I am so sorry for your loss. Ian was a good man.
JoinedPosts by Jankyn
RIP Dansk (aka Ian), 18.12.1953- 20.12.2008
by faundy inhave posted this on the other thread but just making this one as well:
i need to let you know that dad passed away this morning at 8am.
he fought so hard but in the end they could not get his blood pressure to rise and he died of heart failure.
What about elderly sistas with facial hair?
by hamsterbait inwell let's face it they make a fuss about panty hose, skirts, i was even counselled for sitting with my knees apart.. why should old women be allowed to wear men's (lesbian) short hair and beards too?.
Hey, I'm plucking those hairs as fast as I can see 'em!
Old JW at my door says," Check it out".....
by nomoreguilt incmon now, even i was better at the door thatn this poor old fella.
so, i'm sitting here reading the latest threads and my door bell rings, yeah, just 2 minutes ago.
so, i'm thinking maybe it's the mail man with a package i'm expecting, no it's an older, like 70, jw bro.
The only time they've caught me at home in the last decade when I was home sick one day. Since I was looking feverish and bleary-eyed, wearing flannel pajamas and SpongeBob slippers and had a very ugly case of bed-head, the conversation consisted of "We can see this isn't a good time for you; here's a magazine." I didn't even get a chance to respond. It's just as well. Otherwise, it's a tract or an old magazine in the door.
Christlike man who lived before Jesus?
by rebel8 ini was recently looking up some stuff about resurrected gods that predate christ (there are many)... .
i found mithra/mithras.
i guess i will need to take a trip to the library.
Leolaia, you are a research goddess.
Pretzels and JWs
by Nosferatu ini was just sitting here, admiring a bulk bag of pretzel twists sitting on the table and it sparked a memory.
jws aren't supposed to eat them.
remember that?.
I heard this one from the same weirdo Dub family that wouldn't get a cone at Dairy Queen because there was "blood" in the ice cream, and wouldn't eat Oscar Meyer's lunch meat products because they weren't properly "bled." My mother told me it was horse puckey. However, my mother also refused to sell "blood sausage" when she worked at a deli. Fortunately, no one wanted to eat it, either. Jankyn
Prince Is In BIG Trouble With Gays!
by minimus inaccording to the new yorker magazine, the la times' the envelope and perez hilton's blog, prince slammed gays and gay marriage in a recent interview.
the perez hilton blog has a number of jw sympathizers going at it with those slamming him and the witnesses.
In addition to Larry Graham, Prince's mother was a JW. So he had it coming at him from two angles.
Worshiping the cross
by Amyfa inthere is a poster on here called reniaa and she has said a few times that we worship the cross.
i know i don't and know my family don't.
so i decided to look into it to find out if what she is saying is true.
This is an example of a really annoying habit, one which JWs encourage: the failure to distinguish between an *object* and what the object *represents.* The cross is supposed to function as a *reminder* of the significance of the crucifixion, not an idol. (In general, idols are not imagined to be the gods themselves, but rather *symbols* of the gods.) But, hey, let's not get sidetracked with symbolic thinking when we can make sweeping generalizations about the purported inadequacies of others' belief systems! (And BTW, I hate the way Firefox won't let me format my posts.)
Have you made arrangements for your civil funeral?
by digderidoo init may sound morbid, but have you?.
it appears that the funeral of a disfellowshipped person would be, that an elder if he feels that there may be some repentence on the behalf of the person that they would give a funeral, but not at the kingdom hall.. this leads me to think what would i want?
i certainly wouldn't want an elder to give a talk at my funeral.
My will specifically prohibits a JW funeral. I've also got a medical power of attorney that specifically prohibits any members of Jehovah's Witnesses from making medical decisions for me. That's just in case my family decides to get feisty.
by Mary in" (this would harmonize with matt 10:9 that tells them not to take any money with them).
" the interpretation of the acts of the apostles, 1961, pp.120-21.
it became evident, however, that further personal training in the house-to-house ministry was needed.
Bravo, Mary! That's a great analysis of the way the JWs have twisted "the great commission" into a ritualized act instead of a spiritual one. Of course, even IF the Bible really meant door-to-door preaching, nobody ever said anything about turning in a time slip!
What Is Your Present Status In The Organization?
by minimus inare you disfellowshipped?
a fader?
Unbaptized walkaway raised-in.