Acording to the WTS own website in 2012 they sold off 20 branch headquaters around the world
JoinedPosts by pepperheart
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - WT buildings in Brooklyn shown in clip
by Scully insee the video clip, at approx 2:55 in this segment:.
i don't know what it means that donald trump's son-in-law's father (charles kushner) bought those buildings, but thought it was interesting..
Cuts since 2012
by pepperheart ini know that on paper the watchtower have about 8 million members but what if lots of them are just around so they dont get shunned and dont give any money in the box..they have been making cuts for a long time and in 2012 they closed 20 branch offices around the world,of course some people are giving lots of, money but they have to find the money for from 40 and 60 million magazaines a month..
I know that on paper the watchtower have about 8 million members but what if lots of them are just around so they dont get shunned and dont give any money in the box..They have been making cuts for a long time and in 2012 they closed 20 branch offices around the world,Of course some people are giving lots of, money but they have to find the money for from 40 and 60 million magazaines a month.
news... From ITALY
by biblexaminer inan old friend, a "brother" called from italy.
updated on a few things.. most interestingly, he said they just had their final assembly at their "beautiful assembly hall".. why would it be the final assembly?
because it's sold!.
I know that on paper the watchtower have about 8 million people on their books but how many people are there just so that they dont get shunned and dont give any money in the box that would explain a great deal of things
Yet another kingdom hall being sold off
by pepperheart inhi acording to a property website called rightmove a kingdom hall in dawlish devon is being sold off.. another poster has told us that in liverpool two more kingdom halls are being sold off, so this has been a good week .
What is really nice is that the watchtowe has to do this even after making so many other cuts and for so many years as well
Yet another kingdom hall being sold off
by pepperheart inhi acording to a property website called rightmove a kingdom hall in dawlish devon is being sold off.. another poster has told us that in liverpool two more kingdom halls are being sold off, so this has been a good week .
Hi acording to a property website called rightmove a kingdom hall in dawlish devon is being sold off.
another poster has told us that in liverpool two more kingdom halls are being sold off, so this has been a good week
My Old Kingdom Hall being merged with TWO other congregations!
by pale.emperor inthis can only be a good sign.. my old congregation in liverpool has had a lot of money in it's bank account for years.
for a long, long time (almost 8 years) they've been looking for land to build a new hall.
the one they're in now is literally falling to bits.
Its strange that they are selling two kingom halls off when each month they have already stopped printing between 40 and 60 million you think they might be a bit short of money LOL
The carts or trolleys are going to be around for a long time yet
by pepperheart ini say that because it works for both the people doing field service and the watchtower.
for the people its easier standing than having to walk and you can have a chat with other jws as well.
for the watchtower they tell the drones that the general public must make the first move(to stop the general public complaining about being pestered) but in doing so it means that they are not giving many magazines etc away but that suits the watchtower because magazines and even single page trats cost money and that seems to be one thing that the watchtower dont have .
I say that because it works for both the people doing field service and the watchtower
for the people its easier standing than having to walk and you can have a chat with other jws as well
For the watchtower they tell the drones that the general public must make the first move(to stop the general public complaining about being pestered) but in doing so it means that they are not giving many magazines etc away but that suits the watchtower because magazines and even single page trats cost money and that seems to be one thing that the watchtower dont have
“Well…it was a test”, says a laid-off Bethelite
by My Name is of No Consequence ini got this account second hand.
a former bethelite was reassigned to a local congregation.
he had been at bethel for years and is now in his fifties.
dreamerdude could you ask the couple if the end of the world is just around the corner Hee Hee why didnt the watchtower keep you on at bethel to do field service for 50 hours a week rather than kicking you out so that you have to get a job
New Tactic for Jehovah's Witnesses
by compound complex inbbc's comments on the trolley/cart work:.
Acoeding to the jw year book in 2016 in the uk 26 people got" baptised".
Aren't you a bit amazed that the WTS/JWS is still around ?
by Finkelstein ini know i am, to me its a bit of a peculiar anomaly that the wts is still around and functioning in reflection of its decades and now complete century that the wts has been bullshitting to people .
organizations like the church of god have shrunk dramatically from its heyday of the 1980's, this too was another organization that spread and grew by publishing its own magazine proclaiming a armageddon soon doctrine and its main publication was called " the truth " .
i'm guessing some of this has to do with the fact that people who get lured into this cult aren't aware of its past, its doctrines, the people who started it and so forth.
Its still around BUTS its had so many cuts these past few years
Acording to the watchtowers own website
In 2012 they closed 20 branch headquaters around the world
In new york they have moved from central new york to warwick
They have kicked out 1000s of people who used to work there
They will be moving out from central london in a few years to a town 30 miles away
they will then be reducing the workforce by 3 quaters
They will then be closing the printing works and getting magazines from germany
These past years they have made both the watchtower and awake bimonthlyand made them undated so they can still be used for many months more