I spoke to her about it tonight and she says she does want out but feels guilty that she wasted the girls time.
Wait a minute here! Who is wasting whose time? Who is getting credit in the congregation for bringing a new "study" to the Kingdom Hall? Who is recording the service hours on their time slips? Who is using guilt to overcome your daughter's doubts?
Try to get through to her that she needs to decide based on what she feels is the right thing to do, not because she feels like she owes anything to them. She doesn't, she has been doing them a favor by listening to their presentations. This is the tactic of unscrupulous used car salesmen: making you feel guilty for taking up their time taking test drives and haggling over the deal--that's their job!--so that you will sign a sales contract for a bad deal. She owes them nothing just for being present while they give their sales pitch!
(edit: @ interested one: you said it first!)