With monotous regularity, My JW friend says the proof that the Org is God's only divinely inspired org on Earth is the fact that they go door to door. How should I respond to this convuluted logic?
JoinedPosts by maputo95
The Marks the WT is God's Only Org on Earth
by maputo95 inwith monotous regularity, my jw friend says the proof that the org is god's only divinely inspired org on earth is the fact that they go door to door.
how should i respond to this convuluted logic?.
Should the Pope resign?
by slimboyfat inquestions are being raised about whether pope benedict was personally involved in covering up a case of child sex abuse by a roman catholic priest.
documents seen by the new york times newspaper suggest that in the 1990s, long before he became pope, he failed to respond to letters about a us case.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8587082.stm.
that would prove the catholic church is capable of reform, no?
Papal infallibility only extends to matters of faith and doctrine when he speaks ex-cathedra; it does not extend to his actions in running the church or pursuing enquiries into wrongdoing. The pope is able to resign if his integrity is seen to be less than ethical.
Does anyone know about JW's in Africa
by Brocephus ini am seriously considering taking a leave of absence to travel to east africa, kenya, sudan or maybe tanzania.
i may be there volunteering with a secular organization or with a non-denomination christian ministry.
i got my story down here pat, raised a jw, told other christians evil hypocrites out for my blood, wandered the earth ingesting every drug i could find, had a moment and realized most christians are just like anyone else doing the best they can.
I lived in several African countries and the Witnesses are much the same there as anywhere else. There are many, decent people who are trying to please God. However, there is still the negative aspects that arise, ie-splitting up of families, bigotry against other religions and so on. The WT caused endless suffering when they encouraged JWs to refuse to carry Malawi National Congress cards in the 70s. The government was the party and ownership was all that was required. Carrying the card did not mean you had to attend rallies The WT in New York probably thought the stand was a good publicity stunt to show they were ready to die to support Russell's far-fetched interpretations of the Apocalypse.
By the way, Africa is the most beautiful part of the world.
Why is it that abuse is so prevalent among the religious?
by dgp ini'm not trying to sling mud at anyone, but, while i am aware that pedophiles are to be found in all walks of society, why would it be that they seem to be so many among the religious?
as a former catholic, i often heard people say that priests would abuse children because a) they couldn't have a woman themselves (an outright lie) or b) because the catholic church gave them an "honorable" way to stay single and be in the company of many men and children.
but then the jw's don't have such restrictions, and abuse still happens.
As a Catholic, I hope justice and closure will be brought into the Church. I hope punishment and compensation will eventuate. Evil is in the Church and hopefully the Church can cleanse itself. I also hope that any false accusations will be exposed if there are any. I am deeply ashamed but must add that I, personally had a wonderful experience of the Church as an altar boy and having gone to an all boys school, I was probably the most naive and innocent young man to emerge from a Catholic childhood. I also went on religious retreats with priests and nuns. One of the priests did cheat in the games of basketball. Is that considered abuse? I would like to thank the Church for my idyllic upbringing and great teachings. No disrespect to the great teachings of other denominations which suit many.
700 club interviews an ex-JW tomorrow
by Found Sheep ini never watch that show but it was on and i heard them talking about interviewing an ex-jw going against the watchtower....
Lol, I did watch the 700 Club on Sunday mornings when I had big hangovers from my alcoholic drinking sessions on Saturdays. It was comforting and they seemed a bit ecumenical. I would never give them a donation though.
Please Comment on this Textual Exchange with a Jehovah's Witness
by maputo95 ini welcome any comments on the most recent dialogue i had with an ex-jw who wants to be readmitted after 44 years of disfellowship.
talk about returning to one's own... somebody stop me:there seems to be a lack of affinity and reality in our recent textual exchange on the subject, originated by you that armaggeddon is imminent or highly likely to happen very soon because signs cited in the gospel of matthew are increasing alarmingly.
derek, thank you for your concern for me and what you think is your attempt to save me by getting me to become one of jws who will be spared.
Thanks for all the contributions. Jehovahsheep, please could you explain on your view that you believe that the last days were 66-77 AD. Quandary and Malecop, I will carrry out your useful suggestions. Nelly 136, yes I did sms this exchange by phone text. I hope I haven't got carpel tunnel damage. Lol to Outlaw and Heaven. Great share. Thank you to any one I've left out.
Please Comment on this Textual Exchange with a Jehovah's Witness
by maputo95 ini welcome any comments on the most recent dialogue i had with an ex-jw who wants to be readmitted after 44 years of disfellowship.
talk about returning to one's own... somebody stop me:there seems to be a lack of affinity and reality in our recent textual exchange on the subject, originated by you that armaggeddon is imminent or highly likely to happen very soon because signs cited in the gospel of matthew are increasing alarmingly.
derek, thank you for your concern for me and what you think is your attempt to save me by getting me to become one of jws who will be spared.
I welcome any comments on the most recent dialogue I had with an ex-JW who wants to be readmitted after 44 years of disfellowship. Talk about returning to one's own... Somebody stop me: There seems to be a lack of affinity and reality in our recent textual exchange on the subject, originated by you that Armaggeddon is imminent or highly likely to happen very soon because signs cited in the Gospel of Matthew are increasing alarmingly. Derek, thank you for your concern for me and what you think is your attempt to save me by getting me to become one of JWs who will be spared. However, Derek you seem to take NO notice of my replies to you and progress on what seems to be JW standard means of dialogue. I quote to demonstrate this: Derek: Great earthquakes are now occuring daily!! Matt 24. Ken: The planet has always had earthquakes due to its seismic nature. Derek: Read what Jesus said about ALL the signs, just before the end. ONE of the signs was 'great earthquakes' in one place after the other, wars, famine and the good news would be preached to all the nations inthe entire inhabited earth, then the end will come. Wake up boet!! Ken: Derek, I and my Church agree that the end may come anytime, today even and we take measures to to meet our Lord Jesus should this happen. You are preaching to the converted.We and God love you Jehovah's Witnesses for trying to please God. Derek: The wicked and immoral will be destroyed. As in Noah's day, most took no notice and were swept away. The Witnesses have been preaching about Armaggeddon and God's new system on earth for 85 years and most don't want to know and hate them for their voluntary act of love they are doing to tell others."They will hate you on account of my name" Math 24, Luke 22...Most of the world hate the Witnesses and don't know why Ken: Neither you nor the Watchtower are Noah! Making that comparison does not prove you are Noah nor that you are God's only visible organization on earth. In the past, ie 1975, your predictions of The End have failed spectacularly. Please don't go into convoluted logic to disprove this. Many Witnesses in the early 70s sold their homes and gave up their jobs because they believed they had only days to give service to save themselves and others. THE WT HAVE BEEN PREACHING FOR 85 YEARS- GOOD, MAYBE, ONE DAY, YOU'LL CATCH UP TO THE 2000 YEARS OF PREACHING MY CHURCH HAS DONE. As for others hating you. This is an attempt to prove you are the 'annoited ones' as being generally hated is a biblical mark of the 'faithful remnant'. You are not unique, many other Christians are hated around the world for their profession of the Gospel. Be assured, neither I nor my church hate the JWs; we love you and your co-religionists because you seek to please God. Derek: We have "The Truth" not doctrines and lies taught by the Churches... Ken: Thanks for capitalising "the Churches"; any particular reason? This is a very arrogant and generalised statement. You seem to use the term "doctrine" in a derogatory way to give a perjorative vibe. You do not expand on what "lies" you are talking about. I know you do this because you think all religious groups except the JWs are controlled by Satan. This brings us to where we differ in our rule in 'faith and morals'. Personally, I believe in Holy Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church as the authority on faith and moral and in the office of the Church to interpret and clarify the Bible which is full of contradictions, absurdities, cruelty etc, particularly in the Old Testament which, incidentally can't be named The Hebrew Scriptures because some of it was written in Greek. Hey, I guess the WT publishes the Watchtower for the same reasons. Derek: God wrote the Scriptures and they are free of error!!!!! Ken: Please explain what seems to be a false statement here: "Verily, I tell you the truth; some of you standing here will not taste death before they see the son of man coming in his kingdom." Matt 16:28. This obviously hasn't come true. Please explain if the Bible is inerrant. Derek: Jesus often spoke in figurative terms. Ken: Indeed in parables, but please show me the figurative words in Matt 16:18. Derek: I'll research this and get back to you on this. Ken: Take your time, dude. As I'm sure you will! Please explain:
21:16 And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends ; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.
21:17 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
21:18 But there shall not an hair of your head perish.
Some Christians will be killed yet no Christian will be harmed in anyway. These lines contradict.
Derek: You explain it.
Ken: It's probably an error of translation or the writer had a senoir moment.
Derek: The Bible was written by God. You are blaspheming and saying the fucken RC church is greater than God???
Ken: Temper, temper. You are putting words in my mouth. How does my belief the Bible has errors make me blaspheme? Where did the Bible come from?
Derek: Written by man. But inspired by God!! bible 100% accurate.
Ken: God's words ARE channelled through human words. Human limtations, human prejudices and human mistakes are evident in the scriptural texts However, the main message for human salvation is CLEAR! TOO LITERAL A READING CAN LEAD TO FUNDAMENTALISM AS WELL. I TRUST MY CHURCH TO HELP ME INTERPRET HOLY WRIT IN THE BEST WAY. You seem to worship the words on the Bible, none of which was written by Jesus anyway.
Derek: I see we are going around in circles again. Nite, bro.
Ken: Nite. May God bless you and all Jehovah's Witnesses.
Please Comment on My Com to My JW Friend
by maputo95 inplease comment on my latest com with my jw friend who thinks every apostate left because they were doing wrong things themselves:it seems that every time we have a theological discussion or i comment on books written by ex-jws, you resort to extreme finger-pointing and judgmentalism against any church or organization that is not part of the watchtower movement.
i can understand why after a childhood of being informed by the wt you should do this.
firstly, the jw line is every 'apostate' is evil and has left the wt because he was sinning and couldn't live up to the 'high standards' of 'god's organisation on earth'.
Please comment on my latest com with my JW friend who thinks every apostate left because they were doing wrong things themselves: It seems that every time we have a theological discussion or I comment on books written by ex-JWs, you resort to extreme finger-pointing and judgmentalism against any church or organization that is NOT part of the Watchtower Movement . I can understand why after a childhood of being informed by the WT you should do this. Firstly, the JW line is every 'apostate' is evil and has left the WT because he was sinning and couldn't live up to the 'high standards' of 'God's Organisation on Earth'. You do not read their work because you have been told NOT to as the leadership of the WT are afraid that you will listen to reason and see how wrong they are. You refuse to believe some of the ex-JWs may have left because they could not agree with JW edicts and scriptural interpretation. Ray Franz is one such case as he holds the JWs responsible for much suffering in Malawi , a one party state when they forbade JWs to carry Malawi Congress cards. The party was the state and the GB are guilty of being unscriptural and unreasonable in their demands. Much blood is on their hands. Frederick Franz is also a 'apostate' from the RCs so does that mean I won't listen to him. No, it doesn't as I am free to read anything I want. The WT has gleefully revelled in any scandal in the RC church as they think it proves their point that other churches are satanic and only they, the JWs are the 'faithful remnant'. When I point that that the WT has had its fair share of paedophile scandals, you are quick to simplify that offenders in the WT are disfellowhipped and that the Catholic Church has just moved its offenders from parish to parish. The Church has been guilty of being too lenient on offenders and this has now changed. However, not all paedophiles among JWs have been d'fed as you so tidily put it. The system in place in the WT makes it possible for paedophiles to get away with it. The JW rule of 'two witnesses' favours molesters see Wikipedia passage below: Jehovah's Witnesses ' congregational judicial policies require the testimony of two eyewitnesses to establish a perpetrator's guilt in the absence of confession, [ 6 ] based on their interpretation of scriptures such as Deuteronomy 17:6 and 1 Timothy 5:19. This policy is felt to be a protection against malicious accusation of sexual assault. The Watch Tower Society's Public Information Department specifies that this two-eyewitness policy is applied solely to congregational discipline and has no bearing on whether a crime is reported to the authorities. To establish proof by two eyewitnesses, it is not necessary that both have been present at the same instance of child molestation. As of 2002, statements by two victims of separate incidents by the same perpetrator may be deemed sufficient to take action and impose internal sanctions. [ 2 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] DNA evidence, medical reports, or information from forensic experts or police that proves sexual abuse is also accepted as a valid "second witness". In cases where there is only one eyewitness—the victim—to an allegation of child abuse, elders are instructed to monitor the accused individual closely. If there is evidence to suggest that the alleged perpetrator did abuse children , a warning is given to the congregation for its protection. [ 9 ] The Society has also been accused of covering up sexual abuse in their midst or of having poor policies viz-a-viz paedos which leave young ones vulnerable.Trying to protect their fantasy that they are God's force on Earth, they often refuse to admit that proportionally, child abuse in Kingdom Halls matches or exceeds that found in the much larger Catholic Church. I am ashamed of abuse that has happened in the Catholic Church, can you say the same about abuse in the WT.
Elton John says Jesus was Gay!!
by spawn inin a us interview elton john says "i think jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems".
what do you in the us think of his comments?.
we in the uk find him to be a sad old queen with a bitter and twisted view on life!.
Lol, the Twelve Step Programme is an excellent spiritual aid to those who would like a bit of structure in their prayer and meditation
Jehovah's "name" real or not?
by highdose inis the name jehovah as gods name without dispute?
has the wtbs ever addmitted any where that gods name is not actauly known?.
need references for a project of mine please!.
I would say "Jehovah" is not real. It got into the Authorised Version four times because of error. The Hebrew language has no 'j' consonant. Jesus was Yahsua and Joel was 'Yowel' and 'Jehovah' is 'Yahweh'
The WT wants to separate itself from the King of False Religions so it goes to a lot of trouble to be contrary for contrary's sake. Jesus died on a stake, Jesus has short hair, no transfusions etc. This is pathetic attention-seeking.