I wonder what they'd have to say about their subliminal art.
JoinedPosts by freydo
Thinking of writing a letter
by ranmac inforgive me if this has been touched on many times before.. i was wondering if anyone has actually written the society requesting their response/justifications to the many discrepencies and flaws in their doctrine and history, such as failed/altered dates and prophesies, pyramidology, beth sarim, lack of transparency, economic and political ties to the world, how they no more than archeologists, biblical contradictions, etc, etc..... if so, what was their response?.
The Tetragrammaton...And The Inserted Vowels
by titch infor any and all persons who may have been associated with jehovah's witnesses in the past (or currently), you have probably read, or heard information about the origin of the name "jehovah.
" as explained by witnesses, and even other religious groups, the name jehovah is merely the anglicized (or, english-language) version of the so-called "divine name.
" the thinking is that in the original hebrew language, the "divine name" was originally represented by these four english consonants: jhvh; some persons think that it might have been yhvh.
As JB Rotherham points out in the intro to his translation(as best I recall)
"Trying to spell the name of God with the vowels from adonai is like trying to spell Germany
with the vowels of Portugal."
So did he correct the error in his translation - NO!
Continued the error, just as jw's, in favor of tradition.
"Get out of her my people."
The New Covenant Discussion
by Listener ini left the org many years ago as a teenager.
i started looking more closely at their doctrines a few months ago to work out if they really have the truth.
when i cam across the notion that jesus is not mediator for everyone i was startled and have been looking at the issue a lot more closely.
The NC is to be made with Israel and Judah - not Gentiles.
Fox News: 'Efforts to Replace Allegiance to God with Allegieance to Government'. Oh.. also, the reason the home book study were cancelled.
by whereami indon't you just love the fear mongering.. reason for why the in home book study was cancelled on minute 1:24.. .
The Biblical cycle is(almost) complete. http://v-a.com "There was famine in Canaan, Jacob and his sons went to Egypt and lived as slaves, they were freed from Pharaoh's oppression and lived in the Wilderness for forty years, then they were shown a new land of Milk and Honey, but they still weren't ready for freedom, so they ended up as slaves in Babylon for another generation, and then the Prophets told them about the Messiah who would come and free them forever.........(But their final oppression was yet to come......) Americans fought for their independence for almost another century and finally they were free of England and taxation. Then they fought again, this time among themselves in mid-1800s to decide the issue of the new pecking order. The American Civil War claimed the lives of just about all the able-bodied men in America. It took another century before America got back on its feet and became a habitable land again. Then men's greed took over and the whole world began to suffer the oppression of a new pecking order. In the US the Stock Market crashed and there was a famine. The people of the world could no longer look for America to save them, so they fought among themselves for agricultural land. America decided to impose taxation on its own people and went to war in the 20th Century on behalf of the workers who didn't mind paying taxes. Since most of these people had come from Europe, America became a haven for Europeans. Non-Europeans weren't used to living like this, so the US imposed a quota system to keep their immigration to a minimum. America became the land of the free for the poor and the wretched. America's greatness was built from this pool of desperate humanity that only wished a bowl of soup and a piece of bread to fill their stomachs. They worked their tails off and put their lives on the line to defend their freedom as well. Americans fought two major world wars to defend their way of life. Under President George W. Bush Americans reached their zenith as a Christian Culture. Bush declared in his second inaugural speech that freedom was the gift from God and that America would fight for freedom everywhere. President Bush freed the Iraqi people from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. American soldiers gave their lives on behalf of Iraqis and gave them the opportunity to hold a free election. Then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of California declared the war to liberate Iraq as a grotesque mistake......Yesterday, the Fox News Channel declared that President Bush had gone too far.... Americans are now the most overtaxed people in the world. Land, food and all the commodities are too expensive for Americans. There is too little incentive for Americans to grow food and manufacture products. Obama and the Democrats are like vultures waiting for Americans to provide them with their next meal. The American experiment has come to a screeching halt. There is a famine in the world and no new horizons left.Americans are now a diverse group of people that live as minorities. President Obama comes from a very diverse background. He represents Muslims, Catholics, Atheists, Europeans, Africans, and Blacks(and don't forget homosexuals and witches). The American economy depends on an international conglomerate of businessmen who will invest in America again if Americans are willing to work for reasonable wages. That may entail giving up some of their cherished freedoms, such as their faith in Jesus and their spirit of independence. They must allow Islam to take hold in America the way it did in the Soviet Union and now increasingly in Europe, Asia and Africa. This will reduce tensions in the world and allow for a new world order. Then other groups will also be allowed in, such as the Buddhists and the Hindus.We are essentially entering the new age of American diversity, separation of church and state and European socialism. It is all comparable to the Tower of Babel: human diversity living under the umbrella of one world order. The President could be from any culture or religion. This is a time for diversity, freedom of expression, and freedom of information. This new world order is most conducive to the free enterprise system and international in spirit.Americans have unraveled as a nation. They are no longer a melting pot of many cultures. They no longer have common values. Americans are a diverse society made up of many races and religions that have decided to co-exist and work together in the free enterprise system for the benefit of international businessmen, entrepreneurs, and the multi-national conglomerates."
Fox News: 'Efforts to Replace Allegiance to God with Allegieance to Government'. Oh.. also, the reason the home book study were cancelled.
by whereami indon't you just love the fear mongering.. reason for why the in home book study was cancelled on minute 1:24.. .
The roaches have changed the Divine Names. Changed the Sabbath and said the Law(not sin) was nailed to the cross.
Now they(along with that Arab in the White House) want to get rid of any paper trails so they can have your children.
It's been going on since day one. "You surely will not die......."
What about WikiLeaks?
by dssynergy inwith all of the internal documents that i'm sure are floating around or accessible by insiders on this board, what about submitting them to wikileaks and see what they do with the material?
how embarasing would that be for wtbs for all that exposure?
i realize that wikileaks is mostly about governments - but i bet they would see the importance of opening up this can of worms too if it was shown to them.. just my .02. ds.
Given what the government has been up to.....
Praise Wikileaks!
Flying to Orlando tomorrow, my daughter is in the hospital
by coffee_black inmy daughter is in the hospital with pneumonia, and possibly a blood clot in her lung.
they'll be testing through the night...apparently, her heart is enlarged as well.
she is scared... and if her jw father catches wind of it, he will be there trying to intefere with her treatment... he lives close by to her, so i'll be flying down in the morning....to head him off at the pass.
Well since there haven't been any more lugubrious responses I thought I'd add..It's not that i'm insensitive
- but the choice that the NWO is offering is horrifying. Brought to you by atheists and pervert friends.
And it's just the beginning. Give up your freedom for anything.
At least I've spoken out. The rest of you mullets can do whatever.
"I need to do more Bible study"
by sabastious ini had a conversation with my brother a while back and i was venting about my frustrations about the watchtower.. after some heated discussion my brother told me that "he needed to do more bible study because he felt weak.".
i bit my tongue because i felt this to be a little comical.. this is something that witnesses are taught to do.
if they start to question the doctrine they are programmed to seek further indoctrination.. the interesting thing about my brother's statement was he used the buzz word "study.".
And especially observing the SABBATH which begins this afternoon - Shabbat Shalom.
Is 58:13,14
"If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day
....then you will find your joy in Yahweh...."
"I need to do more Bible study"
by sabastious ini had a conversation with my brother a while back and i was venting about my frustrations about the watchtower.. after some heated discussion my brother told me that "he needed to do more bible study because he felt weak.".
i bit my tongue because i felt this to be a little comical.. this is something that witnesses are taught to do.
if they start to question the doctrine they are programmed to seek further indoctrination.. the interesting thing about my brother's statement was he used the buzz word "study.".
Start with the 10 commandments - not the wtbt$$$ commandments or anybody else's - and go from there.
And God's name is not Jehovah nor is the Messiah's name Jesus.
Flying to Orlando tomorrow, my daughter is in the hospital
by coffee_black inmy daughter is in the hospital with pneumonia, and possibly a blood clot in her lung.
they'll be testing through the night...apparently, her heart is enlarged as well.
she is scared... and if her jw father catches wind of it, he will be there trying to intefere with her treatment... he lives close by to her, so i'll be flying down in the morning....to head him off at the pass.
This is bigger than politics or you getting to the hospital.
I've had my say. Returning control of the thread.
ps...I wonder how many muslims there might be that Obama wants to hire for these jobs?