I love her, I've been sending emails, and calling her 1 900 number. It aint fair.
JoinedPosts by miseryloveselders
I'm hurt, Toni Braxton just wont return my calls. I love her.
by miseryloveselders ini love her, i've been sending emails, and calling her 1 900 number.
it aint fair.. .
Some people go to Amsterdam to Shmoke, some go to smoke people.....
by miseryloveselders inhttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42508543/ns/world_news-europe/.
alphen aan den rijn, netherlands a gunman opened fire with a machine gun at a crowded shopping mall outside amsterdam on saturday, leaving at least seven people dead and wounding 15 others, officials and witnesses said.. the attacker was among the dead after fatally shooting himself at the ridderhof mall in alphen aan den rijn, mayor bas eenhoorn said.
the suburb is less than 15 miles (25 kilometers) southwest of amsterdam.. eenhoorn said that children were among the victims, but he could not confirm whether they were among the wounded or dead, or both.. "it's too terrible for words, a shock for us all," he said.. the gunman's identity was known and it was "all but certain" he acted alone, district attorney kitty nooy said, but investigators were not yet ready to release his name or age.
ALPHEN AAN DEN RIJN, Netherlands — A gunman opened fire with a machine gun at a crowded shopping mall outside Amsterdam on Saturday, leaving at least seven people dead and wounding 15 others, officials and witnesses said.
The attacker was among the dead after fatally shooting himself at the Ridderhof mall in Alphen aan den Rijn, Mayor Bas Eenhoorn said. The suburb is less than 15 miles (25 kilometers) southwest of Amsterdam.
Eenhoorn said that children were among the victims, but he could not confirm whether they were among the wounded or dead, or both.
"It's too terrible for words, a shock for us all," he said.
The gunman's identity was known and it was "all but certain" he acted alone, District Attorney Kitty Nooy said, but investigators were not yet ready to release his name or age. She said he was a native Dutchman from Alphen who has a criminal record.
Witness Martine Spruit, a 41-year-old receptionist, told The Associated Press she was shopping at a drug store when she heard bangs and people in the store hid behind shelves. When they realized a shooting was taking place, customers shouted for employees to lock the doors.
"Then we heard the shots getting further away, so he was walking back and forth," she said. "Then we thought we'd have a look and there were two people lying dead near the entrance ... then he came back shooting so we locked the door again."
Queen Beatrix and Prime Minister Mark Rutte issued statements saying they were shocked and sympathize with the victims and their families.
A witness identified as Maart Verbeek told state broadcaster NOS the attacker had a machine gun and appeared to be shooting at random.
"There was a panic in the mall, a lot of people running," said Verbeek, a pet shop owner. "I see the attacker coming, walking, and I go inside the store ... and I see him going by with a big machine gun."
Hours after the shooting, residents continued to gather at the mall, some of whom appeared to be in a daze.
"You hear about this sort of thing happening at American schools and you think that's a long way away," said Rob Kuipers, 50, a project manager. "Now it's happened here in the Netherlands."
Eenhoorn said several other malls in the town were evacuated, but he would not elaborate on the reason. Dutch television broadcasters showed a bomb squad searching a car parked outside the Ridderhof mall that is believed to have belonged to the shooter.
Nooy said there was "no evidence" to support rumors the gunman was a former soldier, and confirmed his house has also been searched. She would not comment on reports that he left a note.
Witnesses said he had long blond hair, appeared to be about 25 years old, and wore a leather jacket with camouflage pants.
A resident who lives near the mall who gave his name as Marijn said the shooting went on for several minutes. When he went to see whether friends working at the mall were OK, he saw the shooter lying dead in front of a grocery store.
"There was glass everywhere," the resident said. "He was just shooting everywhere as if it were the Wild West."
Images published by the NOS showed the covered body of the shooter just inside a grocery store.
With his voice choking at times, Eenhoorn described the incident as a "disaster of unparalleled proportions" for Alphen, known as a quiet residential suburb, and it was all the more shocking because it took place on one of the first sunny days of spring.
"Under these circumstances, with many people shopping at the Ridderhof today, including parents with children, it's an almost incomprehensible situation," he said.
Although rare, shootings and violence are not unknown in the Netherlands. In 1999, four students and a teacher were hurt in a school shooting and in 2004, a teacher was shot dead by a student.
There have also been two assassinations in the past decade, the 2002 killing of right wing politician Pim Fortuyn by an animal rights activist and the 2004 murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic extremist.
In 2009, a loner drove his car into a group of bystanders during a royal parade, killing eight and wounding 10.
Gun permits are difficult to obtain, but illegal automatic weapons and ammunition are frequently seized during drug busts.
Two people were killed in Alphen in a drug-related shooting several weeks ago. Nooy said investigators do not believe the incidents are linked. She said investigators were trying to trace the gun or guns used in the attack.
One unidentified witness on NOS television said he saw the shooter reload the magazine of his machine gun and continue to fire.
Police commissioner Jan Stikvoort denied reports police were slow to respond, saying they arrived while the shooting was ongoing and reached the gunman just as the shooting stopped.
Where Did You Think You Stood?
by Ding inconsider a scale from 0 to 100.. 0 = if armageddon comes tonight, i am doomed for sure.
100 = if armageddon comes tonight, i will survive into the new system for sure.
back when you believed the wt was the truth, what range on this scale reflects your own assessment of where you stood with jehovah?.
Depends on what part of the bible we're covering during the weekly reading. When we're talking about David or Jonah, I'd say I'm in the latter 80's percentile. When we're focusing on Jesus and His parabels, I'd say on I'm swinging toward the latter 90's percentile. When we focus on Paul's epistles, I'd say I'm swinging on the 30s to 40s percentile. When I read WT literature, especially the literature designated for the congregation meetings, and not the general public, I'd say i'm pretty much toast.
Misery of the soon to be roasted forever class.
Grizzly is another crazy bear movie. I haven't seen this one since I was a teenager. I seem to recall it coming on late at night on channel USA with Gilbert Godfry and Rhonda's Up All Night, or something like that. My memory isn't what it used to be. I think at the end of this movie, they killed the bear with missle or rocket launcher or something, I can't remember.
That would suck wouldn't it? LOL . Sheesh, look at the head on that devil! Reminds me of a girl I used to date.......Ever see the movie Prophecy? It's a B-Movie about a mutated radioactive bear, which will probably happen here someday when we get hit with an earthquake and have our own Chernobyl or Japan. This scene always made me laugh. Check out the kid in the sleeping bag.
I was an Idiot.
by NomadSoul innot too many threads like these but i thought this forum could use one.
not going to use the inexperience or ignorance excuse.
nor am i going to excuse that i was a born in.. plain and simple: i was an idiot for believing in the jehovah witness religion.. okay, no cat pictures.. .
and I second that, you were an idiot. So was I.
Why did you "BORN IN's" leave?
by stillstuckcruz ini'm sure at some point you have mentioed it somewhere on the site, perhaps several.
but this question is i guess personal.
for those her were born into the jdub religion, why did you leave at whatever point?
Something else I wanted to mentioned that I hadn't thought about before, and its being able to choose who you associate with as opposed to it being chosen for you. There's a sister in my field service group that I absolutely loathe being around. She's a chronic complainer, she's annoying, she always thinks someone has personally went out of their way to slight her or her daughter, whom cant stand her by the way. The two of them together are always bickering and complaining and whining and its just too much to handle at times. When I got appointed, the elders pulled an okey doke on me by doing a shakeup of the field service groups. Nobody wanted these two in their group, so guess who got stuck with them? That's right, the rookie and I've had a mild resentment towards the body ever since. I try to have a sense of humor about things and keep things lively whether in field service or meetings, and on here. Life doesn't have to be excessively depressing. However, you've got some people that just are intent on sucking the life right out of you. They're like emotional vampires. This sister and her daughter were part of the reason I ended up on this forum, as I felt completely overwhelmed by the two of them. I reached out to an older brother and related to him my frustrations with them. He responded by telling me all the times he and other brothers tried assisting them, and how they came from another congregation where the brothers failed to satisfy their needs.
That's just one instance of it all, and it goes back to having limited choices in who you can spend time with. I look forward to talking with my workmates and other contacts, more so than I do those in the congregation. It all goes back in my opinion to the WT regimenting faith. You can force people to be together, doesn't mean they'll get along, and if they do, it doesn't mean its out of genuine love for God or neighbor. Three to four times a week dealing with spiritual, doctrinal, and organizational matters can get to be a bit much. Not to mention some of these folks want to call you in the middle of the night or 3pm on a Saturday to talk about things you don't want to talk about. Then there's the gatherings, the congregation picnic, marriages, graduation parties, a visiting Bethel speaker, all these events that require your presense or participation less you offend someone's conscience!!! Arghgh. You know some pioneer said to me not that long ago when I expressed some resentment at having to go to some gathering, she went, "Misery, you're an elder now, you have to be there." Some days its enought to make you snap.
Poster Vs. Person
by minimus insometimes we treat people here like our friends and sometimes we treat them like crap.
and we may often view them indifferently.. i've often said here that i very much doubt some individuals would talk to me face to face like they do here.
in this forum you can get away with a lot because i think we tend to view the people behind the keyboards as merely "posters" -- not real persons.
Wow VIII, talk about a humbling experience! Sheesh!!!
If I ran the WTS ...
by Simon in... and wanted to disrupt sites like this one and activities of 'apostates' in general, what would i do?.
would i send apologists who were obviously on the side of the wts to spew out the typical wts message, ones that would be quickly labelled and disagreed with?
maybe ... it would get people riled up.
Would you two move on already? Sheesh. Now on the count of three, give Miz a kiss. 1, 2, 3..........
Awesome quotes from JWN posters
by jay88 ini will start it off with-thetrueone.
"postulating religionists are really illusionists by using suggestive words to accomplish a state of believability.
I know you're looking for quotes, but I hope you won't mind if I paste this post by betterdaze, cuz I thought it was classic. It was regarding Jose Mestre, the man with no face, and his JW background. In this thread.
Who got the ball rolling to give Mestre a new lease on life?
An anonymous stranger! A "wordly" tourist "soon to be destroyed" at Armageddon, who saw Jose on the street and was moved to help.
Who paid for it?
The Portuguese National Health Service, an arm of Satan's wicked, worldwide government. Also STB destroyed.
Who performed the surgery?
Dr. McKay, a university-educated specialist with a 25-year history of performing corrective surgeries, not knocking on doors. Not a door-knocking JW = STB destroyed.
At a rotten pagan Roman Catholic hospital founded by nuns, whores of Babylon the Great. STB really, really destroyed!
Bonus question: Who sat by for 40 years while this man suffered physically, emotionally and spiritually?
The Jehovah's Witnesses! Ah, but they Will Live Forever on Paradise Earthâ„¢.
"Peter" the tourist
Portuguese National Health Service
Dr. McKay
St. Joseph Hospital
Jehovah's Witnesses