And another lunacy I recall....those who didn't reproduce prior to Armageddon in order to fully pursue kingdom interests, if they were past the age of childbearing on entry to the new world, it would be like Sarah and Abraham....their reproductive powers would be regenerated. But no sex for resurrected ones. Only for survivors and children born to them.... And....perhaps resurrected babies would be raised by childless survivors thus satisfying their parental desires.
But...with former desires "passed away"....(from Isaiah).....the desire for sex could easily be relieved from the survivors psyche, a loving provision no doubt.....
There also were calculations regarding how a gradual roll back resurrection could "logically" occur....with ample accomodations for all...but yes at the comfortable satiety of the planet, population would supposedly remain static. Or......the planetary mass could expand.....allowing further creatures......human and otherwise.