Yay, the year of birth plus my age give exactly the current year!
Posts by teel
Take the last two digits of the year you were born and...............
by Judge Dread intake the last two digits of the year you were born.. add that to the age you will be on your birthday in 2011 and it will equal 111.. jdw .
What video games were banned when you were a JW teen?
by BlackTwisted ini'm not a jw, but i'm kind of studying to be one though.. now that's out of the way, i remember mortal kombat was banned within my home-my mom isn't too fond of blood in video games..but yet, she plays dinosaur crisis sometimes....but then again, that was when i was 9...lol now that i'm 15 and i wanted mortal kombat 9 (still) my mom stil lsaid no...but then again, she would let me play it online..i dont know why..its strange, but hey, whatever works for her and me i guess.. .
um...lets see..any shooting games, or any games that has blood in it, she wont let me get.
so i can still play fighting games, just not the ones with blood...eh, oh well.i'm surprised she even let me play "dead or alive" and "soul calibur"!
Fortunately I was not a JW as a teen, yet still had to deal with the elders reproaching me for playing World of Warcraft... my ex wife was the snitch in the house. WoW is rated T for teen, yet it contained everything a JW is supposed to hate: fighting, blood, magic, wars, alien species, even some sort of sex, and it was online, which meant socialising with non-JWs (oh, the horror!).
Fortunately my current fiance (who hates JWs to guts...) likes to play too, and doesn't mind at all if I play any kind of game - though I did quit WoW, it took too much time to be at least an acceptable player.
Jan. 15th WT- Go to Meetings to Fight the Blues- Eliminate other Activities
by flipper inour jw contact sent us the " witness only " wt's again and i just had to make a thread on this mind numbing article.
starting on pg.22 in the jan.15th it deals with " coping with discouragement ".
it seems lots of jw's are under intense stress these days ( can you blame them ?
So much pressure to get to meetings, 'cause surely I could try harder! (after commuting for an hour, I got home by 7:00 - guess I could just skip supper & change my clothes at the hall!)
I actually did exactly this. I normally worked until 6:00, and the meetings here start exactly at 6:00. So I left 15 minutes early, went straight to the KH and changed the clothes there, eating only twice that day - morning and late evening. And as you may have guessed it STILL wasn't enough. There were times when I had to stay at work, and the elders took the opportunity to scold me for missing the meeting.
Our resident self-righteous elder told me once of a "brother" who paid an other worker so he can get a free day at the day of the meeting. I had that "f* you" moment inside... that lazy sob is "spiritual" for staying home all day, and after I did much more than the majority of the congregation had to do just to get to the meeting, I still had to do more?
The WTS's subliminal image '666'
by possible-san inwell, this is an information from a certain forum (2ch) in japan.. according to that information, apparently, that is in the article of "awake!, july 2010. p.21".
in that article (awake!
july 2010), the tetragrammaton (yhwh) is drawn in the triangle.. but when looking carefully, a part of those hebrew is different.. .
Technically, it's still YWWH, with the third 6 being only a part of the last letter. I would be inclined to say it was a mistake, but it's a pretty big one in that case - usually the literature has very little mistake in it (kudos to them, it's one thing they indeed do right, the proofreading).
About the triangle: indeed it's not unusual to represent the tetragrammaton inside a triangle, but afaik it's supposed to represent the trinity. For example in this article: http://estherhecht.wordpress.com/2010/09/28/a-santa-fe-mystery-the-tetragrammaton-in-the-triangle/ it says: "It is to be noted that the Tetragrammaton is enclosed in a triangle. In Europe, this was a common Christian symbol, denoting the One god of Moses and Abraham revealed in their New Covenant, as Three Divine Persons in one God . . . hence the Graeco-Latin term ‘Trinity.’".
Edit: also I have found this article quite interresting, the tetragrammaton inside a triangle, with the rays coming out of it is a freemason symbol: http://www.sacred-texts.com/mas/sof/sof26.htm
Overall I'd say it's quite a weird find... Isn't there a copyright note on the side? It might be the photo of the altar in Saint-Pierre the article was talking about.
Need help making NON JW Friends. LOL!!
by lil.lady.03 inso its been a whomping 5 months since i stopped going to the meetings!!
and its amazing how quickly i have let go of everything!!.
Lil lady, I think most of us xJws were in a very similar situation. You really should just be yourself, talk to people casually, no need to go out your way to look for friends. As you may have realized on the experience with the "cool thing", people are out there wanting to socialize, and many of them would fit well with your personality. I wrote my experience about this in short here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/198882/1/Out-and-feeling-lost-with-no-friends-Have-faith-my-uplifting-experience-D, maybe it gives you hope Good luck.
Do You Think the Internet Currently Contains All Mankind's Accumulated Knowledge?
by journey-on incan you find answers to anything you want to know currently via the internet?
is all accumulated knowledge "out there"?.
IMO the Internet contains only an outline of the accumulated knowledge. You can find papers on any subject, but when you start to dig really deep into a subject, the online resources often go dry. (this coming from me, who does about 90% of literature reading from Kindle, or other digital readers).
In your hall, how many converted to a JW from door to door in the last 10 years?
by just n from bethel inin mine that would be a big fat zero.. there have been a handful of teenage baptisms of jw children.. one that really was a foreign language group transfer.. but in the last ten years - there has not been one single convert from the d2d ministry.. btw - my congregation has had over 10 pioneers (real ones that actually do d2d, including elders) for the last decade.. not one.
10 x 70 hours a month x 120 months = 84,000 hours ... results = 0.. also most of our pioneers are pretty good at the door - some half way decent teachers.
one is sub co and another often is called to teach ... wait for it ... pioneer school!!!.
When I got baptized, there was a married couple being dunked with me who were D2D converts (I was not, I got pulled in by foolishly falling in love...) That was 12 years ago, since then our congo got twice as many D2D converts as your congo, just n from bethel (you know, two times zero...)
I was walking my dog and JWs told me about some good news!
by moshe inwell, it was a nice morning to take my dog for a walk and about a mile from my home i met a car load of jws working the condos.
two brothers hit on me before they went back to their car.
apparently they hadn't been able to talk to anyone this morning -10:30am, so they were eager to find a stooge who would listen to them.. i immediately decided i wouldn't talk about their doctrine, so i jumped on the flood of noah after they got the intros out of the way.
as far as the cave paintings go- what do you think? Would filling them up with muddy water destroy them?
Just for the argument's sake - is it not possible that a flood could not fill the caves, creating pockets of air inside?
I told my daughter I was leaving "the truth" this weekend.
by whathappened inlast week, i told you i was going to tell my daughter that i was leaving the truth this weekend and you all gave me sound advice.
but, i cannot keep a secret this heavy from the person i love most on this earth, my only daughter, who is beautiful inside and out.. well, i have always had an open and honest relationship with my daughter, and i guess it paid off.
this weekend i visited my daughter (who lives in another state) and i told her i was leaving "the truth.
Amazing story, very well done. Funny thing about her allergy - maybe she's already sensing the BS? If I may suggest a slight correction to your excellent approach, try not to use the word "truth" when referring to the cult, it's a buzzword designed to manipulate thoughts.
do single jw live ascetic?
by varian init s often not imaginable for me, to think that single jws live a life of abstinence.
i mean at the end of the day we are all humans with desires and wishes.
most singles are not trained to be like monks from tibet or stuff.. so what s the secret behind it?
http://marriage.about.com/cs/masturbation/f/masturbatfaq3.htm says:
The consensus of those doing a statistical analysis of who masturbates is that around 90% of the total male population and 65% of the total female population masturbate from time to time.
@Lore: yes, there are a few people that are like you, but generally I expect the majority of the JWs, especially in their late teens - early 20s do masturbate. Probably not 90% because of the big threats, but I am sure at least 70% do. They just keep it a secret, build up guilt, and try to do more service, so it's a win situation for the GB.