The custody battle fought over us (the human family) by means of controlling religion and its nemesis the liberating gospel of grace and peace.
JoinedPosts by Fernando
by new hope and happiness inwhat is important to you and why?.
maybe i should begin with a few suggestions:-.
The ignorance of the "sheep"...and will door to door work phaze out due to being "challenged" too much at the door?
by integ inhello friends.. i notice alot of talk about the future and what it would take to bring the whole thing down and no one seems to think it can or will happen any time soon.
just seeing people here talk about what will happen once 2034 comes and goes is very discouraging.. i'm amazed this religion continues to move along as it does.
building, growing etc.
I wonder if the d2d work is more likely being phased out, by means of initiatives like "trolly folly", jwTV and due to basic math lessons the GB have taken at
Total hours of FS worldwide for a given year namely 2013 [ 1,841,180,235 ],
divided by (an estimated) half the baptisms, namely those not recruited by their parents [ 0.5 X 277,344 ],
divided by a 10-hour-per-month publisher's hours per year [ 10 hours per month X 12 months ],
equals x-years of doorknocking by a 10-hour-per-month publisher per baptism via doorknocking.
Years = 1,841,180,235 / (0.5 X 277,344) / (10 X 12) = 110 years
In essence, using 2013 figures, it will take a 10-hour-per-month publisher (an average of) 110 years to generate 1 baptism via doorknocking.
The ignorance of the "sheep"...and will door to door work phaze out due to being "challenged" too much at the door?
by integ inhello friends.. i notice alot of talk about the future and what it would take to bring the whole thing down and no one seems to think it can or will happen any time soon.
just seeing people here talk about what will happen once 2034 comes and goes is very discouraging.. i'm amazed this religion continues to move along as it does.
building, growing etc.
Hey integ!
I agree, the mindlessness is frustrating.
Sadly most householders, including especially Christians, are no different, and have nothing substantive or useful to offer the next doorknocking WBTS cultist.
Just ask almost any "Christian" to explain what the gospel is in one word.
The result is the same as a "car salesman" that does not know that a Ford is a motorcar.
Melbourne's Herald Sun -- "confessions of a Jehovah's Witness"
by MrMonroe inall the dubs pouring into melbourne, australia for the international convention gonna choke on their cornflakes when they read this ....
Another very well written model that could be followed in many other cities by those so inclined...
I'm feeling a little inspired...
Why I Refuse to Accept the term APOSTATE
by Black Man inbeen going back in forth with my mom (who is a longtime pioneer and dyed-in-the-wool jw) about the term apostate.
she has labeled me one because of my fading and because i stopped attending meetings a few years ago.
i told her that i refuse to accept the term apostate because its a lazy way for the wts to not deal with dissenters and address why people are leaving this organization in droves.
Black Man, my thoughts too.
Besides laziness (on the part of the R&F) it is also deception on the part of the hierarchy.
Apostasy is correctly defined as spiritual unfaithfulness, adultery, fornication, or prostitution (Ezek 16 and 23) of which the Watchtower is doubly guilty.
The evidence is in how this harlotrous organisation and hierarchy use malicious clericalism, magisterium and misdirection to keep their followers ignorant of "the truth of the Good News" (especially according to Paul in Romans through Hebrews).
Reference: search Watchtower library for -
aposta* unfaithful*
using paragraph scope, and displaying results from the Bible only.
New development in my life
by EdenOne inno longer a ms ........................... can't give details atm, for it might be a dead-giveaway and it ain't quite over yet.
but, it really taught me one thing: if you're trying to fade or stay in, trust no one.
and i mean no one.. eden.
Fantastic Good News EdenOne.
Our family is with yours in spirit, and if you expect the worst from those following a false "Good News" you will at least not be disappointed.
A great future awaits once you have put off the weight of the corrupt and dysfunctional Watchtower Organisation.
(Hebrews 12:1) . . .So, then, because we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also put off every weight and the [dysfunction] that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. . .
So I'm going through a really difficult time right now.
by scaredtospeak ini was publicly reproved last year and the elders have taken their sweet time in reinstating my "privileges".
it's been six months and i can't answer at the meetings or participate in the theocratic ministry school.
in all honesty- i don't care about the privileges.
The gospel versus religion.
Being able to participate in worshipping the god of religion is no privilege at all. You might choose to let them keep their "privilege".
Did you know that your mom would find it impossible to pursue the "Good News" according to Paul, and remain a follower of the Watchtower Organisation?
You could "agree" to a family study of the book of Romans, and focus on the "free gift" of "imputed righteousness" (aka Justification) as taught by Paul. In time your mom will be unable to avoid comparing this with the self-righteousness (works-righteousness) common in the Watchtower.
The Governing Body et al Should Have Been Disfellowshipped!
by The Searcher inwhen the wtbts association with the un & the osce was exposed, their own rules should have been rammed down their corrupt and lying throats!.
thank you so much for the watchtower cd rom.
you made a huge rod for your own back.
They have.
By Jesus.
New methods?
by manda63 inhi, had some strange things happen this week that have made me ponder what on earth is going on with the man made organisation.. 1/ while picking up some train tickets i was approached by a young man with an ipad of sorts who engaged me in a chap and then asked to show me a new website i asked what he was trying to sell or promote he assured me that he was selling nothing the website he showed me was so i quickly said so you are promoting an organisation with a brand name similar to how a christian would promote jesus and the bible he looked confused but then said yes, so i said that i thought that to be quite shamefull, he froze for a bit and didnt comment so i asked is this new symbol a trade mark of some marketting firm to which he said "no we are jehovahs witnesses" no one else was around so not sure of the "we" but anyway i said if god has given us the bible whats with a website that produces snippets out the bible with an opinion on the meaning he avoided the question and asked me what i believed in so i said my religions leeders dont let me discuss belief with anybody so i obey,listen to them and dont question he said "you have been blessed by j with a brain and freedom of thought to look and question" i said ok but i think its strange that you use a name for god thats perhaps made up by man, blindly follow and dont question a group of self appointed men as well as showing signs of idoatory to an organisation that has pushed jesus to one side, at this he suddenly he had to dash off.
2/ when out shopping i was apprehended by a group of people with a stand giving free literature and promoting the website so i had had to ask whats with this name change after all these years and are you a similar religion to the catholic church which led to a chat about how the catholic religion is false and how they wickedly have covered up sex abuse!
i didnt bite on this one but asked if birth control was banned in the religion a lady stepped forward and explained that it was cruel and not biblical to ban contreception i said i had been shown a bit in the bible that gives rise to this ban and she said they(catholic church) dont understand the bible and use it to control and miss inform people so i replied similar to how your organisation bans blood and birthdays by misinterpreting the bible i went on to say that i believe the organisation to be hypocritical,false , cult like and shamefull how it covers up sex abuse i also got in that the organisation had totally corrupted its self with its un membership and also with the sheer amount of false prophecy over its relatively short history at which the senior man at the table politely told me if i wasnt interested in the literature to be on my way and that hopefully i would mature enough to let jehovah into my heart before it was to late and that he felt sorry for me and the people i obviously associated with.
I would have liked to ask them why the "Good News" according to Paul is not on their lips and not in their hearts.
They refer to themselves as "publishers of the good news" (159 times in wt lib 2012).
More than half their Bible's 152-odd references to "Good News" are by Paul.
Can a religion claim: Only we have the truth?
by Kalos intruth is self-evident (things like: the whole is greater than its part ....).. truth is always right (things like: caring for the accident victim helplessly bleeding on the road ....).. claiming: only we have the truth is like claiming: only my university is useful.
history shows that many school/college drop-outs have made significant contributions to the society like many those who completed their education!
and on the contrary, many school/college drop-outs have made significant damage to the society like some of those who completed their education!
Religion versus the gospel
In my experience religion by design leads us away from "the truth" namely our creator's message (the liberating gospel of grace and peace) and the personification of that message (Jesus).