JoinedPosts by freydo
New World Translation, is it the best bible translation?
by littlebuddy inmy jw elder friend said to me that the nwt is the best translation of the bible and that scholars have said as much.
is this true and is it the best?
are there scholars who disagree?.
Fox has dropped Glenn Beck's show
by unshackled inwell this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
Comparing the NWO to the Norman Conquest
- Lyndon LaRouche
Alex welcomes to the show political activist and former presidential candidate, Lyndon LaRouche. Earlier this week in San Francisco, a LaRouche supporter was attacked for an “Impeach Obama” sign. Alex also talks with English author, public speaker, and former BBC television sports presenter, David Icke. Alex covers the latest news, including a second devastating earthquake in Japan near the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant. Alex takes your calls. (also discusses Glenn Beck)
Fox has dropped Glenn Beck's show
by unshackled inwell this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
Rush Limbaugh slammed for 'avoiding' eligibility
'Not 1 high Republican or you has ever really tried to nail' Obama
Posted: April 07, 2011
9:45 pm EasternBy Joe Kovacs
© 2011 WorldNetDailyRadio giant Rush Limbaugh came under fire today from a caller to his top-rated program accusing the host of avoiding the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.
Rush Limbaugh"The fact of the matter is that his citizenship has been a suspicious issue from the very beginning," said Angela from Arnold, Mo., "and not one high Republican or you has ever really tried to nail him on this issue, and if it does turn out that he is not a true citizen, then I think all of you should hang your heads in shame because of all the destruction our country has had to suffer ever since he was elected, in spite of being the fraud that we know he probably really is."
Limbaugh asked incredulously, "So you're mad at me?"
"I am furious," Angela responded. "I wanted you and anybody else to go after him on this issue before he was elected. It would have been the easiest way to have stopped him. It would have been a no-brainer. But nobody would. And so he was elected and everything was just hidden under the rug. And now look what we have had ever since. ... If it does turn out that he's not a citizen, I think you should hang your head in shame, because our country has suffered so much."
Read more:Rush Limbaugh slammed for 'avoiding' eligibility -
Fox has dropped Glenn Beck's show
by unshackled inwell this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
38% of Americans & Glenn Beck Believe Japan Disaster a Sign From God
by whereami in
glenn beck - "god punished japan with earthquake, tsunami".
Our Southern Friends- Are you Pissed about the Oil Spill? I Know I Am ...... !
by flipper in......... and i live out here in northern california !
i mean , they go to all that humungous labor, build a huge box to put over the oil gushing out and wham 5,000 ft. deep it gets clogged with ice crystals.
now they are talking about a couple other alternatives in the news- all the while today haliburton, bp, and other reps are meeting with federal officials getting into a pissing match and fight over who is responsible for the spill ?
Biloxi - The Obama administration has issued a gag order on data over the recent spike of dead dolphins, including many stillborn infants, washing up on Mississippi and Alabama shorelines, and scientists say the restriction undermines the scientific process.
An abnormal dolphin mortality this year along the Gulf coast has become part of a federal criminal investigation over last year’s BP oil spill disaster and as a result, has led the US government to clamp down on biologists’ findings, with orders to keep the results confidential.
The dolphin die-off, labeled an “unusual mortality event (UME),” resulted in wildlife biologists being contracted by the National Marine Fisheries Service to record the recent spike in dolphin deaths by collecting tissue samples and specimens for the agency, but late last month were privately ordered to keep their results under wraps.
Reuters has obtained a copy of the agency letter that states, in part: “Because of the seriousness of the legal case, no data or findings may be released, presented or discussed outside the UME investigative team without prior approval.”
One biologist involved with tracking dolphin mortalities for over 20 years and speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Reuters that: “It throws accountability right out the window. We are confused and ... we are angry because they claim they want teamwork, but at the same time they are leaving the marine experts out of the loop completely.”
Some scientists said they have received a personal rebuke from government officials about “speaking out of turn” to the media over attempts at determining the dolphins’ deaths.
Additionally, these scientists say the collected specimens and samples are being turned over to the government for evaluation under a deal that omits independent scientists from the final results of lab tests.
Almost 200 dead bottlenose dolphin bodies have been found since mid-January through this week along shorelines of Gulf coast states, including Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, Reuters notes. About half of the carcasses are newborns or stillborn infants.
That number is around 14 times the average numbers recorded during the same time frame between 2002 and 2007 and has coincidentally occurred during the first calving season since the BP Deepwater Horizon debacle last year in the Gulf.
Although many of the dolphin specimens recently collected show no outward signs of oil contamination, lab analysis is crucial in helping to determine their deaths.
Some experts believe the recent surge of deaths is the result of dolphins inhaling or ingesting oil during the oil spill, the results of which are just now beginning to show their toll, including a possible upsurge in dolphin miscarriages.
The recent spike in dolphin deaths has compounded the dolphin mortality problem, as scientists were already busy attempting to determine the deaths of nearly 90 dead dolphins, mostly adults, that washed up along the US Gulf coast during the weeks and months after the BP disaster.
Some are questioning the Marine Fisheries Service, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and its delay in providing dolphin samples to laboratories.
“It is surprising that it has been almost a full year since the spill, and they still haven't selected labs for this kind of work,” said Ruth Carmichael, of the independent Dauphin Island Sea Lab, located in Alabama, according to Reuters. “I can only hope...MORE -
What's up with all these Gloom & Doom threads?
by whereami inthe forum has recently been peppered with all these end of world, gloom & doom threads.
some people all the sudden know exactly what's going on and it's meaning and what's going to happen next.. why do people love these conspiracy theories soo much?
have we not learned?.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
Trump: Obama spending millions to hide his past
'I didn't think it was such a big deal, but I tell you it's turning out to be a very big deal'
Posted: March 28, 2011
2:28 pm Eastern © 2011 WorldNetDaily
Donald TrumpMega-millionaire Donald Trump today said during aninterviewwith FoxNewsInsider that Barack Obama is having trouble with, and spending millions to fight, the ongoing questions about his birth, his birth certificate and his eligibility to hold office – and the longer the issue goes on, the more he is convinced there are problems with the president's eligibility.
His newest comments on an issue he first raised in an ABCinterviewmore than a week ago came today on theFox NewsChannel.
"The fact is if you're not born in the United States, you cannot be president. He is having a hard time. He spent millions of dollars trying to get away from this issue. Millions of dollars in legal fees trying to get away from this issue. I brought it up just routinely. All of a sudden a lot of facts are emerging and I'm starting to wonder myself whether he was born in this country," Trump said.
Read more:Trump: Obama spending millions to hide his past
Designs Quote: "It will take the GOP/Tea Partiers a Billion Bucks to unseat the President. Oh this is going to be a fun Presidential election...."
Why would anybody vote for Obama other than his race, giving la-la's(homos and she-males) jobs and that he's not Republican?
Rush: Trump's Birth Certificate Outcry Is Service to Everyone
Friday, 25 Mar 2011 10:15 AM
By Dave Eberhardt
Share:More . . . A A | Email Us | Print | Forward Article 1 digg Rush Limbaugh entered the renewed fray over President Barack Obama's birth certificate by declaring that Donald Trump’s continued public outcry over the documentation is “a valuable service," not only to the public but also to Obama personally.
"The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him," Trump had remarked famously to ABC News. The potential presidential contender followed up his theme on Wednesday’s “The View,” again on the ABC Network.
During an interview with Newsmax Thursday, Trump restated his questions on the issue.
On "The View," a morning chat program, Trump declared that he believed Obama has a birth certificate, but that he should produce it to the world, ending the speculation that seems to never go away. Trump added that he felt it strange that "nobody from [Obama's] early years remembers him."
There’s "something on that birth certificate that he doesn't like," Trump opined to the cast members, including Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters, who berated him, accusing him of possibly racist thoughts on the issue.
On Limbaugh’s show Thursday, the radio talker Limbaugh sided with Trump’s beating of the birth certificate drum. "You and I have known all along that we're dealing with a man-child here who has, literally, no qualifications, no experience, and according to Donald Trump now, no birth certificate," Limbaugh declared.
"Trump is performing a valuable service here. He is attempting to help Obama out of a jam. You can't say Trump is a kook right-wing birther. Trump realized the problem that Obama faces here with credibility. He's giving him a chance here to establish some credibility by producing the birth certificate,” Limbaugh added.Rush Limbaugh: Donald Trump's giving the president a chance to explain. (Getty Images Photo)
Charging that elements of the major media were "covering it up" and "papering it over," he concluded: “Trump's not the kind of guy to comb over difficulties. If he's going to bring this up . . . you know that it's serious." Read more on Rush: Trump's Birth Certificate Outcry Is Service to Everyone