My mother used to always tell me that "As long as a man has good spiritual qualities and goals - then he will make a good marriage mate since he loves Jehovah more then you". Ok now that makes me think...what the hell??? If a man can read the Bible from the platform, hold a freakin mic, pray in front of a crowd, and comment during a Watchtower - WHY does that make him 'qualified' to be a good husband? Using my ex as an example: he had all those 'privileges' in the Khall, but what everyone in there DIDN'T know was that this 31yr old lived at home in his parents attic, couldn't hold a job (he 4 in the 2yrs we were together), had a police record and was on probation, and was ultimately abusive.
So...that crap about a brother having 'privileges' and being 'spiritually qualified' because he SAYS he has goals or you saw him hit the play button on the stereo so the Kg Melodies could start...well...that guy is an ACTOR. Marrying his 'representative' that you see at the Khall is NOT who he really is sometimes, and THAT would be unevenly yoked, wouldn't it?