.. the problem i experienced is that virtually all of these books, while giving you good reason to doubt the watchtower, always pointed to "christendom" as the way you needed to go.
straight road out of jwland into nonbelieverland
Your LAST door
by RAYZORBLADE injust curious.
would anyone like to share, if they feel like it, their memory of the last door they ever knocked on?
i was with about 3 or 4 other people, all sisters.
I don't remember my last door, but i do remember my last day, a cold wet november day in 1983, location Avondale, Auckland, New Zealand
ops wrong year 1981
by tresdecu in...and i will destroy you and your family if you do not join an obscure religion formed in the 19th century by a weirdo with a goofy looking beard.. .
sorry, just blowing off a little steam.
on the 8th day god created NFL
on the 9th day he realised his mistake and replaced it with Rugby
Brothers playing sports are so aggressive.
by Kaiser inthis summer i started to play football(soccer) with "wordly" people.
it s been so nice and relaxing without flashovers.. contrast for playing with witnesses is huge!
here is couple examples of witnesses games from where i live:.
Yeah seen that, in new zealand rugby was the game, extremely rough, I gave up participating early as these games were rediculous, many many injuries in what was supposed to be a friendly game between bros, one bro recieved a broken leg that to this day (30 years) still gives him major problems
Mature Dating UK - Surely this isn't for real.
by cofty inthis advert appears every time i click on the active topics link.
please make it stop.... .
mine is better lookin than yours
Latest news on the new
by rip van winkle inup and running for 1 week.
started with 139 languages.
currently 155 languages.
Dammit... I forgot to turn in my time!
me too 30 years in a row
Help me make this video go viral!
by iamwhoiam inplease visit this site and give this submission a thumbs up and a good comment or two.
keep if fun and light hearted...i wan't to see it on national television..
deleted or no longer available
Cats and Dogs should not be spayed or neutered!
by IMHO ina controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).. .
i think it's wrong to spay or neuter.
i bet most of you will disagree.. my vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed..
Cats and dogs most definitely should be spayed or neutered unless you are going to responsibly breed them.
I totally agree
by JamesThomas inhave you ever seen those videos where someone puts a lighter to their butt and lights a fart on fire?
you see this little poof, and then it's gone.. .
well, i was outside last night and decided to do the same.. .