Yep, that's the key, JustTickledPink.
It's been kinda scary for me to recognize how much like my mother I am. I share with her the belief that, when I know something to be true, I must act on it. We just disagree about what's true.
I recently had the revelation (while working with my therapist) that the source of my troubles with my mother is that we've both been trying to convert each other. I'm now working on changing my behavior, since I can't change hers. And things seem to be getting a bit more peaceful.
I actually told her, during one recent conversation, that I could love and respect her without seeing things the same way. I think it knocked her socks off--she really didn't expect that. Her concern is that, with her health so poor, if she's unable to make decisions for herself, my "unbelieving" brothers and I will do things that violate her beliefs. I told her that I respect her beliefs, and that she should give a medical power of attorney to my JW aunt--that if she took that step to make her wishes clear, I'd fight with all I've got to support her, in spite of the fact that I disagree with her. Then I sent her some information about how to do that.
Wow. Things really change when I change. What a concept.