I disagree with that as well. Utilities being a factor does make some sense as some book study groups did in fact meet at the Kingdom Hall. However, the far marjority, at least that I'm aware of, met in individual homes of publishers. As far as why the book study was eliminated, we can speculate on that until the next generation teaching is introduced, and they still won't tell us what the real reason is for eliminating the book study. Tell you something, I don't even think the COs, and DOs understand why it was eliminated. I've heard one CO state one reason such as economic concerns in light of travel costs with high gas prices weighing in as a factor. That CO moved on to his next assignment, and the next CO whom we currently have, told us that the book study was eliminated to make room for the Family Worship Night because thats the area the WT feels needs the most attention at this time. The family structure is supposedly the most vulnerable to spiritual attack and shipwreck. So we're getting conflicting information from two men who are supposed to be on the same page. Maybe one of them didn't get the memo from the Branch? Who knows.
On top of that, the year that the book study was brought to a close, David Splane of the GB did a talk at the District Convention. He played a role into my waking up as he made the statement that, "the friends appreciated our mercy in eliminating the book study." My ears perked up because he called it a merciful decision on the part of the GB. Then he went on to talk about difficult traveling for JWs in foreign lands, and the gas prices here in the States. Who's telling the truth, or to be fair, who's correct in why the book study was eliminated, God only knows. I wouldn't be surprised if Barr thought one reason why they voted to eliminated it, and Jaracz believed something else entirely. Who cares, they've both gone the way of the Dodo.
As far as to the reason the WT's channel is ebbing, well, me personally is because this system of the things is still here and kicking, and not showing any sign of ending anytime soon. Babylon the Great is still going strong with absolutely no sign whatsoever of the goverments turning on it. The generation teaching has changed multiple times, and didn't even do a 180 as much as it jumped through hoops, and polar opposites before they printed that nonsense. Their channel may also be ebbing because they keep reminding us who's in charge at least two times per magazine. The faithful and discreet slave went from a parabel to a prophecy with life or death implications for the flock. When some of the flock woke up and smelled the bull shit in that doctrine, the also realized that they're trapped if they have significant ties to their family and congregation. So they're getting bitter, developing resentment bordering on animosity while concieving hatred ready to give birth organized apostacy. The longer the powers that be in this organization hold onto the tiger's tail, the more ferocious he's going to be if he ever gets loose.
Eventualy this religion's channel is going to get switched, and someone might even pull the plug entirely.