As JW's we had our social structure created for us. There was nothing else, if we were good JW's.
Since I left, its gotten much smaller, but its my choosing and I like it that way.
We had many good JW friends, all over the world. Many have tried to contact us, sent emissaries from as far away as England to try and find out what happened to us.
Our new friends are our neighbors, family that have left the JW's, and special interest ones in our hobbies. No, we are not sulking hermits, just selective.
I would think, pursueing your interests will net you many like-minded friends, it has for us.
True, we miss sometimes our old JW friends and they do us. One, who is in the CO work still sends letters and comes by to visit on their vacation. We share the same date for our anniversary and each send cards. They don't seem to care about the WTS admonishments not to greet us. But that is rare for JW's.
You've chosen a new direction away from the JW's. You no longer share the same things. Change is in order.
But the bottom line for us is, we are happy. It took a little time, so be patient, it was well worth it for us, it will be the same for you.