JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Sam Heard Womens brains are smaller then mens brains.
by mickbobcat inso rolex sam said this.
is this something the whole cult buys into?
any links to rolex sam saying this?
Rolex Sam!!😂😂🤣🤣💯 -
JW Broadcast needs to take a leaf out of the Anglican playbook
by Diogenesister inhere the arch bishop of canterbury's dean shows jw broadcast how it's done.....or rather his cat does!
no hate speech, no lying, no over-done, fake news caster-y backdrop.and most of all no genocidal threats!.
just a garden, a nice cup of tea and cats!.
Here the Arch Bishop of Canterbury's Dean shows JW Broadcast how it's done.....or rather his cat does!
No hate speech, no lying, no over-done, fake News Caster-y backdrop.And most of all no genocidal threats!
Just a garden, a nice cup of tea and cats!
The Holy Spirit made a mistake in selling off KHalls ?
by Splash ina couple of years ago the wt began their program of selling off dedicated kingdom halls and consolidating congregations into fewer halls.. had they kept these halls, more sparsely occupied as they were, they could by now be bringing everyone back while respecting the distancing laws.. jw’s love to find reasons how jehovah foresaw something and guided them, but it never works the other way when they make a decision that later on turns out to have been a bad idea..
Splash That's a really good point! May well be worth raising with believing relatives.
Hoser interesting comparison, those stats from the business world. We know if nothing else watchtower is first and foremost a business.
If they were smart they'd pay attention to business research....except of course they think they haven't reached the 3rd gen yet! They're still part of the second generation, overlapping the first!!
Did Jesus Have A Dog?
by minimus ina preteen asked me , “did jesus have a dog”?
i thought the question was hysterical.
why wouldn’t jesus have a dog or pet cat or sheep?
Minimus, Bobcat.....😂😂😂😂👍👍👍
I think Jesus was more of a bird guy myself.
Betcha he was like snow White in Shrek and could just whistle and have thousands of birds at his beck and call (or should that be "BEAK and call"). Probably where all that bread and fishes just appeared from!
Jw spokesman Says door to door preaching not coming back!
by nowwhat? inhttps://youtu.be/uaaztatkhkg.
hope link works.
I doubt it will be popular with members of the public for a very long time, especially as the virus will mutate in the next few years and we will need booster jabs.
JWs may be a physical risk to the public but I actually think the public are a spiritual risk to JWs now and watchtower knows it. The child abuse scandals are well known In the western, developed countries and communities in Africa are also starting to become aware and informed by all accounts with exjw You tubers from Africa, too.
The message is getting out there which is another reason people like Antony Morris are doubling down on the "evil apostate we must hate" garbage.
Hate speech toward those who don't share your beliefs is no longer acceptable. Could that be yet another reason watchtower is reluctant to restart the D2D work? After all, their whole belief system is based on the destruction of the undeserving wicked ones .....in other words, the death of those who don't share their beliefs.
Would it be right to post Memorial Zoom codes?
by ExCircuitOverseer ini have come into possession of memorial zoom meeting codes for tonight that cannot be traced back to me.
i will not be attending.
what are your thoughts on posting these codes so activists can join tonight and maybe say something?
I certainly think it's reasonable to give them to someone who wants to observe the ceremony in order to, say, write something on the experience. After all in normal circumstances they'd be able to attend. Also if they wanted to themselves partake that's entirely reasonable.
I think interfering in the service, though, would only serve to confirm their belief that they are persecuted. So for that reason I probably wouldn't post it for just anyone to use.
the gaping hole in this week's weak wt study.
by waton infor pimi pimo persons: give us one text that says those aspiring to everlasting life should not partake of the bread and wine.
in the article, the whole proposition of refusing the emblems is based on the personal experience of one brother in the 1930s.!
all jws partook.
Ds. it goes even further, they even deny that headquarters came up with the idea in 1935 to have the majority of their member cease to partake. Wt attributes that to a spontaneous reaction, vox popoli!. so:
[😳😳😳Mind blown!] If so It was probably down to shock and confusion! I’d put money on their numbers declining in 1936
When You Were A Witness Did You Believe Everything Taught?
by minimus inobviously at some point you stopped believing the witnesses had the truth or else you wouldn’t be here.
but for the most part, were you a true believer or were you typically a rebel or a doubter?
Iriddle80 He had been looking for a place to worship. I remember not wanting to do a return visit because I didn't want him to have the burden of it all.
I know right?! Logically if there's a fair, loving God, we wouldn't preach witness stuff to anyone!! It just "loads them down" with that giant millstone of witness guilt and fear. It risks them failing the test... It should be a red flag.
When I joined the Congo. no Bro wore Tie when on the platform ! This independent attitude continued for a good number of years, hence i did not wake up, the seeming freedom of my new Congo keeping me content to remain.
Phizz If you don't mind, what region was that? It's just So swear it was more laid back late 70s early ,80s....no matching suits for example, and beards were ok.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
if not generations Dr. Introvigne's interest in Vampire mythology is academic, not Satanist. Engaging in ad hominem does not refute an argument. You may disagree with his approach, but he isn't a 'cult apologist' but a rational academic who, like most academics in his field, rejects the descriptors 'cult'
Try telling superstitious Watchtower that Introvigne's interest in vampirism and Satanism is that of an academic/hobbyist. It doesn't matter to them.
Stating that they ditched him for his interest in Satanism etc is not an Ad Hominem. it's just what happened. For the leaders it's all about optics. And out of interest throwing statements like my using "Ad hominem's" around without basis is one in itself.
Children raised as Witnesses are free to leave when they become of age. Many do, and many leave before they are of age. That someone was baptized as a youth does not bind them to the association for life.
Again, not according to watchtower. Whether a minor or not your baptism is binding for all eternity and shunning often lasts whole lifetimes - if not generations.
Introvigne's defence of Watchtower is naïve at best and the cynical ploy of a careerist for notoriety at worst. Watchtower destroys thousands of lives each year from suicide and their blood policy alone.
Vienne I'm glad you're family's experience was benign, but that is far from usual. Watchtower was fined for using hate speech toward those of other faiths/beliefs/lack thereof. I don't know why you continue to argue a completely different point about shunning and the right to leave.
Belgium: Jehovah's Witnesses in court to respond to incitement to hatred
by yalbmert99 inbelgium: jehovah's witnesses in court to respond to incitement to hatred.
february 16, 2021.. https://www.levif.be/actualite/belgique/les-temoins-de-jehovah-devant-le-tribunal-pour-repondre-d-incitation-a-la-haine/article-news-1392951.html.
I love that the Belgian Exjw's only requested one dollar each in compensation.
They didn't want watchtower to claim, as they often do in CSA cases, that they were just fishing for money.
What interests me is their next step. Will they be foolish enough to appeal? Because if this goes all the way to the ECHR, and plaintiffs win, the rest of the world is going to really sit up and listen.
I think one of the worst things for watchtower recently has been Islamic extremism. Governments can't be seen to play favourites...if they're taking muslim faith schools to court for promoting hate towards certain groups, they can't let Watchtower away with it, now, can they?