When I was still a Watchtower religionist I couldn't fathom how an (white) American couple were able to forgive the young (black) racist African thugs who killed their daughter who had travelled half way around the world to serve and help struggling black communities. This couple then did what their daughter had done. They risked their lives to travel half way around the world, enter the same community, find these thugs, forgive them, love them, educate them, support them, and give them a future and a better vision. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Biehl)
I also did not comprehend what Nelson Mandela had similarly done and why (movie: Invictus).
Now that I too have received the free gift of faith, like they had, I understand their seemingly counterintuitive forgiveness and compassion, and see them as my spiritual brothers and sisters, although they were as imperfect as the rest of us.