Hey Jeff, I appreciate your posts, especially speaking as someone from the perspective of being still totally in, and not a chance of fading or stopping whatsoever. You, On The Way Out, Undercover and a couple others helped me put some things in perspective.
As far as this topic is concerned, wanted to say , IMPO , too much time is invested in 586/587 vs 606/607. Even 1914, I believe too much is focused on. The only publication of a former JW that I purchased was The Gentile Times Considered, and it's not a bad book at all. He makes solid points, as does others such as Leolia, Larsinger, and even Scholar. However, lets just say 1914 was correct. Lets just assume that. At the end of the day, so what? The JW religion as it is now, is completely different from what the "Bible Students" were "then." To make the argument that Christ a few years after WW1, made an inspection invisibly, and selected not the Bible Students, but what "a segment" of the Bible Students, that would become a chosen religion doesnt add up to me. Put it this way, ...... add a little Isaiah here, a little Daniel there, a dash of Mathew/Luke, a parable here, a Revelation there, and some finger pointing at other faiths for spice, and then call the end product, the "True Religion" is a stretch. Especially considering the Bible Students were participators in what they call Babylon the Great for some 30-50 years after the invisible inspection.
Winston Churchill another poster who I've enjoyed reading from in the past, made the point, why can't people just say, "I don't know?" I don't waste my time on dates and trying to figure out when some end time is coming based on prophecies that were written centuries ago. Jesus stated to, "keep on the watch", but he didnt say hold your breath while keeping on the watch. The reason why, you'd suffocate, or you would allow other imperfect men to strangle you with their noose rope made up of "current" interpretations, and organizational "policies". The Bible has "principles", not "policies." There was a "Law", but that's been done away with, and replaced with a Ransom. The principles found in that law stand the test of time.
At the end of the day Jeff, I say, as far as 586/587 vs 606/607.................so what. Do what Christ commanded you to do is what I say. The key part of that, is what Christ told you to do and the example he set. Not some group of men who decided to speak on behalf of an Entity they dont seem to really have a firm grasp of a relationship with. They have more of a relationship with their organization and It's interests, than they do with God and his Son.