PS I’m so glad your wife woke up. Are you on any other sites? All ex JW sites are crazy in my humble opinion. But I think on this site you can express any opinion you wish....and yes, I agree some of them are boarderline offensive, even. But I don’t think this site is so controlled like reddit is. On reddit only one type of opinion is acceptable. If you express any other you will get a warning and will be literally mobbed. Funnily enough I’m the sort of person who has very Reddit- centric views, but I utterly hate the fact that anyone with other political or religious opinions are silenced there.
I rarely if ever agree with Simon, but I respect the fact he doesn’t try to silence you if you don’t agree with him. Not to mention this site has an absolute wealth of JW knowledge and information. There’s nothing like it for that!! I also think it’s good for more personal support, if you need it.
Im glad to hear you are moving on, are happy and financially comfortable. Sadly it’s not something you can take for granted with ex JWs. I hope you stick around, anyway, at least occasionally!!