Do you still miss old JW "friends"? Yes but not enough to go back.
Do you miss the company of JW relatives? In my family, blood is thicker than WT ink. My family is know my thoughts and feelings on all things WT. It's not an issue and they won't out me. I' ve made tons of progress with my family. We are still close and get invited to family functions. They don't want to hear my apostate views and I don't want to hear the dub drivel. For now, no worries.
Do even the smallest of thoughts that maybe, just maybe, the JWs are right about some things, still haunt the darkest corners of you mind? Nada...lots of research and reading on this forum, the bible, secular books and past WT materials have killed any doubts about the JW being right about anything.
Do you still have the occasional nightmare about dying during the big A? Nope...see above.
My fade is 85% complete, I occassionally have to finesse the elders and nosy witnesses. I have few things in the works that will close this chapter in my life.