JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Anybody seen "boat lift?"
by stillin init's a 10 minute film by tom hanks about 9/11.
sorry i can't do the link.
you can find it it's worth watching.. sorry if somebody else has posted about this.
Thanks Stillin I shall watch it with my children later, I hadn't heard of it before - sounds good. -
Who am I to screw up their happiness?
by Crazyguy inthat was the question to me tonight.
because of their beliefs they have a moral compass, a net work of friends and a support group.
they have what they believe is a loving god.
I am not an Atheist, yet based on experience I've found Atheists to have the greatest set of morals and they have nothing to gain.
Agreed, and that is prescisely why , their kindness is usually a well thought out personal decision.
Eg. Pew statistics show less divorce amoung athiests than JW's. I guess because their commitment is genuine, as in some cases JW's will marry because they have to.
Extreme emotions re today's watchtower
by Tornintwo ini was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves erect...eg:.
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
Virgin?? Jacksons wife was barely cold when he grabed a polynesian babe in the sack...thought the end was🔜..what was the point of that, in fact as he's about to get 'raptured'isn't it cruel?
Unless of course he's an old lech...
Oliver Sacks on Humans and Myth-making
by Brokeback Watchtower inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4anuxddg2ii
Thank you Brokeback for the post. I watched this with my 9 yr old son, introduced him to the wonderful Oliver Sachs. I read "the man who mistook his wife for a hat" and musicophillia many years ago - loved him ever since.😎 guy!!
I need some advice
by SpunkedTeen ini dont think ill be able to leave the organization,you see i have no close friends in or outside the jws and my entire family is part of the cult,if i leave my mom and the rest of my family will be heartbroken and i dont want to be the reason they are hurt.
im not particularly close to any of my family members but i still care for them.
i could really use some advice because i have no one else to turn too..
I would add that you are really young and there is plenty of time - don't give up on yourself leading a full and happy life on your terms in the future. Many teens are reliant on their families for their physical wellbeing and even their identity to some extent. All that will lessen with time.
As already said by earlier post I would focus on a support network - friends, collegues, teachers - and some type of education. If it's going to be a problem reserve all your strength for that fight first, even making concessions to your parents in other areas if you have to but get that education if you can you will never regret it.
Vidiot6 hours ago
"Fun-size", huh? Like from a fast-food joint?
Maybe they're being more accurate than they realize. JW congregations are, for all intents and purposes, franchises, after all.
Ha! They were...franchises that Watchdonalds Tower just stole all the deeds too!
You? Armchair Activist Wanted - Looking to form a Team of Letter Writers/Researchers
by mrmagic inare you interested?
looking for a team of armchair activists;.
purpose: to connect everybody to everybody and to get them to connect the big picture about wtbs which is that it is suspected that watchtower has a child pedophile/child porn ring within it.
Mrmagic please or someone is there any chance of re formatting this post so that it is easier to read please?
I've also made posts like this - does anyone know how to read it?
Personally, I have family working in criminal justice/probation service & from what they have said I think it is not at all unlikely.
The Heartless JW
by babygirl30 insoooo...i have recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, and am scared out of my mind.
in a weak moment, i called my parents and my mom answered.
i start crying as i tell her about my disease, and this woman says to me:.
FayeDunaway9 hours ago
Ok. The 'Good Samaritan'...he helped someone he didn't know lying by the side of the road. What would your mother say... 'Oh but my daughter left Jehovah!!'...yeah the Samaritan wasn't the same religion either! Deep seated religious division there...and she's your DAUGHTER. but oh yeah, what did Jesus say would happen to some? They would have no natural affection...
hey stupid witness parents...Imitate Jesus. Actually religion has nothing to do with it. Be a FREAKING PARENT.
I would so love to post this to your mother, the press and the branch headquarters ...if they call themselves christian it should at least prick their conscience
So sorry you are poorly. Xxxxx
Weird "new world" artwork from the 2013 calendar
by cedars inmy mother-in-law has a strange obsession with calendars, and orders the society's calendar each year.
this year's calendar is especially weird.
it features images depicting future events - in particular, the society's vision of the new world order.. i've taken the opportunity to scan some of the images for you all to check out.. please note - there are captions for each of the images, but i don't have the english language version of the calendar so i'd rather just quote the scripture used so as not to reveal which country i'm in.. .
What I wanna know is what they are going to do with themselves now the big reign - off is over (I can just imagine Antony Morris lll getting sent to the pavillion for trying to boss the women about).
Theocratic War Strategy and Watchtower lawyer Vincent Toole...
by Marvin Shilmer inremember brother toole's testimony to the royal commission that he was unaware of watchtower theocratic war doctrine, and that he didn't know what it means?
well wait until you read the letter i just posted on my blog: theocratic war strategy in action?
Enjoyed that. It occured to me, on reading your blog, what a serious matter it is for a solicitor to lie to a Royal Commission.
Indeed I presume it is a crime in Australia. I wonder, would it be possible for one of our Australian members to file a formal complaint to the Solicitors' Regulation Authority or its Australian equivalent, perhaps the Law Society.
Although I couldn't quite read the letter on your blog Martin I am sure it would be adequate proof that Mr Toole had been less than honest with the Commission. Any ex or current Witness would have found his testimony extremely devious and dishonest.