Hi everyone, here is my site against cults. It is the mirror site of the french Miviludes (Interministerial commission for monitoring and combatting cultic deviances). Take a look and please write to the canadian politicians to encourage them to set up a parliamentary commission on cults. Thanks.
JoinedPosts by yalbmert99
Anti-cult lobby in Canada
by yalbmert99 inhi everyone, here is my site against cults.
it is the mirror site of the french miviludes (interministerial commission for monitoring and combatting cultic deviances).
take a look and please write to the canadian politicians to encourage them to set up a parliamentary commission on cults.
Thanks mouthy!
Thanks abbagail! Yes, some people will still deny subliminals images, but they are really there, no doubt about it. It is a proof that the Watchtower is one of the greatest hoax in human history...
Well, I am the one who built that site!! I'm in montreal Canada. I'm a former JW. I'm sorry if the site isn't perfect, but I tried.... Thanks for posting mouthy!
ICSA 2010 Annual Conference - New York City - July 1-3, 2010
by Dogpatch inicsa 2010 annual conference - new york city - july 1-3, 2010. with the collaboration of info-cult/info-secte, montreal, canada.
this conference is for:.
o former group members.
The JWs and Scientology lobbies have united to fight off the french Miviludes.
ICSA 2010 Annual Conference - New York City - July 1-3, 2010
by Dogpatch inicsa 2010 annual conference - new york city - july 1-3, 2010. with the collaboration of info-cult/info-secte, montreal, canada.
this conference is for:.
o former group members.
Hi everyone, I would like just to warn you all that there might be cult apologists at that conference. I went to a conference in Montreal last April, and there was one cult apologist that gave some speeches and he was working for the Scientology and Jehovah's Witnesses lobby. His name was RĂ©gis Dericquebourg. He was a French man, a sociologist from a certain university in France. He got verbally aggressive toward me when I mentionned all the work France and it's Miviludes did to fight cults. So, I hope it there won't be any cult apologists at the N.Y. conference. Otherwise, you will be very disappointed.
My websites against the Watchtower
by yalbmert99 inhi everyone!.
did you see my sites against the watchtower?.
Thanks to all!
My websites against the Watchtower
by yalbmert99 inhi everyone!.
did you see my sites against the watchtower?.
French court convicts Church of Scientology of fraud
by Gayle inhttp://www.cnn.com/2009/world/europe/10/27/france.scientology.fraud/index.html?eref=rss_topstories "the plaintiffs focused their complaints on the use of a device that scientologists say measures spiritual well-being.
" glad they got caught on this.
of course, the watchtower measures their members' 'spiritual well-being' by how many meetings they attend and the amount of hours they report.
Epic win for France ! Good work anons!
Ex-Scientology Kids Share Their Stories
by Dogpatch inthis is running last night and tonight on nightline.
this is great stuff:.
Thanks for putting online!
Russian JWs in Serious Trouble - about to be banned
by Dogpatch inalthough it has been leading up to this for a long time, it appears russia has made up their mind to get rid of "extremist" groups by banning them, and jws are pretty much at the top of the list.
the last few years under putin they have been giving them heaps of trouble.. .
i am not for bans as it usually backfires, but under the "new" admnistration it looks like hard-core responses are in order.
Thank you for these news!