I'm the same honest person. :)
JoinedPosts by Butterflyleia85
Are Your Morals The Same As When You Were A Witness?
by minimus ineven if you consider yourself a moral person, would you say that you are as honest, faithful, or any different than you were as a jw?.
"Cabin in the Woods" a mockery of the Judeo/christian Myth?
by hamsterbait insaw it today.. realised soon it was about an ancient death cult, who had updated its technology.. but the idea of watchers - guiding and manipulating depending on the culture_.
philosophically, i thought this was a major criticism of the religious myths of the west, where the true nature of reality is like the back stage of a theater, with god and satan watching us all and pushing buttons as required.. i always hated the proverb about god "wrecking the work of your hands" simply because you didnt tell him he is wonderful.. the gory end was so ott that i was laughing.. what did you think of this chiller thriller??.
wtwisard, i like that you posted the youtube seen that clip when researching about jesus and paganism. enjoyed it.
Christain terms I never heard of as a Jehoavh's Witnee??
by Butterflyleia85 inis it me or is it i been out to long to remeber but terms like - grace, jesus being immanuel, gospels, epistles.
etc they have a lot of meaning to christians yet all i truly remember is jesus being ark angel, the messiah, undeserve kindness, greek and roman scripture, etc.. .
thanks for your pm sent a responce :)
Christain terms I never heard of as a Jehoavh's Witnee??
by Butterflyleia85 inis it me or is it i been out to long to remeber but terms like - grace, jesus being immanuel, gospels, epistles.
etc they have a lot of meaning to christians yet all i truly remember is jesus being ark angel, the messiah, undeserve kindness, greek and roman scripture, etc.. .
At some stage on the journey believers come to spontaneously and independently understand that all these priceless items are given as "free gifts" which due to our fallen state (spiritually bankrupt, nothing in the bank) we simply cannot earn, deserve or pay for these things.
I'm not following... give an example. I can only make from this, that a person say a Christian understand one day out of the blue that the things given to him are "free gifts" and because today he feels spiritually weak he is unworthy and undeserving... ??? That's not right.
God puts Jesus' righteousness into the bank account of anyone who will accept and then COUNTS them as righteous, thereby IMPUTING a perfectly righteous condition to them which actually does not yet exist, but will in the future recreation. This gives God the legal right to start transforming us from within - as opposed to the externalism, legalism (rules), moralism (codes), ethnocentrism (doctrines) and Gnosticism (knowledge) of the Pharisees.
Sounds like to me your talking about once saved always saved. I don't believe that either, just cause I don't understand it I guess. In Jehovah's Witness thinking that's cheating a way out, in not sacrifing like Jesus sacrified and not having to live a life faithful like Jesus did... He made an example like we ought to be but because he was perfect we can just strive to achieve that goal and because of that effort he will bless us.
This is why the most sincere and honest sheeple feel so unworthy, whilst the Pharisees wallow in their (vain and worthless) self-righteousness.
This is how God has secured our salvation. A ransom price was paid. We are not required to pay anything. We cannot supplement this ransom. Trying to supplement it is saying that God did not know what he was doing and the ransom was not valuable enough - demonic teachings.
There are so many scriptures in Paul's writings where this thinking dominates.
Honestly I'm glad people think this way... but I have to see how that's so before believing it (which I want to).
Ha JWs use that term "works of faith"
Works of the law is described as like the goverment leaders and stuff when JW interpet it.
Very Interesting topic about the exorism. Thanks for sharing... and I will try and get this right: So basicly a person can be possessed and a group of people can be possessed by Satan?? And when under the possession are they origianlly God's people gone bad or unbeliever who has what people observe a possession?
I understand the process based on your decription of "imputting sonship" (adoption). Interesting. Thanks again.
Thanks carla and LongHairGal! Haha yeah Vanyell yeah stuck in a cage too.
Spirituality again (Energy) Research has been proven that our Beliefs, Feelings, Emotions, has an affect on the Outside World!!!
by Butterflyleia85 inhttp://www.monroeinstitute.org/thehub/watch-the-technology-of-emotion-cure-cancer.
must watch!
very interesting!
ether or aether, in physics and astronomy, a hypothetical medium for transmitting light and heat (radiation), filling all unoccupied space; it is also called luminiferous ether. In Newtonian physics all waves are propagated through a medium, e.g., water waves through water, sound waves through air. When James Clerk Maxwell developed his electromagnetic theory of light, Newtonian physicists postulated ether as the medium that transmitted electromagnetic waves. Ether was held to be invisible, without odor, and of such a nature that it did not interfere with the motions of bodies through space. The concept was intended to connect the Newtonian mechanistic wave theory with Maxwell's field theory. However, all attempts to demonstrate its existence, most notably the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887, produced negative results and stimulated a vigorous debate among physicists that was not ended until the special theory of relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905, became accepted. The theory of relativity eliminated the need for a light-transmitting medium, so that today the term ether is used only in a historical context.
Read more: ether, in physics and astronomy — Infoplease.comhttp://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sci/A0817774.html#ixzz1sb6NIShm Haha I bet that's how cellphones came into existance... but hey what's to stop our emotional energy from traveling in ether, maybe that's the power the spiritual talk about. I just thought this was interesting and thought I'd share. -
Spirituality again (Energy) Research has been proven that our Beliefs, Feelings, Emotions, has an affect on the Outside World!!!
by Butterflyleia85 inhttp://www.monroeinstitute.org/thehub/watch-the-technology-of-emotion-cure-cancer.
must watch!
very interesting!
Must WATCH! Very Interesting!!
Christain terms I never heard of as a Jehoavh's Witnee??
by Butterflyleia85 inis it me or is it i been out to long to remeber but terms like - grace, jesus being immanuel, gospels, epistles.
etc they have a lot of meaning to christians yet all i truly remember is jesus being ark angel, the messiah, undeserve kindness, greek and roman scripture, etc.. .
I have to read this a few times... sorry for the delay if I can't get back to you sooner... but thank you so much for sharing with me all this information. It will be very helpful in my research.
It's about 1:23am! I need to get off here... I prob won't be able to visit in a while because my husband will be back from a long trip tomorrow.
But I will visit again and probably ask more questions. lol
I would like to thank all of you...
by sooner7nc in...for helping me see the light.. in 2008 i voted for the first time ever.
i voted for obama for president because i truly believed he and biden were a better choice to lead america than anybody running with sarah palin.
she scared me and still does even though i respect and admire john mccain.. being in texas and enjoying our relatively strong local economy i voted for rick perry to remain as governor and voted a mix of republican, democrat, and one libertarian for the other state and local positions that were up for election.
Awesome... I still haven't voted yet. I don't think I well until I have motivation to do it. I feel like it's all programed anyways.
Hahaha I missed so much when I'm gone!!
All the fun!
Wish I had my computer back. Wish my phone could be tons faster and upload things better!! ha I would love to get to know you more popstick... I just recall a post you made a while back and wanted to see how you were. Looks like you make yourself at home!
The Clear Biblical Case Against "The Memorial".
by Chalam inhello jwners,.
i was reading acts 20 the other day and noted how it makes a clear case against the annual "memorial" as instructed by the wt.. acts 20
paul in macedonia and greece6 but we sailed away from philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and in five days we came to them at troas, where we stayed for seven days.. eutychus raised from the dead7 on the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread, paul talked with them, intending to depart on the next day, and he prolonged his speech until midnight.. .
Hi Stephen! It's been a while to see your posts! Love your scriptures still! <3 Hope all is well... you should quote your favorite scriptures on FB and so I can see them daily on my phone! (It was a suggestion no worry or pressure... I just know I would enjoy it.)
I also want to point out that Jesus said "keep doing this", where did he say that it must be done that same DAY yearly, and that it must be after sundown wherever you live? I got such a laugh out out watching someone run out side to make sure the sun had actually set. If they took it as seriously as they make it out to seem, then it would be after sundown in Jeresualm, no?
haha good one!