Go, SYN, Go! : )
Posts by JBean
Brother Where Art Thou?
by Smoldering Wick ina quick introduction then on to my 2nd post *smiles*.... general greetings & well wishes.....i'm new to jwd, but not new to xjw/jw chat.
i'm 36 years old (and yes...i'm wearing a bonnet and a pink outfit in my pic) (that means i'm a chick for all you lusty men)i've spent the last 3.5 years online laughing, crying, generally healing from my watchtower divorce.
so now that i've let go of all the spit n venom...i sit here worried that my posts will lack the sarcasm and general wicked tone necessary to keep your interest...maybe i should invest in some semi-nude glamour shots?
How to find long lost friend...
by HenryP indoes anyone have any ideas on how to find a friend?
this is a childhood friend that i have not heard of for 12 years.
are there any free websites that can run a search on people (even if they do not have an email address)?
Try Yahoo "people search". Good luck!
Brother Where Art Thou?
by Smoldering Wick ina quick introduction then on to my 2nd post *smiles*.... general greetings & well wishes.....i'm new to jwd, but not new to xjw/jw chat.
i'm 36 years old (and yes...i'm wearing a bonnet and a pink outfit in my pic) (that means i'm a chick for all you lusty men)i've spent the last 3.5 years online laughing, crying, generally healing from my watchtower divorce.
so now that i've let go of all the spit n venom...i sit here worried that my posts will lack the sarcasm and general wicked tone necessary to keep your interest...maybe i should invest in some semi-nude glamour shots?
Welcome to the board, 'wick! Looking forward to hearing more about/from you! Without divulging too much info... can you tell us HOW you found out your elder brother is on this board? Did you use his computer and stumble across something? Or did some of his 'writings' and stories sound waaaaayyyy to familiar? I'm so curious! Do you think he'll reply to you, now that the "jig is up?" Jbean
Average age of apostates survey.
by sleepy ini thought it might be a good idea to find out at what age or after how long we descided to leave the watchtower.. prehaps we my find a patern in it which we could use .. i think what we need to know are ,.
1.age you left the watchtower.
(or age you found out it was wrong).
Hi Mouthy! I like your style...! : )
Average age of apostates survey.
by sleepy ini thought it might be a good idea to find out at what age or after how long we descided to leave the watchtower.. prehaps we my find a patern in it which we could use .. i think what we need to know are ,.
1.age you left the watchtower.
(or age you found out it was wrong).
Doubts started at 38, 40 now...quietly (hopefully)fading
Baptized at 17-18
3rd generation JW...born & raised : (
The Duped Generation
by ISP inso much promised to so many which resulted in so much disappointment, despair and misery.
what future for the young?.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years.
Hiya Fred! I don't know if this was ever touched on before... but may I ask what your profession is? (In all seriousness...)
The Duped Generation
by ISP inso much promised to so many which resulted in so much disappointment, despair and misery.
what future for the young?.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years.
I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! I see this with my folks who are fast closing in on 70 years old! No careers...still doing manual labor. It makes me sick!
Paradise becomes a Prison
by JAVA inwhile doing some research, i came across a cnn.com article, nov. 18, 1998, about the jonestown massacre, and reflections 20 years after.
one subtopic, "paradise becomes a prison," caused flashbacks from my time in the tower.
towards the end, i felt like a prisoner serving time.
Yup...I'm in agreement with you... when Jesus said "the truth shall set you free..." he for sure couldn't have meant the JW's!!! There's gotta be a better way... I'm just struggling to find what that is.
My wife's anxiety, guilt
by ashitaka inmy wife has been depressed each time we see our jw friends.
she doesn't want to see them anymore, because it reminds her of what she left behind, and it makes her feel bad.. i've offered to go back to meetings for a while to help her break away.
she never wants to go back, but her guilt and anger make her so uncomfortable around active jw's.....it's really bothering her.. any good books out there on breaking away from controlling organizations, especially concentrating on keeping the friendships but not the allegiance to the organization in question?
Ashi... definitely do look into getting those books for your wife. The Simple Abundance one is EXCELLENT! I read it myself daily (takes the place of the "text"). Maybe you should look into joining a "club" with her... not just have her do it on her own. You can start slowly... many cities have Adult Education classes that are held in local schools or community houses in the evenings. Pick out a course that interests both of you, i.e., ballroom dance, wine appreciation, intro to a foreign language, etc. These courses are VERY cost-effective and lots of fun. She's sure to make new friends quickly when she's around folks that share her interests!
by Beans inhow many of you have gotten them since leaving or piercings?
i got my ear pierced right after i left and when i was living at home my dad said i couldn`t have it on in the house.i got a tatto about six years ago the look on my dads face was priceless at the beach but he never said anything.. beans.
if you don`t have anything good to say,say it often!
I don't have a tatoo, however, I do know of a few JW's who have them in very discrete places so they'll not get caught!