JoinedPosts by freydo
Tomahawk Cruise Missile's ----> Moammar Gadhafi
by Sam Whiskey inlooks like gadhafi is about to get a pounding... any minute now.
Tomahawk Cruise Missile's ----> Moammar Gadhafi
by Sam Whiskey inlooks like gadhafi is about to get a pounding... any minute now.
Rangel (Again) Calls For Re-Instituting of Military Draft This week marks the 8th anniversary of the War in Iraq, and Harlem Congressman Charlie Rangel commemorated the occasion by asking Congress to reinstitute the military draft. This marks the fourth time that Rangel, a proud Korean War vet, has submitted legislation that would require all Americans to sign up for the draft after turning 18. Each time the bill has failed. Rangel's stated hope in ... The New York Observer - Mar 17 09:53am
Neo-Cons Applaud Obama’s War, Call For Occupation Of Libya
Kristol and McCain brazenly admit “humanitarian mission” in Libya is about neo-colonial regime change
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, March 21, 2011While applauding Barack Obama’s involvement of U.S. forces in air strikes, influential neo-con Bill Kristol told Fox News that America should go further than merely bombarding Libya and send in ground troops as “peacekeepers,” embroiling the bankrupt United States in yet another foreign occupation while enabling Muslim extremists fighting Gaddafi to rise to power.
Video courtesy of Raw Story.Illinois National Guard Heads to Libya
The unit specializes in refueling aircraft in mid-air
Updated 10:21 AM CDT, Mon, Mar 21, 2011 | Print
BUZZ UP! 0 diggAP
An Air National Guard unit based out of Illinois is heading to Libya to help fight against Colonel Gaddafi.
"I am proud that the National Guard is able to play a part in curbing the atrocious violence against Libyan civilians by their own government,” said Maj. Gen. William L. Enyart, the Adjutant General of the Illinois National Guard, in a statement........
Elder's Manual Question
by satinka inmy youngest brother is the family jw patriarch, and an elder, maybe even the po in a small northern town.
in an email i asked him if he ever hears from my kids.
i happen to know he lives in the same small town as my son, who might very well be an elder, now.
So as far as the elders are concerned the victims are already dead before they even get to the jc and the jc is like determining the cause of death and just rubber stamping the death certificate?
So they just see themselves as coroners?
Elder's Manual Question
by satinka inmy youngest brother is the family jw patriarch, and an elder, maybe even the po in a small northern town.
in an email i asked him if he ever hears from my kids.
i happen to know he lives in the same small town as my son, who might very well be an elder, now.
When elders df people do they think they are committing legal spiritual murder?
Is there anything in the manual that exonorates them from guilt?
The Memorial, what is wrong with it.
by PSacramento inok, my issue with the memorial i have put forth in another thread, but allow me to past them here:.
the memorial enfoces on them the power of the gb and of the "annointed" class, it is the total opposite of grace.. where god's grace is given free to all, the memorial is withedl from the majority.. god's grace tells us that no matter what we do, god loves us and if we belive, our salvation is in christ's hands.. the memorial is about the opposite, no matter what you have done, you are not worthy to partake on what was free given to all.. only the annointed can partake, the rest are not deserving.. if that is not a slap in the face of god's gift of grace, i don't know what is.. there they sit, all the "un-annointed", their heads hanging low, nomatter how many hourse they put in, how many loved ones they shunned, how many they have lost to the horrifc "no blood policy", they are not deserving to share in what jesus told all his believers to do.. the last supper was our lord's gift to us so that anytime we do it, we remember him.. when we say grace before our meal and we thank jesus for all his has done, for his sacrifice, we are partaking of his blood and body.. but even here the wt ignores jesus's commands and relegates him to the back with the rest.. horrific....
First off is the New Covenant which is to be MADE WITH ISRAEL Who observe the Commands of YHWH and especially HIS SABBATHS AND FEASTS BEGINNING WITH PASSOVER. To become part of ISRAEL AND HEIRS of the Promises of that covenant one has to be baptized into Israel in the name of Messiah, becoming a disciple and a citizen of Israel and observing The Law as he did. YHWH made no covenants with any outside of the decendants of Abraham.
Jesus, apostles observed Passover, not 'Easter'
Learn significance of 'Feasts of the Lord' for followers of Yeshua
© 2011 WorldNetDaily
"Passover is not just a Jewish holiday.......It is one of the "Feasts of the Lord" in the Bible, all of which have special meaning and significance for all believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The feasts were commemorated by Jesus and His apostles – and continued to be observed by Jesus' followers in the first century even after His death and resurrection......."
Humans have only been around for 6000 years? I have a question...
by KristiKay inof corse i know that we've been around much longer, i think it's more like 250,000. what i'm wondering , is it even possible to turn 2 people into almost 7billion, in that short period of time?
and during that time, two white, or probably some shade of brown people gradually became all the differnt races we have today?
that dosen't seem logical, i know jws aren't logical, but did this ever cross anyones mind while they were in this religion?.
Why you should not worry about Japan's nuclear reactor problems.
by beatthesystem ina nuclear reactor is built in such a way, that when operating normally, you take out all the moderator rods.
so if these radioactive materials are released into the environment, yes, radioactivity was released, but no, it is not dangerous, at all.
when the uranium splits, it generates a neutron (see above).
Radiation hampers efforts to restore power to nuclear plant in Japan
"Efforts to try to restore power to reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi complex are interrupted as high radiation forces the withdrawal of workers. But it's unclear whether a return of power will help. Spent fuel rods remain the biggest concern.
Officials of Tokyo Electric Power Co., which owns the facility 140 miles north of Tokyo, said they hoped to have power connected to reactors No. 3 and 4 by Sunday. Reactor building No. 4 is now the source of the biggest concern at the site because it contains spent fuel rods that may have boiled dry and are releasing large amounts of radiation into the environment.
The spent-fuel pool does not have a containment vessel, so if the fuel rods heat up and start burning, the radioactive ash will be released directly into the environment. Workers made a second series of attempts Friday to cool the fuel rods, dumping water from helicopters and using water cannons operated by Japan's Self-Defense Forces to spray water into the pool, which sits in the upper level of the building housing reactor No. 4. The reactor itself had been shut down for maintenance before the earthquake, so it does not pose a problem.
But photographs taken by helicopters and a Global Hawk drone operated by the U.S. Air Force indicate the water is not lasting very long in the pool, suggesting that there is a major breach in the walls of the vessel holding the fuel rods, according to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission..........",0,7832119.story
Humans have only been around for 6000 years? I have a question...
by KristiKay inof corse i know that we've been around much longer, i think it's more like 250,000. what i'm wondering , is it even possible to turn 2 people into almost 7billion, in that short period of time?
and during that time, two white, or probably some shade of brown people gradually became all the differnt races we have today?
that dosen't seem logical, i know jws aren't logical, but did this ever cross anyones mind while they were in this religion?.
If the Flood was real, how come the Americas were populated when Columbus arrived? The Ark Landed on Mount Ararat, the waters withdrew...How did Noah's descendants manage to cross the Atlantic and become the great civilizations of the Americas?
A study of European history - particularly that of the Scythians helps connect the dots. Col 3:11
I don't think jw's ever heard of them.
Radiation plume no danger to Arizona
by darthfader inthis may be of interest to those of us in the southwestern us.
in light of the graphc and story from the new york times -- which shows the flow over the pacific ocean and over the southwestern us:
this article discusses the exposure amount:.
Proverbs 29:20 Do you see a man who is hasty in his words?
There is more hope for a fool than for him. -
Why you should not worry about Japan's nuclear reactor problems.
by beatthesystem ina nuclear reactor is built in such a way, that when operating normally, you take out all the moderator rods.
so if these radioactive materials are released into the environment, yes, radioactivity was released, but no, it is not dangerous, at all.
when the uranium splits, it generates a neutron (see above).
Proverbs 29:20 Do you see a man who is hasty in his words?
There is more hope for a fool than for him.