I can't tell you how much your web site has helped me and some of my family. We are trying to get out of this cult with the least amount of harm to the family. It's been a very difficult road. I'm so happy that Lee will have this colum. It will be a help to many. I can't wait untill the day when I can come out of the kingdom hall closet. Keep up the important work.
JoinedPosts by jwfaith33
A New Column on Freeminds
by Lady Lee inrandy and i have been discussing a daily column briefly focusing on recovery issues for ex-jws.
i am very pleased to announce our plans to work together on this endeavor.. monday to friday i will have a new column posted on the front page - (right side of the page and scroll down).
http://www.freeminds.org/ .
Memorial 2010 Your Experiences
by scotinsw injust got back from memorial.
only went so that i could say to my parents that i had gone and to remind myself why i left.. oh my word!!!
it was sooooo painful.. got there a bit late - it was a couple of minutes into the talk.
I was forced to sit and listen to the man that emotionally molested my daughter. It was hell. I had to go because I'm in danger of losing the rest of my family. The elders are after me . I felt like breaking something when I got home. It really was torture. After I help my children to see that this is a destructive cult and I can be sure they are out too then I am going to publish my disassociation letter in the local news and I'm going to include the account of how they emotionally abused my daughter. I have notes on it. I'm going to include all the information about their dealings with the UN. I have emails from the UN and I'll include them. I'm going to challenge JW parents to look their child in the eye and tell them that they will let them die because Jehovah wants them to. I don't care what it costs. If my local paper won't publish it I'll find one that will.
The trouble with fading as your leaving strategy
by eyesthatsee inwhatever your chosen strategy for leaving jws, the fundamental truth is that there is no clean / simple exit.
the mind control, the manipulation of normal family relationships etc will make any strategy very difficult at times.
the key issue is to know this ahead of time and be prepared, as best you can.. we've all chosen leaving strategies acording to our personal circumstances, preferences and learning from others.
I'm trying to fade but the elders want to talk. I have a feeling things are changing for faders. I think the organization is on to us. I know someone in Brooklyn checks the internet for info on us. They know what's up now. So who knows how they will start dealing with us. I'm just trying not to get df'ed . I need time to get my kids out. It seems to be doing some good. I just hope I can hold on.
A Little Light is a Little Dark.
by jwfaith33 inthe watchtower society claims that all their changed beliefs have scriptural backing since the path of the righteous one is like a bright light that gets lighter and lighter until the day dawns.
so gods people today cannot be expected to have the correct understanding on the scriptures.
of course the watchtower society wont use the word correct.
since the Watchtower uses the excuse that their understanding is like a bright light that gets brighter untill full understanding is attained then they are saying that they are in at least some darkness
A Little Light is a Little Dark.
by jwfaith33 inthe watchtower society claims that all their changed beliefs have scriptural backing since the path of the righteous one is like a bright light that gets lighter and lighter until the day dawns.
so gods people today cannot be expected to have the correct understanding on the scriptures.
of course the watchtower society wont use the word correct.
The Watchtower Society claims that all their changed beliefs have scriptural backing since the path of the righteous one is like a bright light that gets lighter and lighter until the day dawns. So God’s people today cannot be expected to have the correct understanding on the scriptures. Of course the Watchtower Society won’t use the word correct. Here’s how they explain it. God’s people can’t’ be expected to have a full understanding until the New System. In either case the argument exist that if God’s people today have to change their beliefs from time to time as the light get’s brighter, then wouldn’t that hold true for God’s people in the first century? How can we be sure that their understanding on matters was fully correct? The Watchtower society applies the (righteous one) in that scripture to God’s People. So it would have to apply to God’s People in the first congregations. So then how can we be sure that serious issues like the blood issue which was debated in the first century was the full understanding? How can we be sure that the disfellowshipping arrangement was fully understood? It would not be just for God to give first century Christians a full understanding so that they would never change beliefs and leave God’s people today in a confused state. The issue of blood and disfellowshipping are two issues that involve life and true worship. If the path of the righteous one is not clear then why are we destroying families, faith, and lives in our unyielding course to make rules from the principals of the Hebrew Scriptures? God is not so unjust so as to leave us without clear unchanging beliefs. We cannot put our trust in men that hide their error with scripture.
To you what was the Watchtower Socity's biggest lie ?
by The Almighty Homer inyes, what was the biggest lie that you can think of, that persuaded you to realize that they were not who they said they were ?.
for myself it would have to be the year they picked as the destruction of ancient jerusalem 607 bc.. i have an assumption this was done purposely to coincide correctly with making 1914 an a important pivotal date.
in human history, which by all factual evidence it was not.. unassuming and deceiving manipulation for self marketing purposes.
The biggest lie for me was that they Watchtower Organization pretends to love the sheep. I think they they love sheep in the same way wolves do, For Lunch!
DR James Penton ...W.T. History on dialogue tonight Sat. Nov.28,2009
by koolaid-man indr. james penton, author of apocalypse delayed and jehovah's witnesses and the third reich will be richard rowe's guest on the dialogue program.
dialogue can be heard on the six screens telenetwork.
you can listen to this program by dialing 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. the program will begin at 6:45p.m.
I really appreciated DR Penton's visit on the call. He seems to be an intelligent and caring man. When he said" that he was ashamed of ever sitting on a judicial commitee, I almost cried. Just to hear someone express sorry for such abuse made me feel like there is hope. Thank you DR. Penton.
this is a thread to anull our baptisium...
by highdose ini'll start:.
the borg makes a big deal out of the fact that everyone choses of their own free choice to be baptised, so on that same basis i see no reason why i can't chose to anul it.. i highdose here by anull my baptisium to the borg on the basis that:1) i had been both brain washed and pressured in to doing it 2) i did not understand what i was joining 3) i was a child 4) i never said my baptismal vows anyway 4)had i waited till i was adult i would never have gotten baptised.. therefore my baptisum is invaild ( not worth the paper its written on so to speak) i never was a jw, i'm not now and i don't intend to be ever in the future.. ...there that feels alot better!
would anyone care to join me?.
can't we just say that I did'nt answer Yes at my baptism talk.