You just partake of the emblems at the lord's evening meal or what watchtower calls the memorial. Nuff said. If you're baptised they have to suck it up 😜
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Please how do someone become an Anointed Christian in Watchtower Organization.
by bola inplease how do someone become an anointed christian in watchtower organization.
i informed my elders in my congo that i am an anointed christian..
2021-08-August-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
Kimmy reads the important points here on the letters.
Only the elders get to read most of this and I find it incredible that they can't see Watchtower is now simply a Real Estate business. No doubt about it.
Jesus, without sin and a perfect human being ?
by smiddy3 inhow could he be, regardless of how god impregnated mary, as she was a sinful human just like the rest of us according to the bible.. mary was subjected to the adamic sin like all other humans, so jesus had to at least be part sinner himself.. to believe otherwise is just deluding oneself imho .. the only way jesus could have been really without sin is if god created him the same way he created adam.. what do you think ?
The Catholics figured this one out many centuries ago.
Why bother making Mary free of original sin? If God can do that, Why not get straight to the point and just make Jesus free of original sin? It's just not logical!!
David Splane's apostate warning convention talk
by neat blue dog ini know this recent video has been talked about already but i just watched it and here are a few things that got me annoyed as usual:.
splane says that if a bible student says he saw some negative information from apostates and asks us to explain it, we shouldn't look at it or address anything specifically, but instead we should tell them to go to meetings and hear what we have to say about ourselves and also tell them to befriend people at the hall.
for any person with integrity and/or intelligence, this is not a satisfactory answer.
David Splane's apostate warning convention talk
by neat blue dog ini know this recent video has been talked about already but i just watched it and here are a few things that got me annoyed as usual:.
splane says that if a bible student says he saw some negative information from apostates and asks us to explain it, we shouldn't look at it or address anything specifically, but instead we should tell them to go to meetings and hear what we have to say about ourselves and also tell them to befriend people at the hall.
for any person with integrity and/or intelligence, this is not a satisfactory answer.
Re: the Texas abuse lawsuit
Why are two Kingdom Halls listed as defendants, yet not these eight men. I am, however, really glad they state the it was the Governing Body who did Not report the abuse to authorities and that they were reached out to for comment. Unlike the elder, the GB get to hide behind a wall of heavy security and a wall of expensive a$$orney's.
Statements or Comments Made By JWs That Were WRONG
by minimus injehovah’s witnesses claim to be the only religion that has the truth.
they claim to be representing god himself.
can you think of anything that you could use to prove that the witnesses do not have the truth?.
Jehovah's Witnesses sometimes get details wrong that are not essential to their faith (Like what an equinox is for example) but this does not fall into that category.
Hi TD I just wondered how they got this wrong. I'm guessing it may be connected to how they date the memorial?I know it may be quite complex, so maybe a link to something? Thank you!
As a faithful Witness serving as a Ministerial Servant who was given every privilege possible I was rejected by Witnesses because my father professed to be of the Annointed.
Hi truth_be_known If you want to could you explain what you mean please? Again if it's something you're comfortable to go into and won't identify you too much
Statements or Comments Made By JWs That Were WRONG
by minimus injehovah’s witnesses claim to be the only religion that has the truth.
they claim to be representing god himself.
can you think of anything that you could use to prove that the witnesses do not have the truth?.
Min Dio please explain
The Golden Age (now Awake! Magazine) claimed that the medical profession descended from "Satan worshipping Shamans" and that that it was disease itself that caused germs, not vice versa. Just one item among many in a long list of quack ideas was the following:
"Disease is Wrong Vibration. From what has thus far been said, it will be apparent to all that any disease is simply an ‘out of tune’ condition of some part of the organism. In other words the affected part or the body ‘vibrates’ higher or lower than normal. . . I have named this new discovery . . . the Electronic Radio Biola, . . . The Biola automatically diagnoses and treats diseases by the use of electronic vibrations. The diagnosis is 100 percent correct, rendering better service in this respect than the most experienced diagnostician, and without any attending cost.” (The Golden Age, April 22, 1925, pp. 453-454).
Statements or Comments Made By JWs That Were WRONG
by minimus injehovah’s witnesses claim to be the only religion that has the truth.
they claim to be representing god himself.
can you think of anything that you could use to prove that the witnesses do not have the truth?.
A good one is when they claimed that the germ theory of disease was cobblers!
That's a tough statement to live down🙄
Really Proud to be a Jehovahs-Witness, I am a student these days and Saving ALOT thanks to Student Wow Deals
by Studentwowdeals inhey guys, i just wanted to let any felow students know there there is a website just for us to save money :) since the covid i have been buying everything online through them it i have saved alot of money thanks student wow deals.
basically you sign up for free thats it.
hope this helps some people while they are studying!
I'm confused...are you counting time for Watchtower or for WoWcher ?🤨
HELP NEEDED: In publications, reference to suffering due to DF/DS
by EdenOne inhello everyone.. i need your help again.. please point me to instances in the publications of the watchtower (video links also valuable) where there is evidence of the watchtower's awareness that shunning inflicts suffering / damage to the excommunicated and to family members, friends, fellow witnesses, friends .... .... or that shunning is designed to cause distress and suffering to the excommunicated (with the purpose to hammer him/her back into submission).. .... or that shunning treatment is objectively and purposely a differentiated treatment vis a vis to what treatment is given to unbelievers in general.. i need to be able to locate those publications in the wol, and then find the portuguese version of it, to then print.. thank you in advance for your help.
Article "How to treat a disfellowshipped person" on JW.Org
"Third, our firm stand for Bible principles may even benefit the disfellowshipped one. By supporting the decision of the judicial committee, we may touch the heart of a wrongdoer who thus far has failed to respond to the efforts of the elders to assist him. Losing precious fellowship with loved ones may help him to come “to his senses,” see the seriousness of his wrong, and take steps to return to Jehovah.—Luke 15:17.
Also, Eden, unrelated but good for your research, there is an excellent medical/academic article on forced coercion to refuse blood by dissident JWs. I have the PDF. I can send it to you if u let me know your email