I thought I was generally smiling... (actually masking troubles too), then my fiance told me recently I look much happier now, than in my old photos, I smile a lot more, and it looks much more genuine.
Posts by teel
were you a smiling JW?
by highdose injust recently in the past 3 years that i've been out i've noticed i'm now getting laughter and smile lines.
nothing aging but i've realised i spent the rest of my life priviously not smiling at all.
people used to say to me " smile highdose!
Fornicate so he can remarry??
by juci32 inhey guys!
i've been here a while, posted a few topics about me and my witness hubs.
well i finally through in the towel and filed for a divorce.
Although I understand NewChapter's point, I still think it is not up to us to play by the cult's rule, just to make life easier for someone who chose to go down that road. A light example: I won't stop a JW to enter our appartment complex, but when they ring up to me, I will never open the door to them to witness to others. I don't interfere with their lives or their cult rules whatsoever. If my non-involvement produces grief for my ex-wife, then I don't see why that would be my fault. I do not hate her at all, but I won't play by a cult's rule just to make her life easier. Also I do not make her life harder on purpose either by keeping it a secret that I have a new fiance that I will marry soon. I just live my life disregarding all cult rules, and acting like any normal human would with another normal human.
LINUX-users left in 'the dark' with Watchtower Library CD's ??
by linux-user inhi, i was wondering why there isn't any native linux-version yet of the watchtower library cd's available?
because i(as many others) don't use windows, but the free ubuntu-linux( http://www.ubuntu.com/ ) on my computer, and can only view those cd's with a free 'emulator', called 'wine', but that is not always 'working good' .... so, please, can there in the future be a possibility to get a native linux cd ??
Nah Cuckoo, I barely use Linux, my work requires Windows I just incidentally saw commercial Linux software too.
The first time the CD was translated in my language too, we had a recommended amount of donation for the CD They said it covered only the manufacture. I higly doubt that... I think it was about 10 dollars approximately? Back then the software was about as basic as Notepad, and most of the text was available in digital form anyway - since they claim to be using the MEPS from the start of '80s - so I say even US$10 was much more than simply the manufacturing price.
Edit: about releasing under Linux for money, here's the complete answer: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#PortProgramToGL
LINUX-users left in 'the dark' with Watchtower Library CD's ??
by linux-user inhi, i was wondering why there isn't any native linux-version yet of the watchtower library cd's available?
because i(as many others) don't use windows, but the free ubuntu-linux( http://www.ubuntu.com/ ) on my computer, and can only view those cd's with a free 'emulator', called 'wine', but that is not always 'working good' .... so, please, can there in the future be a possibility to get a native linux cd ??
Cuckoo, just look around the popular torrent trackers, you will find it for sure, at least in english. Iirc the last time I wanted to download it about 2 years ago, I had no problem finding it.
The CD is a special order item, but just like anything else, they are "supported by donation". However releasing a software under Linux doesn't mean it has to be GPL or open source, there are plenty of commercial software for money out there under Linux.
LINUX-users left in 'the dark' with Watchtower Library CD's ??
by linux-user inhi, i was wondering why there isn't any native linux-version yet of the watchtower library cd's available?
because i(as many others) don't use windows, but the free ubuntu-linux( http://www.ubuntu.com/ ) on my computer, and can only view those cd's with a free 'emulator', called 'wine', but that is not always 'working good' .... so, please, can there in the future be a possibility to get a native linux cd ??
It's an interresting question, as recently the JWs in my area seem to be under pressure from the org to legalize their software (me being in an eastern european country, where about 99% of home users never buy any software, and up until recently this was true for JWs too). So here they are, with a retail Win costing about one month's salary (no, I'm not exagerating), and pressure to "not steal", yet they have no other choice than to install Windows to have their beloved WT Library. Does the GB happen to have some stocks in M$?
I thought that witnesses were the only religion that uses this name
by man in black ini was browsing some of the businesses and schools that already closed since the big blizzard is going to hit tomorrow.. one thing caught my eye : .
jehovah lutheran school.
Here you go bigmac
I thought that witnesses were the only religion that uses this name
by man in black ini was browsing some of the businesses and schools that already closed since the big blizzard is going to hit tomorrow.. one thing caught my eye : .
jehovah lutheran school.
That's interresting Hofer, and what do they do with the statements like the one Blondie quoted from WT september 15, 1994? It would sound quite weird if they translated it untouched... like saying for an english speaking: "Of all international religions, which is the only one that uses God’s name, The Lord?"
Moving On Means Never Speaking Out Need Help With Research...
by Tuesday inhey there everyone!.
i've been in a discussion with a few ex-jws about how to properly "move on" from being a jw.
they are saying that to truly "move on" it means you leave it totally behind you and stop dwelling/talking about being a jw.
What does "moving on" mean with regards any relationship?
Just as with the case in point here - it stops hurting, or overtly affecting your current life, yet you learned something that maybe others don't know, and you may occasionally share that information with them. Some victims of domestic abuse become volunteers in an organization fighting against such, yet they could be considered as having "moved on".
On topic: I can't say any written source, but I remember to have often heard about opposers being said by the JWs that if they are not interrested in the "Truth" then they should just leave it be.
Strange Memorial Story
by OnTheWayOut ina couple of quick strange memorial stories.. the elder giving the talk one year went astray and talked about the comet, hale bop possibly being a celestial sign or some nonsense like that.
he spent a good ten minutes on this.
it put the crowd into silence, although he was a great speaker.
They attended their first Memorial and both tried to partake of the emblems, an old sister who was sort of looking after them jumped up and shouted "No!"
I was often an attendant at the memorial, and I always feared the day would come when someone would try to eat/drink, and I had no idea what to do in that case - try to pry it from their hands? (Of course looking back I was quite... overzealous to say the least, who was I to judge?) One "sister" always used to smell the bread / wine, and she gave me quite a scare the first time she did that.
Counting Time
by Amelia Ashton ini tried to do a minimum 30 hours a month field service.
however, if we had only been allowed to count the time of "the actual conversations" we had with householders at the door i wonder what the real figure would be?.
i think mine would easily have been less than 1 hour per month.
The vast majority of my FS time was knocking on doors, and leaving without a word being spoken, or being stopped at "good afternoon". Even at the return visits at least 75% of the talk was non-Bible related - those few who let us in, did it because they missed the company, wanted someone to chat with, but not about the Bible. They wanted social interactions so bad - single old people, stay-at-home moms, etc. - that they were willing to put up with some religious talk too. So yes, I could say I only did minutes of actual witnessing per month.