All it would take would be a few nukes detonated at around 100,000 feet or one giant solar flare to fry the electrical grids world-wide and there would be instantaneous mass starvation. There might be some empty seats at the Super Bowl.
JoinedPosts by freydo
Population 7 billion. Changes ahead.
by Lion Cask inaccording to the world population clock, we're going to hit the magic 7 billion number this year.
that's 7,000,000,000,000 living human beings on this planet.
the world is about to change, again.
WTBTS Elder & Ministerial Servant Problems
by JW GoneBad ini attended a recent ministerial servant k m school on the east coast and the main school instructor mentioned among other things (part entitled: 'objective of the km school course') that the total number of ministerial servants is seriously less than it should be.
in times past the ratio of m ss to elders was much more than it is today.. in the u.s. apparently the total number of elders is 88,500+ as opposed to m ss 65,000. the numbers show & numbers don't lie: the society is running out of spiritual men.
the instructor stated that this is a new downward trend that has (in so many words) the society worried.. the next speaker (part entitled: 'why we must be spiritual men') added that in his years as a traveling servant the pool of m ss has always been much, much larger than it is today.
Any of this sound familiar?
3. Only Elbert Spriggs is allowed to give original teaching, and his writings are the final authority within the communities. Elbert Eugene Spriggs has no real accountability. All men must wear their hair in short ponytails with a long, trimmed beard. All women wear long dresses, skirts or “Sus” pants. Women also have long hair. Unity with the “church” is heavily stressed, usually to the point where it becomes the chief doctrine. Unity is considered to be more important than “Doctrine”. (Behavior Control)
8 Emotion control is also practiced within the communities, narrowing a person’s emotional responses. The gray areas of life are slowly eliminated, and everything progressively becomes black and white. This manipulation and narrowing of emotions occurs in three ways. –Bob. Pardon NEIRR 9. The Twelve Tribes Community practices brutal information control. Community members are not permitted to read newspapers, books or listen to the radio. This causes the individual member to become highly dependent on the group. 10. The community claims a special exalted status for itself. “We are the light and the hope of the world. We are the only ones who can reclaim this earth for its Maker. We are the only ones whose lives of love and pure devotion, like a bride for her groom, can bring heaven to earth all other attempts to do so are not merely futile, they are evil..” 11. Members are encouraged (strongly) to break ties with family and friends and society. The Community becomes a replacement family and society.
Restricts the ability to leave the group.4. Community members must obey the teachings of Spriggs or risk shunning or excommunication. “Everything we hear in the teachings we are required to obey.” (Repentance 4/2/91). “If an elder questioned Spriggs’ teachings he could lose his place of authority. Dissenting elders were also talked about in the apostolic workers Meetings.” Michael Painter, Former Member
5. Every person must submit to the elders who are in submission to the leader (Spriggs). Demand absolute obedience.
6. Inhibits critical thinking so that a “group think” predominates. Followers give up the right to make value judgments of their own. (They cannot reason). Behavior Control
7. There is intense control over community members in the areas of dress, and the regulation of where one lives. “When we are in the Body we have no independent action or movement. AWM 6/12/88) “When God commands us, if we stop to consider the matter to see if there is sufficient reason for us to do it, then we are still living according to the flesh. If the elders say, you need to move to…’ and you say, ‘what is the reason for that? I’m doing fine here, etc., no matter how good you may do in the flesh, you cannot go past that rebellion”
Reasoning 11/I 8/90 -
The Catholic Perspective
by sabastious inin another thread, bts quoted this catholic doctrinal paraphrasing of adam and eve:.
god created man in his image and established him in his friendship.
Does anyone think this has anything to do with anything Christ-like?
ex-special pioneer
by ex-Special Pioneer inhi to all, i have been on this site some years ago and have contributed articles exposing the hypocrisy of this organization.
i was brought up as a jws.
served as an elder and special pioneer attended the ministerial training school been an instructor of the pioneer school till disassociating myself from the borg in 1994.. being an active jws is not an easy life and involves all your time, hardly you have time for yourself.
Isn't it amazing the nonsense one can swallow. It all begins with deliberate mispronunciation of the Divine Names -
Thus making them void.
It then follows that if their real names don't matter - neither do the Laws which they taught.
So you can make up anything that sounds good to you and the ignorant to whom you preach.
How many times does Yahweh have to repeat before we believe?
Are they really that bad???
by anonymous4 inhad a good look into the doctrine, beliefs and practices of jws and to be honest, i don't really see anything wrong with it at all.. it's biblical and i've had such an eye opener the past year or so reading some of their books and magazines .
is there really any real reasons why i shouldn't want to get involved further?
It feels like the Ice Age and not Global Warming
by MsDucky init's cold!
are the ice caps still melting?
Atlanta weather | Snow accumulations likely on Christmas Day
By Mike Morris
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A strong storm system churning its way through the desert Southwest early Thursday will bring metro Atlanta a good chance for a white Christmas, with accumulating snow possible as far south as the Columbus and Macon areas, forecasters said.
If the current forecast holds, it’ll be the first snow to fall on Christmas in Atlanta since a trace in 1993. The last time there was measurable snow on Christmas Day was more than a century earlier, in 1882 , when .3 inch accumulated.........
The Chickens Coming Home To Roost?
by agonus intalk about irony.... .
malcolm x center grand opening.
the building is a former kingdom hall... no shit!.
Miami's vultures go to court
Wardell Brown Thursday, Nov 11 2010
"It's a scorching late-October morning, and the sky is a pristine shade of chlorinated-pool blue. Todd, a shirtless man riding a rusty maroon Schwinn with a white basketful of trash, brakes suddenly. He leans his bike on its side, causing a few crushed cans to fall to the hot concrete. He then places his hands on his hips, polluting a five-foot radius around his sunburned body with a home-brewed musk that reeks of wet dog, cigarettes, and day-old Pollo Tropical.
Todd squints up at two turkey vultures slowly circling the Miami-Dade Civil Courthouse on Flagler Street. "They look like Freddy Krueger with wings," he cries in a mucous-riddled voice. "Those things are disgusting. I've seen them eat garbage! Or maybe they're attracted to all the lawyers.
"You know, birds of a feather."
In Miami, the leaves never change color. Nor does it snow. About the only signs of seasonal change are the Santa's Enchanted Forest banners on the Palmetto Expressway — and lower FPL bills. So it has come to pass that some civic-minded folks depend on an annual flock of black-feathered, scaly-faced scavengers to indicate the beginning of autumn.
Some of the more superstitious courthouse denizens believe the buzzards are reincarnated judges who began roosting atop the hall of justice when it was Florida's tallest building and they could see both the Atlantic Ocean and the Everglades.
A quarter-century ago, a Miami-Dade Community College professor named Marilyn Gottlieb-Roberts proposed that the vultures come to Miami from a suburb of Cleveland called Hinckley. "We've been welcoming the birds for many years," she told United Press International. "Our vultures sit on top of the courthouse. They make a beautiful flight across Biscayne Bay for lunch at Virginia Key, the city dump, then come right back to the courthouse."
Bob Hinkle, chief of outdoor education for parks in Cleveland, says it's "a high possibility" the buzzards come to Miami from Hinckley. Then he offers interesting factoids about the mysterious snowbirds: They lack vocal cords and thus can only hiss when they're upset. They vomit when they're threatened. And if they become overheated, they defecate on their legs to cool down. Speaking of feces, you can even eat theirs. The enzymes in their stomachs are like nuclear weaponry to germs. "It's pure," he says........"
"Why can't a birth certificate be produced?
Were complete records not kept in Hawaii during the 1960's?"
Because Barry Soetoro aka B Hussein Obama has spent upwards of a couple million $$$$ in legal fees keeping that information and his school records from ever seeing the light of day. And the politicized, money grubbing judicial system along with the mainstream press are too cowardly to rock the boat that would create a mega constitutional crisis, perhaps invalidating the 2008 election, not to mention the racial fallout and all the legislation signed into law in the past two years. And if anybody thinks that making idiotic remarks is going to make the problem go away, then they are fools.
The only thing that's at stake is the covenant that the people have with their government. And if that covenant no longer matters, well.....turn out the lights and look what happened to Israel. And hey how many more TSA agents do we need?...
Vattel's Law of Nations and the Founding Fathers
Nobarack08 ^ | Nov 30, 2009 | syc1959Posted on Monday, November 30, 2009 4:41:03 PM by syc1959
Vattel was the key in the United States Constitution in determining the Article 2 Natural Born Citizen clause. Here is a list of the references used by John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington in regards to Vattel’s Law of Nations. This should dispel any notion that the Founding Fathers did not use the Law of Nations as their guide.
Read the list off my blog. Contains references from John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and the Ratification.
A natural Born Citizen is a person born in country to parents who are citizens. Per Vattel
The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights... The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Read More:Barack Obama, Birther Bill, Birther Bills, Birther Movement, Birthers, Obama, Obama Birth Certificate, Obama Birthers, Orly Taitz,
States Ready To Consider 'Birther' Legislation
The Huffington Post | Nick Wing First Posted: 11-23-10 10:45 AM | Updated: 11-23-10 05:43 PM
Ultra-conservative website WorldNetDaily claims that it has succeeded in receiving confirmation from legislators in at least four states that bills concerning Obama's birthplace and birth certificate will be considered in the upcoming legislative session, a development that pleases so-called "Birther queen" Orly Taitz.
Though once considered a fringe movement only active in the most conservative, anti-Obama ranks, the recent wave elections and their reverberations throughout state legislatures and governorships could potentially create an avenue for these birther bills to emerge successfully as law.
Assemblyman Daryl Metcalfe of Pennsylvania, a state soon to be controlled by Republicans at the House, Senate and governor's level, told WND, "Once we're sworn in we'll be introducing the legislation that would require presidential candidates to prove their natural born citizenship before they are allowed to file petitions to have their name on the state ballot."
Such a proposal is not new, but it is more tangible in the current political environment. Arizona introduced a similar bill last year, which eventually failed to get enough votes in the state Senate. According to WND, Arizona, soon to have even larger GOP majorities and still led by Gov. Jan Brewer (R), will remount the birther effort next year.
In Texas, a state overwhelming controlled by Republicans, State Representative Leo Berman has made buzz by announcing legislation with the same intent.
"If Obama is going to run for re-election in 2012, he'll have to show our secretary of state his birth certificate and prove he's a natural-born citizen," Berman told WND. "This is going to be significant."
And in Georgia, which has similar Republican majorities at the state level and in the governor's office, GOP Rep. Mark Hatfield told WND that he'd renew previous legislation concerning the issue of official documentation of candidates' birthplaces.