Posts by teel

  • Joliette

    Would I get sued for publishing a fictional book about Bethel-Brooklyn?

    by Joliette in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i wanted to realise a book based on bethel but a fictional account of bethel.

    would i get sued for this?.

    1. MMXIV
    2. teel
    3. CrimsonBleu
  • teel

    About publishing: just bought my first Kindle, and as I see it, it's a haven for new writers. You can easily find the books right from your device, Amazon is a very popular shop, hundreds of thousands are using it daily from all over the world, and I think publishing your book there is much easier than on paper, and you get a much better exposure. It's sort of like iTunes for books.

  • Gregor

    4:30 am ...special delivery

    by Gregor in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    about an hour ago i was awakened by a noise at the front door.

    i went to investigate.

    the door is of the glass pane type.

    1. Gregor
    2. teel
    3. OUTLAW
  • teel

    My mind wandered off to 4:20, and I thought this is yet another weed post...

  • Little Imp

    Length of Meetings - what do they total per week now?

    by Little Imp in
    1. jw
    2. friends


    the meetings used to be three times a week and totalled five hours.. the public talk on a sunday was reduced from one hour to three quarters of an hour whilst we were still attending and then following our fade we were aware that the tuesday night group book study was stopped.. does this now mean the meetings total three and three quarter hours?.

    my husband was asking me this morning and i wasn't sure so wondered if anyone can help me out here.. thanks.. li.

    1. scotinsw
    2. DaCheech
    3. factfinder
  • teel

    The official reason is that it's a loving arrangement to not overburden the "brothers", and let JWs have more time for personal study. Personally I think the high dropout rate scares them, so they try to ease things up a little - there are lots of such small changes, like pioneer hours dropped, less literature, shorter assemblies, etc.

    I still can't believe how they can talk out of both sides of their mouths. Just weeks before the announcement about dropping the book study, the elders were still talking about how important it is to be present at every single meeting. Two weeks later that same elder says "what a loving arrangement to have one less meeting". I was the only one in the audience who was not clapping, (which is a paradox, because I was probably the happiest to have less meetings), because the hypochrisy was just so shocking.

    Not long after that I realized that if dropping one meeting is loving, then dropping all five is five times better, so that's what I did

  • Bangalore

    Letter Regarding Academic Researchers

    by Bangalore in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    letter regarding academic researchers.. .



    1. Bangalore
    2. DesirousOfChange
    3. kurtbethel
  • teel

    I laughed out loud at this: "we certainly want to avoid having publishers expressing personal viewpoints" - it's sad really, but I can't help now but laugh at such display of cult characteristic.