LOL...Good to know I wasn't the only one who was laughing his ass off at the service meeting last week!
"Dressing modesty might arouse curiosity"
on this week's service meeting there's a q&a for an article about informal witnessing (tm).
the second paragraph recommends dressing modestly at all times so you're ready to witness at a moment's notice.
it even says that your neat & clean appearance may arouse "curiosity".. .
LOL...Good to know I wasn't the only one who was laughing his ass off at the service meeting last week!
"Dressing modesty might arouse curiosity"
Right! just isn't big enough!.
LOL! That's a good one!
Very true.
having explained/pointed out the doctrinal flip flops to some jw's i know i was astonished to find that they just brushed it all aside, on one occasion they seemed to just tune me out and quit listening.
the gb really do have them whipped, it makes me wonder what it would take for them to sit up and realise what a insane religon they are in?!
and in the meantime how much can the gb get away with because of the blind faith of their followers?
Sorry about all the typos, by the way. I am still getting used to the fact that I can't modify my own posts :(
having explained/pointed out the doctrinal flip flops to some jw's i know i was astonished to find that they just brushed it all aside, on one occasion they seemed to just tune me out and quit listening.
the gb really do have them whipped, it makes me wonder what it would take for them to sit up and realise what a insane religon they are in?!
and in the meantime how much can the gb get away with because of the blind faith of their followers?
"it makes me wonder what it would take for them to sit up and realise what a insane religon they are in?!"
Well, not too long ago I did realize what an insane religion I was (physically still in but mentally out.) The thing that made me find out all this stuff was the internet and the wealth of information that on the internet. I really hope more and more people wake up.
Now just curious highdose, what things did you mentioned to those JW's? I have of course seen that reaction from JW's almost every time I try to bring some question up (very cautiously.) As a matter of fact, I used to show that same reaction myself some time ago! But I am just curious, what things did mention?
Also, interesting scriptures there, Homer. Even though I have been a JW for some years, I never came across those scriptures. I was shocked by reading those! I did a little search on some of them and found nothing in the WT Library. Probably because the WT leaders didn't have anything to say about them. But on the scripture in Ezekiel 9:5,6 I found the following. Seems like WTS is also in hand with the almighty child abuser:
W72 1/15 pp.51-52
" If we value our earthly lives we will be interested in the value that the “mark” carries with it. We learn to appreciate it as we hear what the King Jehovah says from his throne after he tells the “man clothed with the linen” what to do. The prophet Ezekiel tells us what Jehovah says next in the vision: “And to these others he said in my ears: ‘Pass through the city after him and strike. Let not your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion. Old man, young man and virgin and little child and women you should kill off—to a ruination. But to any man upon whom there is the mark do not go near, and from my sanctuary you should start.”’—Ezek. 9:5, 6.
10 Does it sound cruel for Jehovah to say, “Old man, young man and virgin and little child and women you should kill off—to a ruination”? Yes, but think of the divine mercy revealed in Jehovah’s express command to the symbolic “six men” armed with weapons for smashing, “But to any man upon whom there is the mark do not go near”! Ah, now, we appreciate that there is protective value in that mark. If, in the coming “great tribulation” upon Christendom and all the rest of this detestable system of things, we desire to be spared by Jehovah’s angelic armies, we will make sincere efforts now to acquire the “mark” for our preservation. We will try to aid others in acquiring the “mark” also, that they may be part of that “great crowd” concerning whom it is prophetically written: “These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” (Rev. 7:14) If we appreciate that the marking work is nearing its end and that soon the symbolic “six men” are about to smash the unmarked heads, we will lovingly endeavor to back up the lifesaving work of the King’s secretary.
11 Let us not egotistically presume that we, if with unmarked foreheads, shall be able somehow to go unnoticed by the armed “six men.” When ancient Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E., then, according to the hard facts, little children as well as virgins, women, young men and old men were destroyed. If the little babies did not die from hunger or pestilence or at the hands of the cruel Babylonian soldiers, then they died at the pitiless hands of their own starving mothers, who ate them like cannibals. The prophet Jeremiah, who was a prisoner inside Jerusalem until it fell to the besiegers, tells us so. (Lam. 2:20, 21) What about your children who are too young today to make an intelligent dedication and get baptized in symbol of becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ? They may be too young to get the mark in the forehead personally.
12 But are you yourself marked with that mark of dedication and of Christian personality? Are you striving to do as the Christian apostle Paul admonishes a parent to do, namely, bring them up in the discipline and the mental-regulating of Jehovah, and are they obediently responding to your loving efforts? (Eph. 6:1-4) Only if this is the case can you trust that the merit of the “mark” in your own forehead will extend to your minor children and that they will be mercifully spared with you from execution or destruction in the oncoming “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Matt. 24:21) Now in the short time that remains is the time to do this, before the modern-day “man clothed with the linen” finishes his marking of all worthy foreheads and the symbolic “six men” start using their smashing weapons on all unmarked foreheads that they discover. You parents, do you want your little children to be considered, not “unclean,” but “holy,” because of your marked forehead in Jehovah’s day for executing vengeance? Naturally you should. But do not presume that your children who are intelligent enough to make a decision and personally dedicate themselves to Jehovah through Christ will come under the merit of your marked forehead."
Hey, wait a minute! Since Jesus paid the price why are people still dying? And why is satan still allowed to fuck things up for another 2 thousand years? Are we still paying for that lousy fucking fruit?
LOL! That's good stuff right there.
recently i talked to some jw, even so called strong ones in the truth:.
i noticed, they do not believe everything from the wts, for example:.
one older sister, a close relative of mine, she has been pioneering for years, babtizes over 40 years ago, mentioned, that sometimes she wonders about certain teaching, but she can not say anything, because somebody would say, she speaks against jehovah himself..further she said, she remmebers 1975, and that the society tried to blame the brothers, but was clearly responsible itself... i was quit shocked to hear that from her, and i added some careful comments in the same direction.... other brothers do not agree with certain teachings, like resurrected ones will not marry, or animals will not eat each other etc.... maybe those are "minor" issues, but if you doubt one teaching of gods channel, doesnt that mean, you doubt the whole thing ?.
I realize this is kinda an old thread but indeed an interesting one.
What can I say...I don't know how much apostate is in other JWs but hell, I can tell you there is a quiet bit of apostate in me and I am still technically a JW (unfortunately?) lol
Stillin, a human being.
well finallyyy i was able to create an account here after trying several times and being unsuccessful.
thanks to the mods for helping me out.
i have been hanging around this site for several months now.
Thank you all for the welcomes! I look forward to continue hanging around this forum and learning new stuff.
By the way, who is this "Chris", that I am supposed to be another Chris?
Anyhow, thanks all and peace out for now.
Stillin9, a human being.
at least i have/do at times.. dear god.
why is knowing you so confusing?
why are you dependent on my 'faith'?
I can say that this is one of the most meaningful prayers I have read. More meaningful and truthful than any of the prayers I have heard at the meetings/assemblies/conventions.
well finallyyy i was able to create an account here after trying several times and being unsuccessful.
thanks to the mods for helping me out.
i have been hanging around this site for several months now.
Hello all,
Well finallyyy I was able to create an account here after trying several times and being unsuccessful. Thanks to the mods for helping me out. I have been hanging around this site for several months now. I am still "in" thus my username stillin. I wont reveal too much about myself but I just like many others know the "truth about the truth." One of the main things that has been bothering me is the 1975 prophecy. Anyhow, I have friends and family in so it's not as easy to leave but to be honest I don't think I am fully mentally free yet. But I am doing research and working on it. I am also reading the Crisis of Consience by Franz. Well that's it for now.
Thank you all,
- Stillin, a human being