Moggy Lover, you said "In in you will find much information that debunks many of the urban legends of the Watchtower that have become streotypical [sic] Watchtower mythology."
What do you mean? Could you give an example?
i have already read c.o.c.
and im not really interested in more about the doctrines.. i have read about the book "taking back your life", and mr. bohm has been pestering me about reading the book "releasing the bonds" by steven hassan.. which other books would you recommend?.
love, miss bohm.
Moggy Lover, you said "In in you will find much information that debunks many of the urban legends of the Watchtower that have become streotypical [sic] Watchtower mythology."
What do you mean? Could you give an example?
okay, i am in a bit of a dilemma.
since i believe in honesty between marriage mates, i have been telling my wife about this board and my participation on it.
i feel it is only right so that she won't feel like i have anything to hide.
I was going to say what JamieB just said about them not trashing your religion. The whole foundation of their religion is to trash yours. I am sure Blondie, Yknot or anyone else can give you some WTS quotes that trash the "churches of Babylon," but at the end of the day, I agree with JamieB that the statement "She says that she does not go around looking for support groups that ‘bad mouth’ my church or religion so she does not understand why I go to a group that bad mouths the WatchTower Society." is a bold-faced lie. My mate and I have actually discussed this point, as it really does hurt my feelings to know my church and worship and spirituality are thought of in such an awful way, and I think he actually gets it. On this board, individuals are criticizing the Watchtower, whereas the Watchtower as an organization criticizes mainstream churches and makes that criticism a part of their doctrine. BIG difference.
Also, I know folks on here are telling you to pull the headship card, but if you don't believe in it or in what the WTS teaches, I don't think you should use it. In a warped way, that would add credence to their teaching. I understand the sentiment, but I'd rather win on merit than on a technicality.
Good luck! You seem very level-headed and I'm sure you'll figure this out.
if two jws were in great standing and getting married in a kingdom hall, who would officiate their wedding?
could an elder do the whole thing, or would a justice of the peace have to do part with the talk from the elder?.
Thanks all. Great reading the vows too. I was wondering what, if anything, was said about the rings during the ceremony. My reason being that on another thread regarding a recent Watchtower it looks like the WTS criticizes mainstream Christians for trying to make a pagan holiday (Christmas) Christian. It seems like a parallel could be drawn between that and them blessing/condoning wedding rings, since they're pagan in origin, too. Just an obscure thought.
if two jws were in great standing and getting married in a kingdom hall, who would officiate their wedding?
could an elder do the whole thing, or would a justice of the peace have to do part with the talk from the elder?.
If two JWs were in great standing and getting married in a kingdom hall, who would officiate their wedding? Could an elder do the whole thing, or would a justice of the peace have to do part with the talk from the elder?
do you find it acceptable that a religious leader would give a seemingly christian meaning to events and symbols whose roots go back to ancient paganism?
as to the proper course, the scriptures admonish true christians: what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have?
Does anyone know about this? : "Hey, I've got a question: at Witness weddings, is something standard said during the exchanging of the rings? I've never been to a kingdom hall wedding, just seen it done by a justice of the peace. I'm just wondering what they say about the rings?"
do you find it acceptable that a religious leader would give a seemingly christian meaning to events and symbols whose roots go back to ancient paganism?
as to the proper course, the scriptures admonish true christians: what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have?
Hey, I've got a question: at Witness weddings, is something standard said during the exchanging of the rings? I've never been to a kingdom hall wedding, just seen it done by a justice of the peace. I'm just wondering what they say about the rings?
do you find it acceptable that a religious leader would give a seemingly christian meaning to events and symbols whose roots go back to ancient paganism?
as to the proper course, the scriptures admonish true christians: what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have?
"...yet it continues to be used by Christians who are subject to "the superior authorities."—Ro 13:1."
So this is like double double speak? Or triple speak? Because we have the first point that celebrating Christmas because it has pagan origins isn't allowed, followed by using a calendar of pagan origins IS allowed all because we're subject to superior authorities BUT (additional double speak) if someone tries to make you vote or join the army, you should go to jail and ignore those superior authories. Am I reading that wrong? Hmmmmmm...
a few times in the ministry i would find someone clued in who would ask the jw on their doorstep " so what your saying is, unless i join your religon god will kill me?
and everyone else who isn't part of your religon?
" now theres only one answer to that question as far as jw's are concerned but i never saw a single one answer that with a straight answer, mostly i suspect because they were so uncomfortable about being made to face the truth about their beliefs.. seems that a lot of you here that are exJWs subscribed to varying translations of the same feeling - that not just all JWs go to heaven paradise Earth. Do you think there's any connection between that sentiment and leaving the WTS? Like, ultimately if you had that feeling the JWs were perhaps not for you? Do you think the die hards who stay in for life think that truly only JWs will be saved? I could see where if you didn't believe in that exclusivity, some of the impetus to remain a JW would diminish. Any thoughts?
if you were a jw woman, and you exposed your elder husband as a cheater, what would happen to you?
would the congregation take it against you?
what would happen to your standing in the congregation?
ASphere said: "You have to remember that JW's like to believe that worldly people are immoral but JW's are not."
I've noticed this among even nice JWs I've met: most of them seem to feel that they are not worthy of Jehovah or other more devoted JWs, but they are ALWAYS better than worldly people. Like, I've heard tales of JW infidelity and it oftentimes seems to be portrayed as less serious/sinful/immoral than a worldly person's infidelity. Oh well!
why are there so many 'debbie downers' in this world?
you'd be *shocked* as to how many jw's are saying on facebook about "why do people choose one day a year to show thanks?
you should really show thanks everyday" .
LOL Creativhoney! So true - how could that one possibly get misinterpreted!?!?