JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Your thoughts on the new Star Wars?
by Coded Logic inso i've thought for a while now that jj has the lowest bar to clear in cinema history.
all he has to do is make a movie that's not as bad as the prequels.
but upon viewing the recent trailers, it looks like he's actually got the "feel" of the originals down.
nicolau ❤❤love your post -
Pop Trivia
by Simon inso many serious topics lately ... so for anyone who wants a break, it's trivia time and the subject is pop music.. which act is the only one to have a top 100 hit both before, during and after the beatles had theirs?.
no googling.
if you guess, you also need to add a trivia question for others to answer..
sorry im texting to myself now.. -
Pop Trivia
by Simon inso many serious topics lately ... so for anyone who wants a break, it's trivia time and the subject is pop music.. which act is the only one to have a top 100 hit both before, during and after the beatles had theirs?.
no googling.
if you guess, you also need to add a trivia question for others to answer..
ooops you have the answer, should read the whole thread. Its funny my husband was moaning that he hated his" Grease" song the other day -
Pop Trivia
by Simon inso many serious topics lately ... so for anyone who wants a break, it's trivia time and the subject is pop music.. which act is the only one to have a top 100 hit both before, during and after the beatles had theirs?.
no googling.
if you guess, you also need to add a trivia question for others to answer..
What about the Bee Gee's? -
Revised NWT...cross references...Has anyone noticed....?
by 4thgen injust let me say, i hate the gray bible.
when i read the revision of mal 3:10 and they included tithing, i almost vomited.
recently though, my invalid mother asked me to read to her and the only thing available was the gray bible.
But we all have a soul that is eternal, which was made in the image of our eternal creator. The Watchtower doesn't like this fact either because it begs the question of WHERE that soul will spend eternity.
Perry, I just wondered what your take on animals is? It's just that anyone who has been close to another species knows that they feel, smile, lie, love etc just like humans - what applies to one must apply to the other surely?
So sorry about your mum by the way🌹
Micro-expressions! Fascinating!
by DATA-DOG inwhile doing some research about micro-expressions and sexuality ( another fascinating subject/ basically gay-dar ) i came across this article: .
i used to watch 'lie to me.
- Liars will sometimes lift one shoulder
- Antony Morris III shoulder twitcher extraordinaire!!!
Oh, and Freddie Franz says, "Thanks an effing bunch!"
by rory-ks inthe faithful and discreet slave are free to look back now and make a mockery of whatever beliefs were previously held by jehovah's witnesses.. they are also free to make types and anti-types of some parts of scripture, and not of others.
they do that thing where they focus on one part so as to distract from the fact that they are doing the exact same thing with another part.. for example, in his talk featuring the new understanding of the "man with the secretary's inkhorn," geoffrey jackson goes on to say:.
we know in recent years we've been careful not to try and make types and anti-types of every aspect of what the bible says.
Is that ego as big as the brand canyon as in Russell Brand, Jookbeard? -
How confident are you about various so called facts?
by slimboyfat inno facts about the world are absolutely certain.
that being the case i wonder how others would rank amd rate their confidence in various factual statements about the world.
i am going to rate my confidence in ten items of "knowledge" as a percentage.
VI just interested in your magician Jesus theory. Do you have any links to info around that please? -
Had any weird dreams recently?
by LoveUniHateExams inso, i'll go first.. i dreamt last night that i was still at uni, i said goodbye to one of my lecturers.
then ulrika jonsson (former weather girl, shooting stars captain, and swedish nymphomaniac) gave me a lift home in her car - wtf?!
she kept trying to change the cd whilst trying to drive (reaching on the floor, looking for a cd).
Loveunihatexams ULRIKA - KA - KA - KA!
CrazySaintBertie Megalodon...oh yeah! Spend hours with my kids looking up all things megalodon.
Your megalodon dream Kind of reminds me of the Harry Potter film where Ron Weasley meets ARAGOG the giant spider in the Forbidden Forrest. Ron kind of asks like u did "are you gonna eat me?" and Aragog gives her word she won't ' but cannot promise her many CHILDREN will turn down this easy bit of FRESH MEAT!!!
This just in new policy bethel
by poopie ini called bethel recently asking a question.
the question was do you have a bible example of someone that showed pricipled love to anothet human by giving them the silent treament for months?
answer well bro are you a jw yes well we will aens the elders over to help you.
You go get 'em, poopie - sock em where it hurts.
They want to send the KGB around Kingdoms gormless brothers