"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." If they did this to you, you wouldn't be converted. You'd be mad!
Don't expect them to react any differently.
Disagreement is one thing, disruption and disrespect is another.
now is a good time to start making preparations for the memorial night demonstration at your kingdom hall thursday, april 5, 2012, after sundown.. close to 20 million people will attend this annual global witness event including active witnesses, relatives and friends of witnesses, bible studies,return visits and still attached former witnesses.
the evils of the watchtower org.have to be exposed and this is an ideal time to do it.. many around the world have been adversely affected by their association with jehovah's witnesses and you can be an instrumental force by standing tall and courageously exposing the watchtower organization.. there is no better way to let the watchtower know your revulsion than to broadcast and present your view by standing fearlessly, demonstrating in front of a kingdom hall.. i am fully aware that a handful of the internet therapists who post on this forum will not agree with this method of unmasking the watchtower.. those intolerant, contemptuous critics who will comment on this thread making harsh judgements and finding fault with those who protest are perhaps deep-down wishing they had the backbone to stop hiding in cyber-space, step away from their computer and "get out of the bleachers and into the game" .
lets make this a global event!......
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." If they did this to you, you wouldn't be converted. You'd be mad!
Don't expect them to react any differently.
Disagreement is one thing, disruption and disrespect is another.
Jws still don't think 2 much of VD, huh?
Go to the doctor. Get treatment. It won't get better if you ignore it.
we believe that 99.9% of earths population will be soon put to death because of their unrighteousness and hatred of god.
this probably means that you wont make it.
sorry bout that.. god is using us to warn the entire world of mankind.
Funny--because it's accurate!
what is the wts going to do if a non df'ed individual is the primary care provided for say an elderly family member or a handicapped child or parent?
many of us are in the position that without our assisting these folks they would have no where to turn.
does not the bible admonish a responsiblity to these loved ones??
Display Christian Loyalty
a Scriptural and moral obligation to assist.
The choice of words speaks volumes. They ask for "Loyalty" (to the Watchtower). They say to meet your "Obligation" (the minimum requirement).
"Charity" (doing all you can for those in need) is conspicuously absent.
Condensed version: "Don't do anything that might get us sued. Call the cops. Let them handle it."
it's a little over a year since my daughter was diagnosed with end stage congestive heart failure due to a virus.
her dr. was talking heart transplant then.. i almost lost her 3 times over the past year due to complications.
2011 was a tough year to put it mildly.
Fantastic! I hope Ali continues to heal.
Yes, "Looks like we made it" sure looked like a Watchtower cover!
metatron in your opinion do you think the world will see it soon?
how soon?.
Planet earth will need a plague like the Black Plague if earth is to survive. That's just a fact.
The Earth itself should do just fine for a long time to come. The question is life on this planet, human life in particular.
Plague and natural catastrophes (super-volcanoes, asteroid impacts, etc.) are natural events that could permanently zero out human population growth. Large-scale warfare, genocide, and resource depletion are human-caused ones. Widespread famine has both natural and human causes. Plagues have both sources too: natural evolution of new pathogens and pests; human hygiene practices and over-use of antibiotics, pesticides etc. (i.e., selective breeding of more virulent pathogens and pests).
We need to pay more attention to what we humans can control; less to those things we cannot stop.
just wondering if it's possible for a non-religious person like me to be friends with a devout jehovah's witness.
as i understand they don't like to mix with us lower life forms.
any thoughts?.
The friendship tends to be one-sided. You see them as a friend, a person whose good qualities you appreciate, one whom you enjoy associating with. They see you as a person with potential--if only you'd go to their meetings and KNOW THE "TRUTH". Until you do, they're advised to not get too attached, because Armageddon is coming Really Soon Now, and unless you're IN THE ARK when that happens, you're going to be BIRD FOOD.
A romantic friendship is probably trouble as in TROUBLE.
Yes, sometimes very expensive trouble (as in divorce lawyers, alimony, etc.).
wish i had been more prepared to say something intelligent like others i have read about on here .
usually the witness by-pass our house ,so i was not even thinking it might be them when someone knocked an hour ago .
it was a young man ,maybe 17 , and a subsitute co i remember from yrs ago .. the young man started talking right away about reading me a scripture ,he already had it open in his paperback bible (tacky looking if you ask me ).
Nice job--that was a polite but clear "No thank you". What a good witness it was for that young man, to see the CO not recognizing "lost sheep" from his own "flock"!