"Another year older (and deeper in debt)"
Late 50's
"Another year older (and deeper in debt)"
Late 50's
i know exactly what happened... he thinks i'm going to die at the big a and wants to be with someone he can live forever with.... we have two girls, ages 3 and 1... i really thought we'd make it despite the religion, now i really don't think so... not sure what to do... .
I'm sorry to hear this, Cognac. If you're going to counseling and still can't patch it up, there is not much else you can do. Carefully consider what is best for your children (it sounds like you're already doing this), then choose accordingly.
He thinks I'm going to die at the big A and wants to be with someone he can live forever with...
You could point out that his on-line behavior means he's toast at the Big A himself:
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers... [1 Corinithians 6:9]
But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart. [Matthew 5:28]
i always loved getting away on winter break.
we usually went to florida and now i live in florida, so i vacation at home!
where did you go for your winter break?
Yes, I need to "use it or lose it" at this time of year. Just staying home and sleeping in.
1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
Why don't you allow members with perfect meeting attendance, special seating during the week of special activity? I hate it when the old stay-at-home cripples suck up the premium seats, reserved for spot-less Jehovah's Witnesses.
Do status symbols such as "premium seats" matter that much to you? Are you there to take in the spiritual food, or are you there to be seen? Let's see what the Scriptures say:
He told a parable to those who had been invited, noticing how they were choosing the places of honor at the table. "When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not recline at table in the place of honor. A more distinguished guest than you may have been invited by him, and the host who invited both of you may approach you and say, ‘Give your place to this man,' and then you would proceed with embarrassment to take the lowest place. Rather, when you are invited, go and take the lowest place so that when the host comes to you he may say, ‘My friend, move up to a higher position.' Then you will enjoy the esteem of your companions at the table. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted." [Luke 14:7-11]
All their works are performed to be seen. They widen their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels. They love places of honor at banquets, seats of honor in synagogues, greetings in marketplaces, and the salutation ‘Rabbi.’ [Matthew 23:5-7]
Should we follow the example of the Pharisees, or that of humble servants of the Lord?
Welcome to the forum, fellow servant!
wathctower 90/1/1 p. 12 par.
8 not ashamed of the good news .
while it is true that jehovahs witnesses are hated and opposed in all the nations of the earth, this is in fulfillment of what was foretold to be an identifying mark of genuine worshipers of the one living and true god.
"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference." -- Elie Wiesel
The Witnesses would rather be hated ("proof" that they are spreading The Truth) than be ignored. If they were hated, that would mean they are important in what they believe to be the grand scheme of things. Indifference and pity affect the cult psyche more outright hostility ever could. Cults are about being special, about having something outsiders are jealous of. A shrug of the shoulders can threaten the cult mindset more than harsh words.
i find the notion that we inheirited sin through adam and eve to be a quaint, silly notion.
if you believe in the power of god, why would god create such a flawed creation?
few people believe the stories in genesis.
That would mean that god is guessing and some percentage of the time, would be wrong. That's is not knowing the future, that's guessing.
No, that means knowning while not intervening. The outcome of the choice was foreseen, but the choice was freely made.
i find the notion that we inheirited sin through adam and eve to be a quaint, silly notion.
if you believe in the power of god, why would god create such a flawed creation?
few people believe the stories in genesis.
if god knows the future, there is no free will.
Consider the example of parents raising children. As they grow and learn, you allow them increasing latitude to make choices, and experienece the consequences of their choices. When they are young, you limit their choices to protect them from serious consequences. As they grow and learn, you allow then to make more choices, more serious choices. When they are teens, they will begin to make grown-up choices. Often, even we imperfect parents foresee that they are making a bad one. We encourage them to choose more wisely, we warn them of the consequences, but we cannot stop them from exercising their free will in a less-than-ideal manner. We do this because we know that if they are not free to err, they are also not free to be correct.
The theological case is the same, at a larger scale: without the freedom to sin, there is no virtue in overcoming temptation. A "god" who denies us the ability to be virtuous? That is a fair description of the devil!
i have been typing on the same keyboard for almost 17 years and i'm so used to it i don't want to go to another kind of keyboard if anything happens to this one.. in fact i have a backup model of the same keyboard since they are so hard to find.
it's the old ibm model m keyboard.
i love the sound of the feedback and the racket it makes compared to the newer keyboards.
For computer keyboards, the collapsing-spring IBM ones are tops. They have good feel and solid tactile feed-back. I used to have one at work, but after eleven years and three computers I finally killed it (a coffee spill, not wear-out). The "pro grade" HP workstation keyboard is better than they give you with home PCs, but it lacks the rock-solid feel of the IBM.
Yes, it does make a difference. Especially so if you use one all day for writing code, typing specifications, and so forth. It also makes a difference that it can "take a licking and keep on clicking"; some of the fancy "ergonomic" designs just won't hold up like the beefy IBM keyboards.
this link contains news of a letter sent to the elders about witnesses setting up stands to peddle literature in public places!
how desperate are they?
it sounds sad honestly... and they are told not to argue with apostates .
I have seen them at a "free speech zone" table set up in the National Park visitor's center. I think that's an accommodation to concentrate all the proselytizing in one place, thus preserving peace and quiet elsewhere in the park.
please tell me i am not the only person who did not survive yesterday..
I can't tell if I did or not. Perhaps I shouldn't have polished off all the beer in the fridge before midnight, but "waste not, want not" and so forth.
Wait--I see a sign on the wall up ahead, "Stay Alive 'til 75..."
and another,"Abandon all hope ye who enter here"