JoinedTopics Started by Snotrag
Which do you prefer?
by keyser soze inwhen it comes to weather, would you rather have a wind chill below zero, or a heat index over 100?
it's the hottest week of the summer here.
i have to confess, i handle the cold much better than the heat.
3 Things You Should Know About Islam
by onemore the video, what if we were to substitute the word islam (in the video) for watchtowerism..
Favorite MOVIE SCENE - any genre - your pick!
i realized i was hi-jacking another thread so i thought i would start my own topic.. one of my favorite movie scenes is the "to tip or not to tip" scene in reservoir dogs.
i don't care for all the blood in tarantino movies but he is, without a doubt, a genius.. .
Am I right to detect a merciless atmosphere?
by dgp ini remember that, when i was just beginning to read about jw's, i found jwfacts (great site) and read that being in the wt is bad because of the high control on people.
i would add a merciless environment where the rules can be bent, usually against you.
i would love to hear people's opinions on this..
God's forced PLOT point (which just doesn't make sense!)
by Terry inthe bifurcation of christianity's dealing with the "plot" that drives god's "plan" is never more explicitly revealed as not logically reasoned out than when it comes to the "good" and the "evil" being judged.. what is the point in judging "evil" if god is going to simply call the same sinful, imperfect man "good" who confesses christ?.
it makes about as much sense as putting a zero on top of a zero and calling it 8.. justification is nothing more than calling evil "good" by reframing the context.
sin kills man.
Did you ever go through a period of obsession with all things WT related upon your awakening?
by miseryloveselders inwhen i was a firm believer that the wts was god's chosen organization, i didn't really research too much.
never gave much thought to other opinions.
if the insight book said so, than it was factual.
Quote of the day
by is there help out there inhaving sex with a woman is like baking a cake.
one must preheat the oven before putting it in or it will not come out right..
The Ones Who Walk Away form Omelas, by Ursula Le Guin
by changeling in
blondie mentioned ursula le guin in other thread and it reminded me of this short story which i dearly love.
i wanted to share it with all of you.
Head Count request, are you male or female? Lets count!
by asilentone inat her recent thread, changeling was asking us if there are more men than women leaving the org.
lets find out.. .
i am a male.