I know I'll get flack for this, but it is pertinent. Let me give you two examples of why I'm not impressed with "scholars"
CARL OLOF JONSSON: This man wrote "Gentile Times Reconsidered" which is a brilliantly written work covering lots of detailed artifacts from ancient history. Plus he's very likeable and just as charming as can be once you get to interact with him. But my first experience with him was when he posted a rebuttal to an article I wrote about ancient eclipses and I pointed out that the "SK400" was a phony document because it mentioned "Year 9" of Kambyses. Kambyses didn't reign for 9 years. COJ wrote that I was lying about this reference. He posted this as an expert in the field. Only later when he was posting in an XJW discussion board did I confront him about this and he apologized and admitted that, indeed, there was a "Year 9" reference in this text. But if he was such an expert, he should have either known about the "year 9" reference or looked it up when I claimed it was there. Why would he post that I was lying about the "year 9" reference without looking it up? So as an "expert" he not only didn't know about it, but also didn't check it out? I find that inexcusable. Then only when confronted about it directly did he admit that he was wrong. But I'm thinking I'm just a researcher and an amateur, why do I have to correct experts in the field?
HERMANN HUNGER: Herman Hunger is like an incon in the field of archaeoastronomy. He and Abraham Sachs translated most of the astronomical texts we have available. But in line 18 of the VAT4956 he put "the moon" instead of "Venus" was below the "bright star at the end of the Lion's foot." The text itself was broken off, so that left it up to the translator to fill this in. All Hunger had to do to fill in the blank was to look at the astronomy for that date and see that it was a reference to Venus. Insread, he put "the moon" there! Now he translated the entire text so he knew how all the plenets moved and would have been aware of the movement of Venus and the Moon. Further in two previous lines, he noted the Moon had long moved out of Virgo and was in LIBRA and SCORPIO, respectively. How could he think the "moon" had somehow backtracked and was now back in Virgo? The moon was in Virgo on the 5th per Line 14. Point being, though, after contacting him, he readily admitted his "error" claiming he didn't know why he inserted the moon there. So llike COJ, he did admit to his mistake or misrepresentation when confronted.
So how impressed am I with these "scholars" and "experts"? Not very! Once you double-check their work, you find they make errors as well. But some of the "errors" look like dishonesty to some.
Now these examples are not just me having my own dogmatic opinion and disagreeing with the experts. These are two examples of where the scholars/experts have admitted to their error and been corrected. Now I respect scholarship. But I'm upset I'm the one who has to go behind them to clean up their errors! It's annoying! Scholars have agendas like everybody else -- like the WTS!