Welcome, Torn in Two Son! I will leave the sage advice to others on this board - there is a lot of combined experience to learn from. Hang in there, and be happy that you're still young and can truly direct the course of your life from here on out. (Still gotta listen to your parents though!)
Posts by zoiks
confused, scared and worst of all, teenager.
by torn in two son inmy dad woke up about 3 years ago and said nothing.
my sister woke up about a year ago.
my mom about a month ago, myself shortly after.
Why Do Some Elders Go After "Faded Ones" While Others Leave Us Alone?
by minimus inso far, no one has really bothered me.
i always wonder why.
then i read of how some are always getting calls and visits.
Personality of the elders, dynamics of the BOE, personality of and demands made by the CO, relationship dynamics between any given elder and the fader, any current "light" on inactive ones coming from Brooklyn... just stuff really.
Edit: I'll also guess that the manner and speed of the fade is important. If you're fading really fast like me, people tend to notice.
Watchtower.org on "Manipulation of Information" - Hypocrisy Alert
by skeeter1 intalk about the pot calling the kettle black!
the watchtower has sunk to a new depth of hypocrisy.
check out this bullshit.
It is all so cynical.
why i wept bitterly in front of two elders......
by oompa innot sure if i ever shared this...but have seen several "sharing" threads here lately and it motivated me..... when i met with the co and po about some doubts and an important question....and when i got the co's answer.....i could not speak....i put my head down and just started crying...not sobbing cause i fought it back...finally the only words to come out were..."i am going to have to leave my wife and son"....and they were like wtf?...but in jw lingo of course.
see i knew in that instant...that very moment....that i had been lied to my entire life...and my stack of doubts i had been piling on the shelf and waiting on jehovah were all valid....and i knew i would never fit in again...not even with my wife and son...that i would never be the spiritual head they needed and wanted.....that was almost 4 years ago...man time flies...and yep...now i am separated from my jw wife...and yep...i did not fit in...not even with her...and my son is older now and moved out but we are not close.
btw...i had printed out all 12 places in rev.
Thanks for sharing, Oompa.
I had to chuckle tonight while listening to the tie in.
by Leprechaun ini heard one elder say after everyone tried to sing one of their jacked up songs they have now, he said wow now that is a twisted rendition.. ( think there are a lot of people getting fed up with this direction of worshiping the governing body ) .
Maybe some will start to ask why, but I'm not optimistic. It seems like anything new is met with mindless glee, regardless of its implications.
An old friend of mine was deleted as an elder... you're gonna love why!
by JimmyPage init seems my friend stepped in to help his daughter out of an abusive relationship with her boyfriend.
the crime?
his daughter is disfellowshipped.
Good for him. Maybe some more eyes will be opened as a result of this.
Don't give up
by wheelwithinwheel inim a longtime fader.
a fellow i work with is married to a dfd sister who had divorced her jw husband.
a couple of weeks ago this work companion came to me visibly quite uncomfortable and said he needed to talk.
Thanks for this. A nice uplifting reminder.
Song Book changes - the 'real' reason behind them - EYE OPENING
by EndofMysteries init's very interesting comparing things that are removed.
for one, new world order and new world, new order, all being eliminated from everything.
just research nwo, "new world order", etc, to see.
They're perfectly willing to lose hundreds or thousands of free thinkers
...and then they can point to the scripture about the "love of the greater number cooling off" as evidence that the end is near(er), keeping the sheep in line.
What is an elder?
by acolytes ini have concluded that elders are people who take it as their right to torture any baptised member of the congregation who will not conform to their standards.. why do i say this?.
basically i think they see anyone who does not live up to their standards as a threat in which they risk exposure to fealings they would rather die than face.
(the irony they pride themselfs in thinking they are in the "truth").
My experience fits Nugget's observations. In the handful of congregations that I was part of, about 25% of the elders seemed to be of the bad type, enjoying a taste of power. Most seemed to be doing their best, were always overworked and exhausted, and likely had a very large "wait on Jehovah" mental file drawer.
The Future New Lights (jw speak for corrections) Of the Illustrative GB
by frankiespeakin inthe scene of the world is changing and so must the jw religion in order to keep pace and keep losses in currant membership to a minimum and still offer an attractive lure for prospective new converts.
this must be done on a regular basis just to keep them afloat as old teachings were actually made by a group of old men with old ideas and old dates that have to give way to the obvious reality of unfulfilled predictions.. the wt publishing company has sought new blood in the way of younger men appointed to the high ranks of the gb,, some receiving their calling to the anointed latter than 1960 long after the once imposed cutoff date of 1935 for those with the heavenly calling.
i remember as an elder back in the 80's being told by the co not to count some in the congregation who were partaking of the emblems at the memorial, because they were not baptized early enough and the reason given was that they obviously had some emotional problems that caused them to make the claim and that counting them would throw the wt figures out of whack.. apparently the wt corporation's ceos are on the horns of a dilemma caused by their short sighted predictions and literal interpretations of the #144,000 in revelation, and adding to the mix of doctrinal problems is also the ever increasing scientific knowledge being taught in grammar, middle, and high schools much to the chagrin of bible fundamentalist who are seeking and even demanding equal time for their theory of intelligent design creationism.. will the wt go with the flow and learn from the catholic church(who at one time tortured and killed heretics) but now accepts the earth is not the center of the universe and who's leader the pope now claims the fact of evolution is not at odds with the bible?
I'm unsure of potential "tipping point" for members to finally wake up. Those who I still speak with are either very much "captives of a concept", or are simply too complacent to do anything about it.
One friend of mine (a MS) who I confided in told me, "I guess I'm just not the studious type. I never really paid that much attention to all of that stuff."
I truly think that for many JWs, staying in is the path of least resistance, regardless of any new wacko doctrine or "adjustments".