Okage--thanks for that insight. I've read some Superman comics, but not enough to be an expert. I was left disturbed by the ending. I thought he was supposed to inspire hope. How does he do that by snapping Zod's neck?
Instead of the staple of Pa Kent dying of a heart attack/not dying at all, he goes out in a pathetic attempt at plot advancement. And when he tells Clark not to use his abilities or he'd be viewed as a freak, it slandered the character of Pa Kent.
Yeah--this was a major point for me that was like...my first thought was, There is no way in hell that Clark Kent would've stood there and let his father die rather than reveal his powers. Even people who've watched 'Smallville' would've known that Clark Kent would have found a way. (As many laughably absurd, teen-soap moments as 'Smallville' had, I absolutely love the show, used to have marathons of watching it all the time.) That was a huge point where I said, whoa, this isn't like the Superman that I know.
Pa Kent would NEVER have suggested Clark let a bunch of kids die rather than reveal his powers, either. If there's one thing Jonathan Kent instilled in Clark, it's that you've got to help people if you can. You've got to do the right thing. The world's beliefs would've had to be worked out later. Of course he didn't want Clark to be a show-off about it, but saving a life was what really mattered. Jonathan would've been proud of Clark for doing that. Save a life--yes. Use super-speed to score a touchdown for the football team? No.
Man, I guess I didn't even notice that "Jenny" was--WHAT THE--a FEMALE JIMMY OLSEN????? Huh??? So that's who that was? Oh my Zod. I almost don't want to see the movie now... They could've made it Penny White and cast Angela Bassett. Why not? She can be Amanda Waller AND Perry White in the DC Movie Universe! Okay, also, it was pretty insulting, I think, to cast a British guy for SUPERMAN, THE All-American hero. I can't think of anything more illogical--wait, I can. They could've cast Samuel L. Jackson in a bad wig as Superman. "Stop, motherf-----! Or I'll snap your motherf---ing neck! STOP!" Random? Yes. Sorry.
When Superman Returns came around, I was excited. It was the first Superman movie to come out since I was born (because nobody counts Quest For Peace) and when that kid threw a piano, my heart sank and I felt like Hollywood betrayed Superman's mythos. And then Superman blatantly allowed some other guy to keep raising his bastard child and I felt so very betrayed. Other than that, it was still a good Superman movie.
What? Nobody counts Quest for Peace? Who doesn't love Nuclear Man, ha ha ha! Superman Returns gave me a headache the first time I saw it, but certainly the kid was kind of a uh...what? moment. I did enjoy Kevin Spacey's turn as Lex Luthor, and I thought Superman picking up the huge land mass was a pretty classic scene (as was him landing the airplane in the baseball field at the beginning). There were good moments there, but Superman-as-deadbeat-dad was not such a good moment. Also, after watching Superman II again, I realized how stupid 'Returns' was--Superman had just finished being away, and reassured the President at the end of Superman II that he wouldn't go away again, and then he goes away. For five years.
When the next movie comes out, there won't be a word about how killing someone was going too far. Because, you know, he'll kill the badguy in THAT movie too.
And therein lies the deathstroke to the movie's future. Just a simple change in the ending would've saved it for me, even allowing the other glaring deviations from Superman mythology. I can't see them doing another film and just ignoring this, but the fact that they did it really messes up the entire DC cosmos if they were planning to expand into Justice League or bring Batman in league with Superman. I may not know Superman, but I definitely know Batman comics. And there is no way in hell Batman will team up with a Superman who will kill. Batman would be trying to find a way to stop Superman the moment he heard the news.
...Which means....
....If they reboot Batman, he's going to kill the bad guy, too. It's the next logical step. Wonder if Tim Burton's busy...
By the way, I wouldn't say Superman in 'Man of Steel' has no code--rather, he has a code that applies only to him, apparently. Maybe they'll end the film series with him joining Darkseid and turning Earth into a New Apokolips or something, ha ha ha...