Matter of fact being bottled to belonging or having belonged to anything seems silly.
Iam me.
Even my aviator is a mask (Acolytes)
Iam Michael Pykett. (Where iam going .......(Iam on the ride)
matter of fact being bottled to belonging or having belonged to anything seems silly.. iam me.. even my aviator is a mask (acolytes).
iam michael pykett.
(where iam going .......(iam on the ride).
Matter of fact being bottled to belonging or having belonged to anything seems silly.
Iam me.
Even my aviator is a mask (Acolytes)
Iam Michael Pykett. (Where iam going .......(Iam on the ride)
atj's thread is the inspiration for these thoughts.
credit where due.. his thread about trolls was interesting.
i was thinking about the fact that we have these jw-trolls here on jwn, and on most of the xjw sites.
Hi Transhumun
I think the problem is they like the life within the lie. Therefore doctrinal changes or cutting off frienships with people who become opposers is a small price to pay-
i thought this article was quite interesting.
certainly as far as most jws are concerned , even very intelligent ones just seem to have a blank spot as far as objectivity & common sense is concerned when jw matters are being discussed.
Hi Dozy
Iam sure when the New scientist gains its membership by applying similar tecniques.
take a look at page nine of the new june 15th wt.
at first glance, it appears to be a standard wt article extolling the safety and happiness of jw's in the kh.. "many who today are members of the christian congregation can tell you that before learning of and adopting jehovah's righteous standards, they lived without moral restrain.
yet, they were unsatisfied and unhappy.
I read the paragraph and thougt the word "SOME" applied to those who returned to the congregation-
what did lazarus "die" from, anyway?
how can we be sure he was not in a coma?
how can we be sure this was not a staged event?
Actually there could be thosands of resurrections attributed to Jesus in Matthews account alone. I cant be botherd to find the scripture but it says on his death all the tombs opend and the dead saints came to life.Presumably this would been an event perserved by other writters of the time. It was truly miraculouse. Any comments?
what did lazarus "die" from, anyway?
how can we be sure he was not in a coma?
how can we be sure this was not a staged event?
Judge Dread
Because I appreciate cameo-ds post it does not make me an imbecile who lives in a fantasy land.( That is rude)
Whilst the world is no longer regarded as flat it may one day be proven it is not round either.
Actually some of the most creative music and the worlds famouse paintings have been created between the lines of coke-(Or other mind altering drugs)
what did lazarus "die" from, anyway?
how can we be sure he was not in a coma?
how can we be sure this was not a staged event?
Actually your over active imagination is appreciated-
The answers to your questions can only exist because you INVENTED the questions.
faith: if we adopt it as a way of accepting what we are told.... would investigating what we are told be a lack of faith?.
when i was 20 years old i was instructed to refuse induction into the armed forces.
privately, i was instructed to not accept the legal alternative: alternate service (work in a hospital as a non-combatant conscientious objector.).
I would value Terrys answer to your interpretation of your question.
How would you answer your own question?
then maybe its best just to simply leave as silently as possible.. the truth is i still have rules that if broken will destroy any frienship i have.. of course that rule doesnt apply to my kid who i will always love .. but my point is whilst i realise the witnesses are wacky in their thinking, my thinking is pretty wacky.. iam grateful for the hatred of worldly people i learnt from the witnesses.
it has made me less hateful.. if it wasnt for my association with the witnesses i would not now be an athiest.. i hope tomorrow i find iam wrong and a loving god exists.. but its comforting being an athiest with the knowledge i could be wrong.. acolytes.
Then maybe its best just to simply leave as silently as possible.
The truth is I still have rules that if broken will destroy any frienship I have.
Of course that rule doesnt apply to my kid who I will always love .
But my point is whilst I realise the witnesses are wacky in their thinking, my thinking is pretty wacky.
Iam grateful for the hatred of worldly people I learnt from the witnesses. It has made me less hateful.
If it wasnt for my association with the witnesses I would not now be an athiest.
I hope tomorrow I find Iam wrong and a loving God exists.
But its comforting being an athiest with the knowledge I could be wrong.
is this a new species of human being?scientists have extracted dna from a bone discovered in siberia that almost certainly belongs to a new kind of human one that may have lived as recently as 30,000 years ago.
will this transform our views of human evolution?.
the guardian, friday 26 march 2010. an artist's impression of the newly discovered 'fourth human' photograph: illustration: copyright josie jammet/josie jammet.
Hi Behomot
If I took a article from the Guardian (Any newspaper) seriously then I have learnt nothing from being suckerd into a study of the knowledge book.
I doubt that the man responsible for the publication of the article takes it seriously because next week he has another article- And another scientists opinions to publish.