Bravo, bravo! Especially to you, chickpea. What a wonderful way to parent: "It doesn't matter to me who you love; just remember that 14 is too young to be intimate!" I really wish I'd had someone to tell me that.
Hamsterbait, you nailed it about JW literature covering these things too early (and in such a repressed, sick way) with kids. I remember a WT study on sexual sins when I was about 10 or so (fifth grade). There was a whole paragraph on the evils of homosexuality (by then I knew what "having relations" meant, of course), and at the very end of it, this sentence: "Female homosexuals are called lesbians."
And the clouds cleared, as I finally had a word to describe who I was. Of course, that didn't help much--it was so evil to be a lesbian that I couldn't talk to my mother. And since I didn't dare talk to my mother (this is the woman who told me, at nineteen when I finally came out, "If I'd known you were going to be a homosexual, I'd have smothered you in your crib"), the only person I had to talk to about it ended up being the first woman I had sex with--I was 15, and she was older than my mother, and a JW on the "down-low."
32 years and beaucoup bucks on therapy later, I recognize just how damaging that was. I'm so grateful Chickpea's daughter has a mother with the tools to actually parent her questioning teen.