So sorry for your loss. It is a relief though to know that he is no longer suffering. My thoughts are with you. Jbean
Posts by JBean
Death and Forgiveness
by Mommie Dark inmy father died wednesday night.
he's been bedridden, paralyzed, and tube fed for nearly five years, so it was more release than tragedy.. those of you who know my story will understand the miserable mix of emotions his passing has caused.
the whole guilt and forgiveness issue shoved itself right up my nose into my forebrain.
Hello again everyone. It's been a while.
by lookingnow22 insome of you may remember me from last year, but probably not.
it's been several months since i've looked here, and a lot of things look better.
i just wanted to say thanks for all the help that i got, and hope to be here more soon.. lookingnow22.
Welcome back! Enjoy catching up... there's some whopper posts here! : )
Wishing everyone a happy weekend!
by YoYoMama inwell i'm off of work for the weekend.
i hope everyone enjoys their time off (if not working this weekend).
enjoy time with the family.
YoYo... have a great weekend yourself. I wish what's best for you re: your reinstatement meeting. I truly feel though that these "brothers" cannot see what is in your heart and really have no right whatsoever to judge you. And judging is what they are doing. I have seen plenty of examples in my life to know that God's spirit IS NOT present at these JC meetings. Anyhow, that said, if they see fit NOT to reinstate you, do not dispair... who you are inside and who you are to Jehovah has not changed. You need to believe in THAT. Jbean
Alternatives to JWs
by Xander insince there are new people coming to this board on fairly regular basis with questions about the jw religion, i thought i'd pose this topic.. many, upon leaving the organization, don't really know where to turn for guidance.
"look to yourself" doesn't really cut it when you've been told how to think your whole life.. many choose atheism, which is fine.
however, for those still looking for a religion, here is a site that lists many of the worlds major religious movements.
I took the test: I DON'T LIKE MY RESULTS!!! : )
100% Mormon.. what the hell is THAT about.Then, the B'hai (don't know them) THEN JW!!! Yikes! I need to calm down and retake this at a later date. I was thinking I was much farther along in my "liberal" thinking that this!!!! Somebody help me! HA!
Happy B-day Jolly Green Giant!
Beck... good answer! Very funny!
I'm 40... but feelin' good... the best days are yet to come!!!
My dad is visiting this site
by ashitaka please, end the fights.. (i wanted it to be a couplet).
my dad is looking at a whole bunch of sites, freeminds, silentlambs, etc, and i pointed him in this direction.
no more fights....daddy wants info.
Welcome Ashi's Dad! Just wanted to let you know you'll find a wide variety of personalities on this board... most of who seem like WONDERFUL folks! Please don't get discouraged by some of the "fights" that go on here... it's all about the healing process. As someone before mentioned, you'll find LOTS of info brought to light by some very intelligent people. You also might find it amusing (as I do) when the "current" JW's get on this board... many of them have ISSUES ... more so than the ex-JW's!!! Personally, they don't show as much love as the rest... but that's just my opinion. And by the way... I'm still a JW but have MAJOR problems with the organization and the lies they've been involved with... just so you know where I'm coming from! Enjoy! : ) (And ask LOTS of are going to be AMAZED at what actually IS the truth!) -- Jbean
Did anyone watch Larry King show last night?
by JBean injust wanted to know if anyone saw the segment where he was interviewing david smith (ex-husband of babykiller, susan smith, here in the us).
it was a great interview, despite the fact that over 5 years after this horrible murder, the dad (david) could barely speak about his 2 small sons.
at one point, larry asked david if he believed in god.
Well... I think that he is now allowing himself to feel and express his pain and anger. By the way he spoke and looked (very close to tears for most of the interview) I believe he may be coming to grips with what happened... not that there will EVER be a sound reason for it. I never got the feeling that he thought his kids would be resurrected!!! Larry King did ask David if he would be able to speak with that Yates woman's husband (I'm sorry but his name escapes me). He said absolutely, he'd be ready to help talk this guy through his feelings given that not many people are in their shoes. Larry did mention that this Yates guy was at the moment sticking by his wife and trying to help. At this point, David kind of flinched and said something like, "...well, that's his choice, I didn't do that and don't understand it, but I'd never stop anyone from doing what they felt they had to do...but I'll still speak with him." He also said that it sickened him to think his ex-wife (Susan) would be eligible for parole in 2023 or something like that... and she'll only be in her early 50's. You couldn't help but want to reach out and talk to this guy!
What did you look like in high school?
by butalbee inok, this is me, in my freshman yr. check out the hair.... .
Farkel, I don't know 'bout your graduation photo... but you sure aged nicely a few years later for your wedding. NO WONDER you got married at 19!!!! Some little JW hottie was just waitin' for ya! : )
Ok, I bite... "how"? : )
Hands Up If You Enjoy Being OnThe Job!
by Englishman ini dont want to become tiresome with my constant carping about the fact that the watchtower, printed here in the uk, is still actually written in american english, even though it is for distribution amongst us brits.. i am starting to realise that every issue that is placed here actually does more harm than good to the witness cause.
allow me to illustrate using the march 15 wt that has just been shoved through my letter-box.
(am i a placement?).
Interesting thread! I enjoy hearing how other nations use phrases and what they think of US terminology. I've never heard of "on the job" referred to in any other way than in police work. If someone was on the job, it meant they were a cop of some sort. Too funny that for some it means having sex!!! : )