If Watchtower decides it wants to make a specific change, it will find a way to rationalize it. Always has. Always will.
WBT$ Doctrine could change in a HeartBeat..
It`s called "New Light"..
Marvin and Outlaw said it best!
was at the kingdumb hell yesterday after a gap.. paragraph 11 planted the seed in the sheeples' heads for this.. remember last weeks study, where martha was quoted as saying: "i know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.
" (jo 11: 24) the term "last day" was explained as applying to the millennium, in the same way as "judgment day" for those receiving an earthly resurrection.. now for paragraph 11 - i noticed some bemused faces, as usually john 6 is avoided in articles discussing earthly resurrection:.
" "the bread that i shall give is my flesh," he said.
If Watchtower decides it wants to make a specific change, it will find a way to rationalize it. Always has. Always will.
WBT$ Doctrine could change in a HeartBeat..
It`s called "New Light"..
Marvin and Outlaw said it best!
was at the kingdumb hell yesterday after a gap.. paragraph 11 planted the seed in the sheeples' heads for this.. remember last weeks study, where martha was quoted as saying: "i know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.
" (jo 11: 24) the term "last day" was explained as applying to the millennium, in the same way as "judgment day" for those receiving an earthly resurrection.. now for paragraph 11 - i noticed some bemused faces, as usually john 6 is avoided in articles discussing earthly resurrection:.
" "the bread that i shall give is my flesh," he said.
if I see this, I will partake!
Most of my JW friends are animal lovers.
They love hunting them - they love them in steaks , jerky, etc.............
elders love to counsel people.
it feeds their ego.
over the years, you must've been counseled on different things.. when i was almost of age to become a ms, an elder counseled me for my "lack of seriousness".
1) going to visit my fiancee too often on the weekends(she was 3 hours away and we were planning the wedding)
2) listening to Led Zeppelin as a kid
3) Getting rock band t-shirts
4) wearing a Beatles "Yellow Submarine" tie to the hall
5) Inviting a DF'ed relative to my wedding (now I think that would be totally taboo)
6) make sure to buy a four door car for field circus
remember some of the garbage served at the district conventions?.
i was at the dollar store today and noticed they started carrying "shasta" cola.. i started laughing because they used to serve that skunk water at the district conventions when i was a kid.. they always brought in the cheapest, nastiest soda they could buy.. one year we had something called vess cola - that was actually worse than the shasta!
then, they ran out on sunday and had to buy pepsi from the local distributor - we were all rejoicing!!.
Remember some of the garbage served at the District Conventions?
I was at the dollar store today and noticed they started carrying "SHASTA" Cola.
I started laughing because they used to serve that skunk water at the district conventions when I was a kid.
They always brought in the cheapest, nastiest soda they could buy.
One year we had something called VESS cola - that was actually worse than the Shasta! Then, they ran out on Sunday and had to buy Pepsi from the local distributor - we were all rejoicing!!
As a joke, my buddies and I used to save a few cans of the crap and give it back and forth as Gag gifts...........ah the good old days.
in his provocatively titled thread topic: was there any song that you regarded as special, that got you in a good mood, etc.... minimus said:.
i love music.
when i was a kid, i had hundreds of cassettes where i taped all my favorite songs.. some songs would give me the chills.
"Kingdom Hall" by Van Morrison.
BTW - I want to know what KH Van attended - he actually makes it sound like FUN in the song!!!!
(Van Morrison)
So glad to see you
So glad you're here
Come here beside me now
We can clear inhibition away
All inhibitions
Throw them away
And when we dance like this
Like we've never been dancin' before
Oh, they were swingin'
Down at Kingdom Hall
Oh, bells were ringin'
Down at the Kingdom Hall
A choir was singin'
Down at the Kingdom Hall
Hey, liley, liley, liley
Hey, liley, liley, low
Do do do do do do, do
Do do do do do do
Do do do do do do, do
Do do do do do do
Good body music
Brings you right here
Free flowin' motion now
When we're shakin' it out on the floor
Good rockin' music
Down in your shoes
And when we dance like this
Like we've never been dancin' before
Repeat Chorus
Down at the Kingdom Hall
They were havin' a party
They were havin' a ball
Bells were ringing out
And the choir was singin'
Hey, liley, liley, liley
Hey, liley, liley, low
Do do, do do, do do, do do
Sugar was there
Did you see Sugar
Down at the Kingdom Hall
sorry, i cant resist another beatles topic.. i have picked up all but three of the beatles remasters.. they sound totally brilliant....... i heard a few complaints about the white album (too "muddy" in places) but overall i was very excited about the sound.that album has such an interesting dynamic that i could see how some people would feel that way.
that album is a brilliant muddled mess of styles - only the beatles could pull it off.. abbey road is still the album i am getting a big kick out of - here comes the sun you can hear the pick hitting the strings on the guitar, mean mr mustard, the intro sounds like you are sitting in the room with ringo, etc...........i keep playing with the balance knob on my stereo to hear the different channels and really hear the details......great fun .
A few more highlights for me and my John story:
On the "Past Masters" disc 2 - Rain, Paperback Writer, and Revolution were the big highlights for me - I thought the remasters were amazing.
Magical Mystery Tour - I always felt that was John at his creative peak in that late 1966 - 1967 time period since Strawberry Fields Forever and I am the Walrus are 2 of my all time favorites, and John put out quite a few masterpieces around that time. Those songs sound so freaking awesome remastered. I remember that was my first vinyl album when I was around 6 years old. I was disappointed since my friend told me there was a book that came with it - no book in the edition I got :o) Fortunately, they put it all in the new CD remasters :o)
My coolest John experience was going to Strawberry Fields in Central Park - it was Fall in NYC, and it was a beautiful day. There were tons of people from all over the world there playing guitars, singing Beatles/Lennon tunes. putting flowers down, etc. The Dakota is right in the background, so it was a bit strange, but it was more of a celebratory feel than anything.
sorry, i cant resist another beatles topic.. i have picked up all but three of the beatles remasters.. they sound totally brilliant....... i heard a few complaints about the white album (too "muddy" in places) but overall i was very excited about the sound.that album has such an interesting dynamic that i could see how some people would feel that way.
that album is a brilliant muddled mess of styles - only the beatles could pull it off.. abbey road is still the album i am getting a big kick out of - here comes the sun you can hear the pick hitting the strings on the guitar, mean mr mustard, the intro sounds like you are sitting in the room with ringo, etc...........i keep playing with the balance knob on my stereo to hear the different channels and really hear the details......great fun .
Well, enough "name dropping" for one day!
Chalam - that is an awesome story!! I would love to see Abbey Road Studios, just for the history.
Donuthole - if you like what you are hearing, and you prefer Lennon, as LWT said, you MUST get Rubber Soul and Revolver.....................Norwegian Wood, In My Life, Tomorrow Never Knows,......total magic!
my next degree :o) LOL
from a little bird... .
interesting portions highlighted.
notes from annual meeting (oct 3, 2009) .
This reminds me of that movie Idiocracy.
I wonder what would happen if you were frozen for 500 years and awoke to find the world a much dumber place.
You encounter a JW who gives you a WT on the "new light" on the generations understanding.
"The new belief, here in 2509 is that when Jesus spoke of "this generation", he was discussing those humans who are descendants of other human beings. We now feel that THIS current generation is THAT generation."
"Our 2509 Annual Report shows an increase in communist Canada, despite intense persecution."
The President of the United States in 2509 is Charles Taze Russell the 15th, an ex-wrestler turned evangalist.
so i just caught a glimpse of this new wt magazine(study edition) of course.. from dec 28th titled.
"what do your prayers say about you".
so now they are focosing on every aspect of our lifes even our actions during prayer.
Next there will be a rule about opening your eyes during prayer.
Reminds me of a former Catholic friend who told me he left the church after the priest told him he would sin against the blood of Christ if he even accidentally bit into the communion wafer..................
Didnt Jesus warn against this kind of stuff?