Nice bug, Brizzy! I see you got the matching tennies to go with it.
I had an orange '74, but that was long ago.
here is mine- a 1947 chrysler windsor club coupe.
i overhauled the engine under a big oak tree- push button starter- flat head 6cyl engine- a carry over from ww2 technology.
a real tube radio, which after i fixed, could pick up am stations over 500 miles away- seats like an over stuffed sofa.
Nice bug, Brizzy! I see you got the matching tennies to go with it.
I had an orange '74, but that was long ago.
i wanted to relate this experience i had on sunday while renewing ties with an old friend.
we argued about the meaning of daniel 4 and nebuchadnezzar's "tree dream".
my friend had insisted this dream told the reader the length of the gentile times.
Did he Claim God foresaw the measurements in the 19th century would be in "inches" therefore he laid out the Pyramid in "inches?
Russell, among others, used pyramid inches to make the Stone Prophet say what he wanted it to say. The difference is only 0.1%, but that was enough to adjust the prophetic chronology by several years.!_www_keepvid_com.
received today in an email...with lots of "praise jah's!!!".
Hamsterbait said it! The army has a limited supply of blood in combat zones, and they use it only if they need to. It's triage in action: "You're not so bad off, you don't need a transfusion!" The crucial difference: the Army is acting rationally by basing blood use on medical considerations; the WT is acting irrationally by denying blood based on organization policy.
why is everyone using the word "absolutely" these days, in answer to every other question..
i just got off the phone with my mom and she told me my daughter had told her that the society has recently relaxed its rules on gambling.
she said something about some folks could be a card dealer and a jw.
has anyone heard anything in this regard?.
Perhaps New Light will shine if the GB ever needs bingo revenue to pay the could sit at the DC marking your cards while eating lunch...the center free box could say "undeserved kindness".
you've probably heard this before, but at a meeting last night the elder called the nwt the "rolls royce" of bibles.
i'm new to the jw bs (and as soon as i can break away, will do so.
) but do they also believe they have a superior bible to anyone elses outside the religion?
It is more accurate to call it the New World Rendering.
Rendering: that describes it perfectly, Kurt!
today was the last day of the co's visit, my husband stayed home from the meeting and we painted the house together which was good, but he wanted to tie into the meeting, i was ok with it as it allows me to point out the stupid parts of this religion.
there were many things that made no sense but one that truly stuck out.. in his talk the co went on about how there are so many things satan uses to distract us from jehovah and one of them was fear of our future and how some work all their lives for retirement, many at jobs they hate.
people do not enjoy the here and now all out of fear for what will happen when they grow old.
What Dozy said!
Maybe that's the reason for Matthew 23 saying there is no marriage after the resurrection. No marriage, therefore procreation = fornication, therefore you're immediately annihilated, therefore no population growth. The elder didn't cite those verses--imagine that!
the celebration of your great, great, great, great, great, great great, great, grandchild
Creature worship? Wait, does this mean kids can have birthday parties in The New System?
dear lee week 64 friday.
this is my blog today for freeminds.
thaoulgt i would post it here for you too.. .
Cult does have one connotation that is perjorative. Cult in that sense is used to attack religious we do not like.
It goes much deeper than "we do not like." The primary connotation of "cult" has become "hurtful and dangerous". That's why the original use of the word, as a general term for the practices and members of amy given religious group, has been virtually abandoned. That connotation also is why this thread has so many emotional responses: it touches very painful memories, both for survivors and for those who have lost their family members (living or dead).
It looks like IE9 is doing nothing for you (but that doesn't mean it's dead). Many folks have trouble posting with IE9. Try using its "compatibility mode", or a different browser such as Firefox.
dear lee week 64 friday.
this is my blog today for freeminds.
thaoulgt i would post it here for you too.. .
It compared the JWs with a few other groups like some protestant evangelicals. The authors concluded the JWs were a high control group but not a cult because its members lived relatively independently and there wasn't a clear "guru" or human leadership that was worshipped.
That is an example of different ways the word is used, and how that causes misunderstanding. Some consider only the most extreme cases to be worthy of the name: People's Temple, Branch Davidians, Heaven's Gate and other literally life-threatening groups. For example, an article in Wiki states:
The Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance limit use of the term to specifically refer to religious groups that "have caused or are liable to cause loss of life among their membership or the general public."
The next section of the same Wiki article mentions Steve Hassan and others who consider deceptive recruiting and various emotional tactics as identifying features of a cult:
Steven Hassan, author of the book Combatting Cult Mind Control, defines the term as such: "A destructive cult is a pyramid-shaped authoritarian regime with a person or group of people that have dictatorial control. It uses deception in recruiting new members (e.g. people are NOT told up front what the group is, what the group actually believes and what will be expected of them if they become members)
Thus there will be disagreements when different people don't use the word the same way. Thus (returning to this thread's topic) people who have physically left but still are mentally under group control deny they belonged to and were abused by a cult--clinging to such rationalizations as "It's not a cult, it isn't like they were Jim Jones". These are the problems with that "C" word.