This is where it starts to get difficult! : ) My opinion? Be upfront with her and tell her that you are throwing the child a party at the house... or wherever your child would like to have it (some kids get a kick out of Chuck-e-Cheese!) and that she is more than welcome to attend or not. If it is at your home, she can leave for a while if it makes her uncomfortable. Personally, I found that the first time or two I was around any celebration like this, I was surprised that no one's head spun around and the people eating cake didn't start levitating! After a while... it truly is fun! If she has true love for you and your child, she will compromise. ps: Is your child being taken to meetings? If so, you may want to remind him that not ALL children, esp. those that attend KH, don't celebrate and for him not to "rub it in"! hee!
Posts by JBean
My kid wants a B-day party
by openminded inbut my wife is a hard core jw.
should we just sneak away to chuck-e cheese or what?
he is 5.
Marry Only "In the Lord"
by JBean inthis subject has always been a sticking point for me.
never really understood it enough to agree or disagree with it.
i for one have been married twice... once "in" and once "out".
Wow...thanks, Anewperson. A lot to think about!
Meeting's..........the best Medicine!!!
by Latte indo you remember those truly wonderful occasions when the meeting was in full swing, and something/one would make you laugh much so that you had to go out.
(and yes, your were sat on the front row!
you would go out and feel terribly guilty, and when you thought you were under control, you would venture back in only to find that the air was still full of laughter (on your row)..............truly wonderful meetings!!
I hate to see this thread end! C'mon folks... anymore funny stories???? There's gotta be! We all need some laughs! : )
PRINCE: The virtual evangelist?
by Gopher inthat was the heading of a section in the minneapolis star-tribune's gossip column dated 8/12/01.
prince rogers nelson, based in minneapolis, is an internationally famous musician-composer-singer of the 80's and 90's.
recently he converted to the jw's.
Call me crazy... but Prince is one of my favorite artists! (To the chagrin of my family, he appealed to my dark side!) I personally love his music... kind of disappointing now that the music might be watered-down. He'll definitely lose his edge.
Marry Only "In the Lord"
by JBean inthis subject has always been a sticking point for me.
never really understood it enough to agree or disagree with it.
i for one have been married twice... once "in" and once "out".
Thanks for taking the time to reply to you soon! : )
Questions about the WTS and the UN
by Leander ini just learned about the society's connection with the un and i'm shocked.
i had been experiencing doubts before but this new information is like a slap in the face.
before i begin with the questions i should probably start with a introduction.. i'm a 29 year old married man serving as a minsterial servant in the south suburbs of chicago.
Hi brother... I truly feel for you. I am in the exact same spot emotionally as you are. And I mean EXACT... although no husband to share feelings with. I've only been online for a week or so... but "lurked" for months and months on this site. If you decide to keep on, you'll find many interesting, albeit sometimes upsetting, posts on this board. I've learned so much already. I'm taking the suggestion that my non-JW boyfriend has given me... take the good from your faith, and mix it with what your heart and conscience dictates to you...but DON'T tell anyone!!! :) I have to do it this way right now because I'm scared to death of losing my JW friends and family... just scared to death. And afraid of what it will do emotionally and physically to my mom & dad.
Marry Only "In the Lord"
by JBean inthis subject has always been a sticking point for me.
never really understood it enough to agree or disagree with it.
i for one have been married twice... once "in" and once "out".
Marilyn, so the "one God" issue is what counts? As long as the potential 'significant other' believes in the ONE god theory it would be ok? In other words, two people who get together and one workships the Lord (Jehovah/Jesus) and the other worships say, Buddha... that would not be approved? Sorry if I'm sounding dense, but of course it stems from years of the JW point of view that "only in the Lord" means only within the JW faith.
Marry Only "In the Lord"
by JBean inthis subject has always been a sticking point for me.
never really understood it enough to agree or disagree with it.
i for one have been married twice... once "in" and once "out".
Thanks for all your replies so far! Mulan: by saying his "kind"/family... do you take that to mean his ethnicity or race or people in his community or what? Also, I'll read that book, but what examples made you draw the conclusion that he married those not of his religion? Thanks again everyone... you guys are the best! I can't believe that I'm actually asking questions to relative "strangers" who are so kind... and have never been able to ask these questions to my JW family (for obvious reasons!) It's so refreshing!!!
Marry Only "In the Lord"
by JBean inthis subject has always been a sticking point for me.
never really understood it enough to agree or disagree with it.
i for one have been married twice... once "in" and once "out".
Hi all. This subject has always been a sticking point for me. Never really understood it enough to agree or disagree with it. I for one have been married twice... once "in" and once "out". Both didn't work out... but I gotta tell ya... married to the man outside JW's was MUCH more rewarding and normal, as far as normal goes! The question is this: what does marry only in the lord actually mean?!?!? I'm once again grappling with this issue in a relationship I'm in right now. Much thanks in advance for any thoughts.
by sf ini just heard on foxnews w/ shep smith a wire just came thru to them about this plane out of new delhi.
my msnbc alert has yet to go off.. stay tuned to your news.
Latest info is that a Boeing 737 Jeg was hijacked on a domestic flight from Bombay and has now landed in New Delhi. All passengers at this time are reported safe but remained aboard the plane, which touched down at an isolated area at Indira Gandhi Inter'l Airport. Plane is now surrounded by police... no further info.