Purplesofa, Palmtree67:
JoinedPosts by goldensky
Growing Up With Violence
by compound complex init was not a light slam of flesh and bone against a slanting wall of the derelict cabin.. animal rage set its talons upon an unsuspecting, trusting child and sent her hurtling into the air and, upon impact with the splintery cedar paneling, edging downward, painfully downward by a stop-go motion that could hardly be described as sliding.
landed in a shocked but still breathing heap, she lay quiet until the beast left its lair.
once out the ill-hung door and into the labyrinthine wood that all but put the tiny speck of four rotting walls safely off the map, mommy went to work.
Growing Up With Violence
by compound complex init was not a light slam of flesh and bone against a slanting wall of the derelict cabin.. animal rage set its talons upon an unsuspecting, trusting child and sent her hurtling into the air and, upon impact with the splintery cedar paneling, edging downward, painfully downward by a stop-go motion that could hardly be described as sliding.
landed in a shocked but still breathing heap, she lay quiet until the beast left its lair.
once out the ill-hung door and into the labyrinthine wood that all but put the tiny speck of four rotting walls safely off the map, mommy went to work.
Snowbird, .
Through a Darkened Pane
by compound complex inmy frequent walks these last few years about the neighborhood so familiar to me would ordinarily be construed a pleasant enough non-event.
a little mild exercise - taken in small doses to keep the joints operating properly - and a keen eye peeled for the ever-changing face of nature have rendered the daily promenade a suitable diversion.
until recently.
Thank you, Snowbird!
Growing Up With Violence
by compound complex init was not a light slam of flesh and bone against a slanting wall of the derelict cabin.. animal rage set its talons upon an unsuspecting, trusting child and sent her hurtling into the air and, upon impact with the splintery cedar paneling, edging downward, painfully downward by a stop-go motion that could hardly be described as sliding.
landed in a shocked but still breathing heap, she lay quiet until the beast left its lair.
once out the ill-hung door and into the labyrinthine wood that all but put the tiny speck of four rotting walls safely off the map, mommy went to work.
All these weeks I kept seeing that thread Through a darkened pane popping up, but when I clicked on it, I didn't seem to understand what it was all about. Don't many other posters take part in it? I thought you were all making up a story as you went along and it seemed to be so much fun I was sorry not to be able to contribute to it, since I couldn't follow it properly. How should I set about reading it?
Snowbird, whatever happened to you in your childhood, you've come out of it as a wonderful conqueror and a very sweet person. I'm always pleased to greet you.
Growing Up With Violence
by compound complex init was not a light slam of flesh and bone against a slanting wall of the derelict cabin.. animal rage set its talons upon an unsuspecting, trusting child and sent her hurtling into the air and, upon impact with the splintery cedar paneling, edging downward, painfully downward by a stop-go motion that could hardly be described as sliding.
landed in a shocked but still breathing heap, she lay quiet until the beast left its lair.
once out the ill-hung door and into the labyrinthine wood that all but put the tiny speck of four rotting walls safely off the map, mommy went to work.
Dear CoCo, your story has knotted my stomach. You're dealing here with the most sensitive chord in my heart, one that, when struck, produces in my innermost parts overwhelming pain to the point of insanity over all those who have suffered at the hands of their own parents. I thought it was just a story until you added you've experienced it yourself, and that really makes my heart bleed. I wish you'd relate your whole experience in detail, although I doubt I'd be able to read it through.
You are such a gifted writer, CoCo! Your choice of words is so vast I had to keep using the Google translator.
I also wish you a great day..
Was any of you leading a bible study when discovered the truth about the "truth"?
by Desilusionnee ini ask because i'm confronted to that and i really don't know what to do.
i always pointed out that the bible and not the book we are studying together is god's word, but now i really don't know any farther.. the 2nd problem is that we don't only study the bible she is now a friend of mine, our children are of the same age?
were some of you in the same situation?
I'm just bumping it, Desilusionnee, I'm sure quite a few here have been in your situation and can give you good advice.
No typos or grammatical errors ever????
by StAnn inseems to me that, despite the fact that the content of the wts literatrash is crap, i've never seen a typo or grammatical error in the lit.
anybody ever noticed this or ever found instances of errors?
and, if there are no errors, how do they manage that?
My disfelloshipped pro-organization (¡¡¡) brother, who keeps up with all the literature, loves to write down every single typo he comes across, just for the anecdote. The other day he gave me a list with some of them, for example:
Apparently, they have skipped the word "not" on page 31 of the Awake of the 8th May 2004 of the English edition (I can't check that, since I only have the literature in Spanish right now).
He says a line has been repeated twice in The Watchtower, May 15 2007, page 23.
I'm checking, but all the others he points out are in the Spanish edition.
How Often Do You Check To See If You've Got Mail Here?
by minimus ini find that i check 2 or 3 times a week and generally have no jwn mail..
Every time I log in, which is two or three times a day, usually. I'd hate for somebody to need some information and not be available. Or just wanting to say Hello and me not answering.
Zombie dub, it only takes about... 10 seconds to go through that seemingly complicated procedure!
how many of you in the USA have visited England
by RosePetal inif any body from usa have visited england i would like to know if you liked your stay.
what was your experience?
did you visit while still a dub did you visit any congregations and make any life long friends?
Dear RosePetal, I've been to England quite a few times (but I live in Spain, so maybe I shouldn't have posted, I don't know). It became my second country when I was a teenager. I loved it! I always stayed with brothers and sisters and got to know these families quite well: the Calderwood family in Bournemouth (she was like a mother to me), the Greenwoods and the Lanes in Sutton, Chris Hewer in Sutton too. I also went up to the Isle of Skye and stayed with the Marconi (Marcotti?) family of Italian origin who opened their door and their hearts to my brother and me (although he had grown a beard on our motorcycle trip from Bournemouth and I looked pretty unkempt too, but their door opened wide before we could finish the sentence, "We are Jehovah's Witnesses" and just made us stay for days without wanting to let us go... Beautiful memories...). I love the culture, the food (yes, the food as well) and your sweet reluctance to open up and express your feelings until we get to know you better, but then you remain friends for life. Yes, I'm very fond of you, British people.
Where do I begin?
by Backspacer ini'm new here but have been reading/lurking for several months.
it's good to know that i'm not alone in my ex-jw status and that my story and experiences are not unique.
i have no bitterness or anger anymore.... that's long gone since i left some 12 years ago.
Welcome, Backspacer! You'll see how much fun we all have here.
Snowbird, you are terrible! Ha, ha!