Yeah, I'll reiterate what I said on the thread Nosferatu mentioned--the Assembly Hall in my area also has the JW.ORG logo on it--that blue square logo. I was just out there yesterday to take my family to the assembly. So it's happening.
what the hell is going on here?
i drove past the assembly hall today and noticed the square blue signs on the building.
coupled with the steel gate that keeps worldlings out, it really looks quite cultish.. so is that the new name for the kingdom halls or something?
so i have been told that all kingdom halls are to have a large sign placed prominently out the front..... can anyone confirm this?.
dear brothers:.
re: personal literature supply.
reducing existing stock at the branch office before the revisions are released.
If they are admitting that the current books are out of date and new versions with updated "truth" (in other words, it wasn't "truth" to begin with) are about to be released, they are clearly admitting that they offer false or defective information to their readers.
As overt an admission as you'll ever get from them that they don't care about teaching people the truth at all. Or maybe they can rationalize it by saying, well, *most* of it is still 'the truth', so why delay giving it out on account of a little information that has already been adjusted? If the person is really interested, they'll find out the adjusted teaching anyway. No sense in wasting a good book, right?
click "premium download".
You all forget that this is obvious to us because we are awaken,
Forget? Not at all. But sometimes it's good to say it again, especially for those who might be lurking right now and thinking the same things.
click "premium download".
The explanation of the 'prodigal son' illustration stands out to me. They mention that returning to the organization--by their own words--can be "embarrassing". Well, who made it embarrassing? You were the ones who designed the system to shame people. The father of the prodigal son doesn't put shame on his son, he welcomes him back with open arms and throws a party! No embarrassment there. It's the self-righteous other son who wants to shame the prodigal. There's a giant mental blank where they skip over how vastly different this illustration is from how the organization operates.
Also, the kid who stayed out late playing pool and violent computer games is pretty hilarious. Seriously? That's the worst you could come up with? Is their goal to protect kids from playing pool and Call of Duty? I'm sure that's what Jesus had in mind when he appointed the 'faithful slave'. He must be relieved.
black perosn beats up black girl for being too white or white people rapes another witness.. .
who f**king cares you morons.!.
let me explains.
We've got to learn to see people as individuals and not just as part of a group. Focus on what they do and who they really are, and not just what they look like. That's the way I see it.
**this was predicted from some members here**.
to all congregations .
re: adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements .
I guess I need to be on here more often. I found out about this first from my wife, like last weekend! Clearly, I'm not keeping up with Jehovah's celestial chariot...
bucket shop bill has a thread in which they are "counseled" for something, that ends up not even being true.
instead of the elder who made the accusation apologizing to them, they are made to feel like they should appreciate his overexuberence.. it struck me that this is a common tactic.
here is a story of my own.
Now that is a classic moment. Thank you for sharing this. Everybody needs to read this thread.
for me personally:.
watchtower - don't sin, don't question, don't think, don't reason, don't leave, or god will kill you in hell the big a.. bible - all dysfunction aka the "bad news" has been legally defeated by the "good news".. (i believe we are therefore free to begin naturally and progressively transitioning from a primitive type-0 civilisation if and when we choose to and when consensus reaches critical mass.
we will become a more advanced type-1 civilisation in the next 100 years according to michio kaku in "physics of the future".).
Watchtower--Follow the ones Jesus appointed in 1919, we're the only ones who preach and correctly understand the Bible, obey or die
Bible--Follow Jesus, holy spirit helps you understand the Bible, anyone who preaches another gospel (like one involving Jesus returning in 1914) is accursed, obey or die
this might be my last post.
i've had quite a few things on my mind over the past few years, mainly my belief in god.
i've tried to move on from the jw past but that's really being foolish.
I've struggled with the concept of finding a new 'normal' myself, bro. It took a lot of reading, a LOT of reading, to really get me to find a little more peace and perspective on my situation. It was therapy that probably got my mind thinking enough about myself that I could ask the questions I needed, but most of that was before I woke up, believe it or not. After, a lot of that was good friends I could trust. People who'd suffered and knew what it was to be part of this cult and what it does to you. Fact is, even though I'm not on here as much, these guys, you guys, are as close as I've gotten to having a new set of family and friends to fill the void.
Maybe on some level, that's a shame. I wouldn't wish that on you, because there's a lot you probably have to offer to others who haven't had this kind of experience. I think a big part of finding normalcy is restoring your own self-image. Being able to look in the mirror and see someone more than just an ex-cult member or the pain or damage that caused. The more you question everything and look for answers, the easier it'll become to separate yourself from the cult and its mindset. I'd recommend some time with philosophy and science and even theological studies of Christianity if that floats your boat. Any big question you might have--it could be good to find a new set of answers, you know?
It is tough. I, too, felt the pain with the news about Robin Williams. I can understand wanting to call it quits, because I've been in that place before. I get mad at myself for my mistakes and for things I'd still like to do differently in life as it is now. But it takes patience to find your way after something so earth-shattering happens. But you can find your way.
As time passes, you'll get more in touch with your authentic self and be able to figure out what it is you want to do and be from where you are now. Don't compare yourself to people who have never been in a cult--or even people who have been in a cult. You're an individual and it's not a race. You have to fill your life with something other than 'I was in a cult'. That'll look you in the face each day most likely. I just saw a pair of guys wearing badges this morning. It won't go away, but it will get better. It may ebb and flow from time to time as something triggers the old pain, but you can manage that with time and experience.
I wish there were easy answers I could give, but I'm not really the guy I'd point to as an example of how to get out of a cult successfully. I'm sure there are better folks here who have already said things you'll find more useful. I'm not in your neck of the woods, but I wouldn't mind it if you wrote me or what have you. I'm no jamiebowers, but...maybe I can be of some help.