From oldest to most recent (all own personal observations - not influenced by outside sources):
- The generation teaching
- Un-theocratic elders
- Self-willed elders
- Elder fiefdoms
- Older but still very immature elders
- Cover-ups (rape, incest, fraud, slander - all in my own extended family)
- Blood doctrine (OK to use parts of donated blood, but not OK to donate)
- Irrational fear of df'd persons
- Incompetence of elders, especially in dealing with real problems
- Blatant translation errors to support wt dogma
- Ruling religious clergy class and hierarchy in the wt org, plus the creation, exploitation and oppression of a "laity class" of "dumb sheeple"
- Incongruence - CO: "if it is not in harmony with divine teaching it is teaching of demons" versus elderette: "it is better to be wrong with the society than right on your own" (meaning that it is better to eat at the table of demons with the society than at God's table on your own)
- Inconsistencies and errors especially between the usage/application and definition of key terms: prophet, prophecy, apostasy, the gospel, faith
- Confusing and conflating "belief" with "faith"
- Organised theft of spirituality and faith
- Spurious and unbiblical terms: faithS and gospelS
- Spiritual blindness, confusion, inebriation, and insanity of elders
- Literal 144,000
- Jesus is not our mediator
- Never once in the NT does the term "the anointed" refer to humans, but is always correctly translated as "ho Kristos" or "the Christ" even in the badly mangled NWT.
- FDS = human clergy class = the anointed = represented by GB (but GB actually ignores them)
- WBTS Organisation, GB (Sanhedrin) and Elders (Pharisees) as pseudo-mediators or VISIBLE golden calf
- Wt "two hopes" versus Bible's "one hope" (spurious and unbiblical two class system of believers)
- The opposite trajectories of the gospel in print in the wt library, and the gospel as actually taught and believed as reflected by what is actually in the hearts and on the lips of wt followers
- The opposite trajectories of "religion" and the "gospel"
- Elder's ignorance of, fear of, and contempt for, the liberating gospel of grace - the tipping point and last straw (especially the denial of "imputed righteousness" and "imputed holiness")
- Wt revisionist cover-up of previous teaching that all religion is a snare and a racket