For me the personality of the God of the Bible is the main reason for not being a Christian any more (if I ever was)... plenty of examples of that mentioned above by other writers. Thus, after reading the Bible a few times, I no more have reason to read it any more. I recently read the Apocrypha since they give some insight (and outside look) in what I used to believe in. Reading the Bible can be useful in helping someone to quit the JWs, so if somebody has not carefully read the Bible, I might recommend it for that purpose.
Another thing: There is too much unnecessary BS in the Bible for it to be inspired by anything (anyone) else but limited human experience. Some statements there are just plain wrong and, in addition, then there is lots of stuff like that I mentioned in the do-you-still-read-the-bible thread: "Jair, a Gileadite... had thirty sons that rode on thirty ass colts..." (Judges 10:3-4) and "Abdon... had forty sons and thirty nephews, that rode on threescore and ten ass colts..." (Judges 12:13-14). Nothing more than a fairy tale.
In my opinioin, most pages of the Bible are completely unnecessary and only a few of them have some artistic (which I cannot really appreciate since I do not understand the original language) or major historical value. So take your own Bible and a text-liner pen to mark the passages that are completely useless or apparently wrong. There is not much left after that.
You should ask the same question about the Bible and about the Watchtower publications:
If they have anything to do with Holy Spirit, why are they so terribly wrong and stupid?